Ape Client

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Ape Client

Postby boshaw » Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:03 am

Base (Window x64):
Latest Update [10/15/16] (This will be the last update posted, as from here on how the run.bat will auto update)
In case you wish to reset your settings here are the defaults:
- on your first run most of your windows will be clusted and small at the top left, just move and resize.
- Also on your first login you'll see a new login screen initially, this is used for you to type a password for the account manager. On your first run hit the "Make Account" button, later runs hit "Login" with the same password you entered before. At the normal hafen login screen use that window that says "Login Wizard" and just put your accounts in there, always hit "Save" and hit "Login" while on the account you want to log into selected. This data is stored in data/lm.dat if it concerns you.

- Most of UI can be moved by dragging, speed meter can be moved by ctrl+drag
- You can make seperate UI Themes/Menu icon themes if you wish.
    UI Themes are in data/theme/* - you can look at the default theme and see the files you can edit to make a new theme, just make sure all the files in default/ are in your own custom theme. I plan to flesh this out a lot more than just UI skins which is basically what it's now, but that's for another time.
    Menu themes are in data/menu/* - likewise look at default/ or coles/ and you can see what files are needed to make a new theme.
    You can select your theme in game via Options -> UI Settings
- external Food/Glut meter (those square meters at top left on first start)
- Alt + Right Click obj menu
    - Hide/Unhide - hides/unhides the object (Can see a collective list via Ctrl+H)
    - Add/Remove Sound - add a sound to the object upon seeing it everytime (Can see a collective list via the Sound Config menu icon)
    - Delete - Deletes the obj _and all other objs that are the same_ from your client and will continue to do so anytime it detects it (Can see a collective list via the Delete Config menu icon)
    - Delete This - Deletes only this obj
    - Edit Gob (ignore for now, will add in later again)
- Alt + Right Click ground
    - Add Gob (ignore for now, will add in later again)
    - Edit tile (ignore for now, will add i n later again)
- Study window is seperate only via menu icon (s) at base menu
- Can interact with hidden objs, just right click where it would be or the square
- Can rename combat schools (right click them)
- Character window has been scaled down in certain areas
- Ctrl + g = grid mode, it's colorized based off Z levels and data/grad.png
- 'n' - nightvision
- 'p' - pause
- Pathfinding. Manually via ctrl+shift+alt click or there's a keybind to toggle on/off pathfinding by default.
- Scripting, done via ABCL. All scripts are in scripts/ . There's a bunch there, some work, some don't. If you want to make your own just use existing ones for example. scripts/config.lisp has all your interfaces to the client, some don't work right now since I didn't readd (ie: combat) but i'll do that eventually. The file names will give away what the functionality of the script is also.
- You can lock items in inventories via ctrl+right click
- You can lock items on your mouse via ctrl+right click, letting it act like an extra inventory space. Beware, you can't swim with an item on mouse
- You can lock building objs you're trying to place via ctrl+middle click, really only useful for stuff like milestone building in tight spaces
- shift+ctrl+left click = take all of that kind
- alt+left click = drop all of that kind
- right clicking something that is equipable will equip it in most cases, limited by what's known to be equipable and if you are holding something.
- quick interact with an _locked_ objs on your mouse via 'q'
- Chat is a bit different from defaults
    - You have 5 tabs dedicated to certain types of chat, the last one is for scripts
    - The "???" you see in the bottom left means you don't have a default channel to send your text to
    - You can set the default channel by typing the following in the chat line
      '/a' - for area
      '/v' - for village
      '/p' - party
      '/b' - scripts
      '/w persons-name' - for a private chat (iirc person's name can't have spaces for now, i'll fix it later)
      Alternatively you can just type the initial thing and a message to not change the default channel (ie: '/a whatever' won't change you to /a, but will type in area)
- Alt + click queues movement
- Cave dust lasts 30 minutes iirc
- Loading screens are no more, but you'll see blackness as stuff loads and grids will pop in as ready
- Hotbars are seperate, by default only numbers is shown (Options -> UI Settings allow for F keys/ Numpad). You can also orient them 3 ways!
- Timers (from Amber)
- Shift + b, Shift + c bring up menus you can search buildings/crafts via (k-t)
- Flowermenu is a list (k-t)
- Options has a bunch of options you can fool with, a list of them all can be found belowhidden can't double hide...
    Video Settings:
    Shadow Quality - increases the quality of shadows, 0 = worst, 7 = best
    Render water surface - removes that blue surface if desired
    MSAA - this is just the level of MSAA which the client uses, It's barely noticeable at higher levels tbh
    Map Grids Radius basically higher = more grids shown, lower = less. Beware higher will make you lower fps.
    Wireframe mode - wireframe everything
    No Gob Overlay - turns off gob overlays from that patch long ago
    Show Weather - turns off weather
    Symmetric Outlines - makes those black lines around everything more bold
    Show Flav Objs - turn off flavor objects
    Simple Crops - Amber
    Show Trans Tiles - turn off transition tiles
    Show Animations - Turns off some animations
    Colorful Cave Dust - random cavein dust colors
    Gob Path/Animal Path/Hide/Target color - edit the colors of these features
    Audio Settings
    Timer Volume - for amber's timers
    No Gob Audio - objs in game won't emit audio
    UI Settings
    This is mainly changing themes/showing windows or hiding them
    Window/Button/textbox - click the color boxes to colorize your ui a bit (add transparency, etc) [ The default theme is meant to be recolored by you via this ]
    Gameplay Settings
    Ridges block pathfinding - whether or not ridges act as hitboxes, typically with scripts this may as well be off, but if you manually use pathfinding you'll want it on
    Predictive moves - just sends the server your queued moves slightly ahead of time to make it more smooth
    Pathfinding Tier - This is just a level of accuracy i n the Pathfinding, 1 = best and slowest, 3 = worst and fastest.
    Flatworld - haven!
    Show hidden box - show the hide boxes or not
    Show hitboxes - shows hitboxes of objs
    Show hitboxes only - shows only hitboxes of objs, ignore for now
    Show Gob path - show obj paths as they move
    Show crop stage - show crop stages
    Show Beard
    Wizard Mode
    Smart aim - once locked onto a target you don't need to worry about clicking exactly on them again, assuming they didn't move out of the aimming view, etc.
    Show Gob HP - shows armor/shp hits as you get them on objs
    Auto Hearth
    Ortho Cam Lock - can't remember
    Free Cam Lock - locks one of the axis in free cam
    Show Minimap view - just puts a square over where objs should be loaded in
    Store Minimaps
    Quick Flowermenu - if there's less than 3 options for a flower menu it'll auto select. By default first option, if shift held = second option. Anything more will show the menu and holding control will always show it. Things like "Empty" option have been rearrange to not be default, etc.
    Item Q Preview - No preview, Avg Q, Three Qs on the items
- Configurable key binds (ctrl+k by default or keybinds.ini), these include the following actions:
    - Pause
    - NightVision
    - Profiling
    - Console
    - Use Handslot 1/2
    - Set chat to last person who whispered you
    - Toggle for a bunch of windows
    - Stop last script
    - Toggle free cam lock
    - Toggle grid
    - Toggle obj radius
    - Few options for changing speeds
    - Use held item
    - Lock held item
    - Fight move keys (won't show in preview on character window)
- A skybox
- 3D minimap option
- First person cam because why not :3
- toggles for returning items to their original inventory on drop if desired
That should be all, if there's any file that doesn't look like it was mentioned or used it's probably for future uses.

