The Revenant: Wulf's Retreat - EPILOGUE

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Re: The Revenant: Wulf's Retreat - Chapter 6!

Postby caasi117 » Sun Apr 03, 2016 11:17 am

Pictures beautiful as always and the same with the story. keep writing.
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Re: The Revenant: Wulf's Retreat - Chapter 6!

Postby DaniAngione » Sun Apr 03, 2016 5:43 pm

caasi117 wrote:Pictures beautiful as always and the same with the story. keep writing.

Thanks :3 And no worries, I have no plans to stop :D
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Re: The Revenant: Wulf's Retreat - Chapter 6!

Postby Redkat » Mon Apr 04, 2016 9:31 pm

Love The hanging gardens :D
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Re: The Revenant: Wulf's Retreat - Chapter 6!

Postby Enjoyment » Tue Apr 05, 2016 6:27 pm

DaniAngione wrote:Thanks :3 And no worries, I have no plans to stop :D

You should never even think about it )
Do you have a plans to build a charter stone at your village? Cause I started my own village (not litterally, but I have plans for it), and travelling fast to yours may be a good option (especially since you spotted your base on Snow Melting thread) )
P.S. And I'm still waiting for your visit to my base in return - I have nothing to 'wow' you, but a good news - you don't have to bring anything with you;)
P.P.S. When we talked about anonymity, I was thinking about you reveal my char's name, not my forum name - Im not anger with the way you choose, but I wanted my cart to bee a little bit more humble gesture... Anyway, I've became a Batman thx to you ( a dead Batman till my first/last mammoth, but no matter)

PPPS - Hope to c u soon... Your base is something like I allways wished to create, but never did...
Last edited by Enjoyment on Tue Apr 05, 2016 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Revenant: Wulf's Retreat - Chapter 7!

Postby DaniAngione » Tue Apr 05, 2016 6:37 pm

Enjoyment wrote:You should never even think about it )
Do you have a plans to build a charter stone at your village? Cause I started my own village (not litterally, but I have plans for it), and travelling fast to yours may be a good option (especially since you spotted your base on Snow Melting thread) )
P.S. And I'm still waiting for your visit to my base in return - I have nothing to 'wow' you, but a good news - you don't have to bring anything with you;)

Yes, I do have plans to build a charter stone! Rock Crystals are kind of a commodity, though, so it might probably take a while... at least until I get some stuff worthy of trading! :)
And I know I kind of did that, but I don't mind people knowing my coordinates... the idea is, after all, to one day have it open :D
I shall visit you soon :D and no worries, I'll figure out something to take with me :3

Chapter 7:

Greetings, everyone :)
Recent days have been a bit slower. I'm undergoing some necessary processes of organizing the new farm, stabilizing food production for once and raising up some stats for better hunting and mining. I must say that with the presents I've been getting, raising strength isn't being as complicated as I thought it would be.... Thanks, Torin and all the others that have been helping! :D


It's really amazing when I got out for some chore and found one of your amazing gifts :3
I finally found some basalt stone for runestones before my village idol and so I can finish it properly now. I like to inscribe a message about the founding of the village, so I wrote this little piece here.


The runestone says:
"What are men to rocks and mountains?" - Here, on the 48th day, Wulf's Retreat was founded.

The quote is from Jane Austen :)

Anyway... now that I'm finally producing some essential things (like fiber) I can work with herbalist tables and such. I also decided to improve my tanning tubes since I can't get leather higher than q28, and I noticed my tubs are really pulling the average down. So if I need wood, that means... night expedition down the mountain!


I really loved that angle. I kind of wished that I had 9 people for a "Fellowship of the Ring" picture :D but I suppose that me and my trusty cart will do :)
I chopped wood for a while but a little before dawn I've started to notice some strange signals. Dead animals here and there, found a scent... I figured it was probably a bit risky to stay out for longer and returned to the Retreat. I'll never know if it is related or not - but not long after an unknown lone rider approaches the village. I try to talk with him but get no response. He stands there, mounted on his mare, watching. After a while, he vanishes into the night...


A bad omen? Perhaps. Thing is, first thing in the next morning as I got out... I find a road. A road has been built overnight! Well, I suppose I'll take it as a compliment that it passes right next to me :D
I honestly don't know if it belongs to a village called Ebenople or to people that want to go there or even who are them... But it doesn't matter, I might follow it later to find out where it leads :)


Things have been a bit odd lately, so I thought it would be careful to conduct some outside operations on horse this time. Mounted up trusty Nimbus and rode for a morning hunt on the nearby woods. Also traveled down to Austral Slope Farm to get some crops. With all that plus the presents, I had a real banquet waiting for me... And so, for the first time since the start of the world, I was able to feast and eat like a true gentleman, table and all :D


No more rat-on-a-stick... Well, at least not for now :D
I do like the rat... Yummm.... Ermmm, anyway...
The real deal happens when I leave the mansion, though.

At first, I thought a friendly mammoth was visiting me by the west gate. I could see his symbol on the map and thought "How cute!".
It did not move, however... and I started moving there to make sure and...

That happened.


I seriously couldn't believe it. A mammoth! The king of the mountain! I don't even know who to thank, to be honest... so... Whoever placed it there - THANK YOU VERY MUCH! <3
I was amazed by the amount of food and hides it provided, not to mention these really helpful figurines it gave me after managing his tusks...
I needed three travels back and forth from the storage to store all its stuff :D

That was a mighty, wooly gift indeed. Thank you very, very much :3


One day I shall take one down myself! And then...
Then I'll be able to say: I've survived the mountain :D
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Re: The Revenant: Wulf's Retreat - Chapter 7!

