The Revenant: Wulf's Retreat - EPILOGUE

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Re: The Revenant: Wulf's Retreat - Chapter 4!

Postby stya » Thu Mar 31, 2016 10:07 am

I LOVE that fence :P
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Re: The Revenant: Wulf's Retreat - Chapter 4!

Postby Amanda44 » Thu Mar 31, 2016 10:08 am

boreial wrote:Have to say, Excellent decorative idea using the un-scribed rune stones as a corral, it indeed does look like a stone wall, a thing that has been suggested before.

It does look really good and will be copying ... :D

Beautiful pictures as usual Dani and you have such nice neighbours! :)
Koru wrote:
It is like in Lord of the Flies, nobody controlls what is going on in the hearthlands, those weaker and with conscience are just fucked.
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Re: The Revenant: Wulf's Retreat - Chapter 4!

Postby DaniAngione » Thu Mar 31, 2016 10:52 pm

grandexandao1 wrote:Maybe when your projects are done thali and I can make a character to see how you have built things this time

I won't let you in. That's for abandoning me this world! >.>

boreial wrote:Have to say, Excellent decorative idea using the un-scribed rune stones as a corral, it indeed does look like a stone wall, a thing that has been suggested before.

Redkat wrote:Thanks for the picture Dani. It look amazing. :)

stya wrote:I LOVE that fence :P

Thank you very much :3

Amanda44 wrote:It does look really good and will be copying ... :D
Beautiful pictures as usual Dani and you have such nice neighbours! :)

You're more than welcome to build your own, but you'll have to show me how it goes :D <3

Well, without further ado...

Chapter 5:

2,000 stones taken from the ground since the last chapter...
The Tower is finally ready!


Behold the glorious tower of Wulf's Retreat! It shall serve as my main "personal house". The top room belongs to Wulfkin while the lower rooms can serve guests or might be given to special people <3 who knows? :)
As for the cellar, it shall be my general store. I like the idea of a general store - a mighty room full of cupboards to store all the stuff. ALL. THE. STUFF. Industry intermediates are usually kept on their respective buildings (like ore on the Smithy or wool on the tailor shop) but I tend to organize final products, equipment and other stuff in categories on a single store room.

I really enjoyed the store room that we had back in W8 (New Thotoshire) but it was too big. We had a fair production of goods for just the 3 of us so we had to build a lot of storage. I don't plan (not because I don't want but because it will be really difficult) to have too much overflow of stuff, so I aimed for a smaller version of that same layout. Large corridors (3 tiles) for easy maneuvering, etc...

Anyway, with the tower my last metal was gone as well. So I needed to press forward Operation Mining. I finally started striking the earth and... guess what! On my (literally) second strike to a wall, I found an ore vein! Jackpot winner!


Surely, it's low Q chalcopyrite but can't complain. Besides, Q won't matter for some stuff like (possibly?) a Brickwall and more houses. It was a good start nonetheless.


By the end of the day the forges were already at work for some basic things like glasses and symbelware. I needed my drinking horn, I've been away from a drinking horn for too long according to my health standards :D
After all this work I was really hungry, however... So I decided to fish a bit. Now that the Pilgrim road is built, I have easier access to water, so it seemed like a good idea. Besides, fish have some excellent FEPs combinations!
I kind of ended up getting more fish than I needed for myself, though... Tee-hee....


Before calling it a day, another surprise. Another gift from my friendly neighbors! :D A bear! A BEAR! I couldn't bear my happiness! The frustration of hunting so far was un-bear-able! But I had one right on my doorstep :3 Thank you very much! I lifted it with my BARE hands and brought it in. After recovering my bearings it was time to feast upon his flesh! I digress, sorry. But bear with me just one more second. Oops, again. Sorry.


Anyway... The bear cape will certainly help with mining :) Besides, it gave me 3 teeth, so I can make a necklace too! Sweet!