https://gitlab.com/Boshaw/hafen-ape/blo ... /changelog

Just pm me if you run into an issue or need something explained better. There could be a few lurking, especially in scripts since I merged over a lot of this stuff from previous clients.

Last edited by boshaw on Sun Nov 06, 2016 4:38 pm, edited 30 times in total.
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Re: Ape Client

Postby sabinati » Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:06 am

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Re: Ape Client

Postby sabinati » Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:06 am

on a scale of 1 to 10, this client raped my mother and killed my father
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Re: Ape Client

Postby sabinati » Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:07 am

god bless
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Re: Ape Client

Postby boshaw » Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:09 am

sabinati wrote:finally

Someday I'll finish that text one for you or just morph this into it as an opt
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Re: Ape Client

Postby sabinati » Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:12 am

either one is cool
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Re: Ape Client

Postby sabinati » Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:15 am

why don't you have that shit on the github tho
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Re: Ape Client

Postby boshaw » Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:23 am

sabinati wrote:why don't you have that shit on the github tho

I use this for private stuff since it's free.
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Re: Ape Client

Postby sabinati » Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:26 am

sorry, me no understando, you have various other public repositrories on the 'hub
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Re: Ape Client

Postby boshaw » Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:28 am

sabinati wrote:sorry, me no understando, you have various other public repositrories on the 'hub

I use the lab for things that are private or were. I just didn't bother putting this over on hub.
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