Postby Enjoyment » Tue Apr 05, 2016 6:57 pm

Another one brilliant chapter - someone could say "There is no action here!", but wait! This is just a quick break before all the thing from Dani's head could be realized in H&H. You should believe me - I was there and saw that place - it is so amazing even on that early stage!

One moment though - my version of the text above:
DaniAngione wrote:...but not long after an unknown lone rider approaches the village. I try to talk with him but get no response. He stands there, mounted on his mare, watching. After a while, he vanishes into the night...


A bad omen? Perhaps.

"I've started to build my brickwall..." ))
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Re: The Revenant: Wulf's Retreat - Chapter 7!

Postby grandexandao1 » Wed Apr 06, 2016 5:40 am

Enjoyment wrote:"I've started to build my brickwall..."

you should listen to that, brother :roll:
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Re: The Revenant: Wulf's Retreat - Chapter 8!

Postby DaniAngione » Fri Apr 08, 2016 10:16 pm

I'm sorry it took me a while to compile more useful stuff :D
Here we are...

Really, really good things have been happening .. :)

Chapter 8:

It was a bit complicated to come up with a name for this chapter, to be honest. But I guess it makes sense after the more... ominous feelings from the last one, with the strange rider and all that.
This time it's all about development! Development everywhere!

Down by the foothills of the Mountain, on Austral Slope Farm, we're finally getting our first harvests!


Something that, of course, would've taken a lot more of my time if not by the help of all the excellent people that helped over the past few chapters by donating stuff and seeds!
For the last crops that I didn't have already, I traded again with my fellow neighbor Tom. Turns out I had a couple things he didn't discover himself yet and it was all good!


Meanwhile, in the heart of the Mountain, following a really long and thin scrape of ore turned out to be an excellent prospect! I also found black coal and I sense - or maybe I'm just being optimistic - that there is more to found yet!
Mining has been exhausting, a lot of water is required to keep the operations running...


But it is certainly worth it! Although I'm not even a Deep Artificer yet - and I'm certainly working with cheap, low smelting ratio ore (chalcopyrite) - I'm kind of having a bit of luck! Maybe the Gods themselves have blessed this endeavour. Or perhaps they're saving the Troll spawn for later... :D


At any rate, I'm keeping the iron stockpiled for now... I'm going to wait for Deep Artifice before working it into wrought iron and steel, it's never wise to abuse your own luck :) and I think I prefer my iron cast rather than slag :P

With things working well on all ends and Nimbus now properly fed, I can use him for more manual labor than I could before, which is helping me to gather resources faster than ever - especially since I found out that not only my road works with carts but it also works with carts when pulled by a horse :D I wonder if it works with wagons...?


I also finally managed to build my well. I had to wait for another server restart (because of issues) but ended up being - yet again - very fortunate. My first wall attempt gave me the absurd amount of like 200+ ropes :(
When I tried another place, though... the number was raising by the tenths! And luckily, quite next to the smithy, I found a place that only asked me 4 ropes and 20 stones! Yay - free water!


Quality isn't bad either. Average is 15. It's a bit sad because I knew a q30 water spot but I'm afraid I'll hardly travel all the way there again for water now that I can get it here. I'm also thinking about building more wells to see if I get a little improvement, but that's on hold for now. Making ropes is particularly annoying, at least until my fiber production isn't stabilized.

Anyway, by nightfall I started working on the next big and important project! Another piece of the 'public area' - and a very cute and important one...


The sheep pens! I have always dreamed of raising sheep on a mountain top and now that dream can become a reality! :D At least in Haven, that is... Well, the dream was in Haven too, so we're good :roll:
Took me a while to get all the stuff I needed... These stone fences I came up with might look nice but they're extremely annoying to craft since I have to sculpt stone by stone.


Luckily I seem to be on top of a Schist deposit - the stone I use for some of the more washed, brown-ish tones - and my new mansion cellar provided most of the raw materials!
A little snow mound here and there... and that's it. Ready for a happy, thriving family of sheep!

Before anything happens, though, I'm yet again graced with a great gift from Torin! Thank you, mate! Keep up rocking!


This beautiful sword will certainly help me - a lot - when hunting. And that shield is really cool! I like the design, that was an awesome present. Thank you very much :)

Just out of curiosity, here's another more general view of how's Wulf's Retreat building up. As you can see, the south wing (private area) is pretty much complete (with the exception of the possible Minehole and the remaining coops) and the west wing of the public area is quite done, too. It mostly lacks some other buildings I want to build (an Inn, public stables, the Wine Press, etc...) and all the decoration/detailing as I've been doing with snow and such.


Anyway... Things have been calm and good these last couple days. For the upcoming days I shall focus on the mining operations and on bringing some mouflons back home for taming. I kind of found one, to be honest...


A bit far away, though. So the question for the next chapter remains: will we get home safely? :D
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Re: The Revenant: Wulf's Retreat - Chapter 8!

Postby linkfanpc » Sat Apr 09, 2016 2:33 am

I hope they add something like counters so you can make an actual bar when beer is re-implemented!

In the meantime, you could use a bunch of tables!
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Re: The Revenant: Wulf's Retreat - Chapter 8!

Postby DaniAngione » Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:28 pm

linkfanpc wrote:I hope they add something like counters so you can make an actual bar when beer is re-implemented!

In the meantime, you could use a bunch of tables!

I definitely would love to have a counter! :D

I'd love to have wine rack back, too. A bunch of wine racks would make a better counter, I guess... But we can't even drink them, so... :(
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