The next morning came and the light of dawn was certainly a welcome sight. Wulf's Retreat is finally taking shape, and I'm really excited about everything that is yet to come! I must say the recent... interactions and events regarding the uses and misuses of the "Visitor" mechanics have made me a bit wary of letting the doors open all the time as it was planned... But there's no point in going on if I do not do it, so... we'll have to see how things develop, how are bugs squished and what safety measures I can take to prevent abuse. :) We'll see, we'll see...


I've also started to pave the "main square" - where meetings, events and feasts will occur. - around the Village Idol. It is subject to change, though - especially now that we have a bonfire!


And I suppose that's what matters... Where was I? Oh yeah, we would work on the general storage below the Tower... Well...


Ok, I'll need a lot of wood. I can carry 6-7 logs per journey down the mountain. Oh, gosh. This will take a while...
I might need a road :P
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Re: The Revenant: Wulf's Retreat - Chapter 5!

Postby bolognaman » Thu Mar 31, 2016 11:39 pm

Might be worthwhile for you to invest in some wheelbarrows. Build 6, stuff them in a cart, fill with boards, come back with 210 boards rather than 6 logs.
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Re: The Revenant: Wulf's Retreat - Chapter 5!

Postby Dominick » Fri Apr 01, 2016 3:57 am

Everything's shaping up rather nicely! Awesome work on the tower. :D
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Re: The Revenant: Wulf's Retreat - Chapter 5!

Postby Amanda44 » Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:42 am

Tower does look really good! :D
I'm worried about my one at the hermitage, lol, I hope it comes out ok, I'm using colours I haven't used before, so, fingers crossed!

Love the last mountain pic, the daytime one, looks so crisp and clear. All that healthy fresh air! :D
Koru wrote:
It is like in Lord of the Flies, nobody controlls what is going on in the hearthlands, those weaker and with conscience are just fucked.
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Re: The Revenant: Wulf's Retreat - Chapter 5!

Postby basuranephilim » Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:13 am

Love seeing the screens.
It's absolutely gorgeous.
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Re: The Revenant: Wulf's Retreat - Chapter 5!

Postby pedorlee » Fri Apr 01, 2016 12:53 pm

Ive been showing your pics to my classmates and they were impressed.
These are probably the best pictures here around about the game and they get you into it.
Very inmersive!
Congratz sir!
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Re: The Revenant: Wulf's Retreat - Chapter 5!

Postby Enjoyment » Fri Apr 01, 2016 4:40 pm

Dani, you should realy think about cloning yourself, so your H&H life will continue 24/7, and we could get new chapters a little bit faster.
One of the best in-game-stories I've ever read. Could you PM me the coords of your village? Will gladly supply you with my humble possibilities (though Im sure, it's on the other side of the world - I'm a lucky one)
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Re: The Revenant: Wulf's Retreat - Chapter 6!

Postby DaniAngione » Sun Apr 03, 2016 4:22 am

Well, first of all... I'd like to thank everyone for another wave of kind comments :3
Also the tips and ideas I received here or via PMs - thank you!

And now, a very special chapter...
This one might be a bit longer... Please bear with me! :D

Chapter 6:

It is, isn't it?
Well, the last few days have been relatively peaceful. Another tranquil dawn on the mountain.


I decided to take this picture because I received a couple of messages asking for a more "general" view of the scale, like "how high I am." At first I sent pics with some hemp but then I realized it was abo-- errmm... Nevermind. Anyway, I can't fit the whole mountain range on a single pic (the game won't render it anyway :P ) but this is the view I get from the south when climbing the mountain. It's literally on the top of it :D I might even think that this is, perhaps, the highest tower ever built on Haven (?! Maybe?) :D

A lot has happened in just a couple of days. Some amazing stuff, by the way... :) But Wulfkin will keep these for himself for now... As for the development of the Retreat, the arguably most important single event was the completion of the Austral Slopes Road.


Originally built for the pilgrim road to Wulfkin's Grave, the Austral Slopes Road is now a 10-minute long (on foot) road that goes south from the top of the mountain all the way down to the foothills, passing nearby important spots (clay deposits and water bodies) and finishing on Austral Slope.
This road is important for 2 reasons:
  • I made it so it is entirely supported by carts. So I can now easily go up and down the mountain for wood and other resources like barrels of water or tanning fluid...


This allowed me to stockpile a bit of materials that were otherwise scarce. I managed to finish my cupboards (well... most of them :D ) and also greatly and effectively expand my leatherworking area:


But also...
  • It allows me to easily come from and go to the Austral Slope.

But what is the Austral Slope?
Well, it's kind of an important project - if not the most important so far - that has been mainly a secret. It started like this:


And after a lot of hunting, eating, digging, filling, paving and building (and sparing worms. I separated *all* the worms (190 of them) for fishing :D ), it looked like this:


The Austral Slope will be my official, sponsored and allied farm! :D
I've kept building rules to it - for example, it can't be larger than that, it couldn't be built on flat plains (so I decided to make a stepped, japanese-like farm on the foothills of the mountain) and, well... It had to be literally just outside the mountain terrain.
Oh, there's also two practical rules:
1- It may never hold heartfires/become a settlement of its own. I shall always travel to it and bring its production back to the Retreat.
2- It must not refine or develop any products other than the crops and potentially trees and such. What this means is: I shall not run any industry there (wine, cloth, cooking...) but rather bring the raw materials from it and produce more complex goods at the Retreat.

Well. That was some terraforming and building, but it all went well!

Now... As if these days weren't full already, some really great things have happened today!
There's one thing I'd like to say before getting to it, though... I've been asked (more than once) "why do you play Haven as a peaceful, non-violent character?" Well, there are certainly hundreds of people that play Haven like this, and I'm sure most of them have been asked this at least once. Or even heard the not-so-uncommon lines like "If you want peace go play Farmville" :P
Well, I have to disagree. Allow me a minute for my opinion on the matter... One thing that attracts people to games is, usually, the sense of being rewarded for your efforts. The sense of achievement. Yes, I could play Farmville to make my little pretty homestead... But everyone lives in peace in Farmville, peace isn't relevant in a game where it is the only state. Now... to live in a dangerous, hostile world - and still be able to find friendly people, peace and kindness - this... This is remarkable. This is exactly what moves peaceful people forward: the renewed hope of seeing that there are kind and nice people living on this harsh, cruel world. This is the fun side of being peaceful: you're in danger, you can be threatened but you are still able to find kindness and be kind yourself... this is amazing. It's like a personal challenge, one that you're happy whenever you achieve something. And this day was filled with achievement!

It started with the warming approach and help offering from Enjoyment. After a couple of messages, we set up a visit and he came by... with a whole cart of stuff!


I can barely describe how great this was! So many useful things, food, animal corpses and new discoveries! It certainly saved me hours of basic work to keep myself alive and allowed me to focus on more important things. I also gave him a sneak-peak preview of Austral Slope and he gave me lots of seeds! Combined with some seeds I had saved since the world started, I was able to immediately start up the farm!
Other than that we talked and I showed him the place until the sun was set. He then left to hunt some bats on the nearby caves, leaving me a very happy hermit!

Thank you a lot! Look forward for more visits! Hopefully I'll be able to offer more in the future :)

Not long later, an earlier acquaintance from the first days of the world - I'll call him Z - started a conversation. We have been in touch since we met, though he kept moving south since our encounter. He wanted to help, too - and all help is greatly appreciated - so after exchanging some info, I've realized I could easily reach him with a boat. So I went on to have my first boat journey! (I loaded my boat with snow for him :D )


The travel was very short and tranquil. Soon enough I was landing on his beach and met him on his cozy, nice place. He's been working a lot, lots of projects and things going on - a garden being built behind him, a village being built to the West... He wasn't sure he would stay there for long but now it seems he's really aiming to setle. This is nice, it's always good to have nice neighbors!


I was surprised with the amount of effort and care he also put on all the stuff he kindly gave me. Two stone chests filled with materials for the farm, some curios, vegetables, etc... Another mighty gift indeed! We spent the rest of the day talking and knowing his place, and before sunset I set forth back to Wulf's Retreat.

There's no arguing there. Friendship is magic :D and yeah - there's certainly hope for the Hearthlands :)
W15 ???
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