CinderHeart PRANKED

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CinderHeart PRANKED

Postby Jesus_Smith_Nandez » Sun Oct 02, 2016 6:17 am

I would first like to say I'm sorry for this, but was it worth it? Yeah for sure.

It started with one of my good noob pals, of which I have many scattered around the hearthlands, PMd me some chat logs of a guy named Fenrir. In these, he was calling my really good friends in AD autistic with absolutely no previous knowledge.
[2016-09-05 16:22:28] Fenrir: Umm my Benefactor was kind of in a feud with
[2016-09-05 16:22:29] Fenrir: AD
[2016-09-05 16:22:35] -CENSORED-: I had some run ins with them and wanted to run
[2016-09-05 16:22:38] Fenrir: it's really better this way so tenuous things don't happen
[2016-09-05 16:22:39] Fenrir: Yeah
[2016-09-05 16:22:44] Fenrir: They are autistic af, but don't tell them that

Clearly such treachery would not go unpunished!

The prank begins with me memeing my way into eastern consortium discord chat, even though I'm in the west of the map. Generally, every one was really chill and nice, but one guy had the most insufferable autism and it hurt to speak with him. He would consistently message me with the rantings from his madman brain to the point where I was seeking therapy. Knowing there was only one cure, I got my prank gear and my prank cameras ready to go and headed out into the field.
Here is an example of the shit he says, alternating and messaging me on 3 different alts:
[2016-09-10 19:02:23] Wanderer: what's up boyo
[2016-09-10 19:02:29] Fenrir: ah hi!
[2016-09-10 19:02:34] Fenrir: The benefactor of TossedSalad :)
[2016-09-10 19:02:41] Fenrir: the next thing you'll say!
[2016-09-10 19:02:46] Fenrir: Is How'd you know that?!
[2016-09-10 19:02:47] Fenrir: To You!
[2016-09-10 19:02:55] Fenrir: Tsugi ni omaewa
[2016-09-10 19:03:36] Wanderer: spooky
[2016-09-10 19:03:41] Fenrir: Poor shame he has chosen to reneg on his indentured servitude to you
[2016-09-10 19:03:47] Fenrir: But otherwise I just went weebshit on you :^)
[2016-09-10 19:03:55] Fenrir: That's a Joseph Joestar Bloodline Parlor trick
[2016-09-10 19:04:05] Fenrir: Using intuition to guess your next line ;^)
[2016-09-10 19:12:25] Ratatoskr: shame that TossedSalad 'tossed' away his indentured servitude long time ago
[2016-09-10 19:12:31] Ratatoskr: :)
[2016-09-10 19:12:33] Ratatoskr: boop
[2016-09-10 19:12:48] Wanderer: he was the coolest cook around
[2016-09-10 19:12:58] Wanderer: always made honeybuns
[2016-09-10 19:13:05] Ratatoskr: sounds like him
[2016-09-10 19:13:15] Ratatoskr: The first thing he said after the first day I met in a halfchan thread
[2016-09-10 19:13:16] Ratatoskr: was
[2016-09-10 19:13:19] Ratatoskr: Hey sweetheart
[2016-09-10 19:13:46] Wanderer: so this is fenrir also, right?
[2016-09-10 19:13:54] Ratatoskr: Si
[2016-09-10 19:13:59] Ratatoskr: continuing on the theme of Norse mythos
[2016-09-10 19:14:07] Ratatoskr: This time im the squirrel messenger ;p
[2016-09-10 19:14:48] Wanderer: tru
[2016-09-10 19:14:50] Wanderer: warriorz
[2016-09-10 19:14:53] Wanderer: fite
[2016-09-10 19:14:54] Wanderer: 2
[2016-09-10 19:14:56] Wanderer: the
[2016-09-10 19:14:57] Wanderer: def
[2016-09-10 19:15:00] Wanderer: :^)
[2016-09-10 19:15:53] Wanderer: so you added me from the discord
[2016-09-10 19:15:55] Wanderer: or what
[2016-09-10 19:16:04] Ratatoskr: to segway your question
[2016-09-10 19:16:19] Ratatoskr: you don't shy away from red rockets do you?
[2016-09-10 19:16:50] Anubis: borf
[2016-09-10 19:17:00] Anubis: I've taken the liberty to deviate from Norse mythos
[2016-09-10 19:17:18] Anubis: at divulged into Egyptian nomenclature for this char? :)
[2016-09-10 19:19:11] Anubis: This jiffy jackal just justifies my alliteration of j's
[2016-09-10 19:19:56] Wanderer: you are the most
[2016-09-10 19:20:00] Anubis: autistic?
[2016-09-10 19:20:03] Wanderer: entertainingly autistic person
[2016-09-10 19:20:04] Anubis: the most of the most
[2016-09-10 19:20:05] Wanderer: yeah
[2016-09-10 19:20:06] Anubis: :)
[2016-09-10 19:20:11] Anubis: I have the most biggest red rocket
[2016-09-10 19:20:25] Anubis: That lynx guy who got hazed in Obesity's video would be put ot shame
[2016-09-10 19:20:30] Anubis: what was he Frostbite?
[2016-09-10 19:20:32] Anubis: yeah. . .
[2016-09-10 19:20:47] Anubis: but
[2016-09-10 19:21:11] Anubis: I'm not like that guy , he leaks power level everywhere just from my conjecture of limited knowledge of his autism
[2016-09-10 19:21:24] Anubis: perhaps I really am on point?
[2016-09-10 19:22:48] Wanderer: so i heard you don't liek ad
[2016-09-10 19:23:03] Fenrir KoS: sounds like a projection
[2016-09-10 19:23:13] Wanderer: my good pal -CENSORED-
[2016-09-10 19:23:17] Fenrir KoS: but I can excuse that really, I'm indifferent to these factions so and so
[2016-09-10 19:23:29] Fenrir KoS: that sadly makes my point stronger
[2016-09-10 19:23:34] Fenrir KoS: and my case a bit more solid
[2016-09-10 19:23:40] Fenrir KoS: I believe he wants to think what he wanted to
[2016-09-10 19:23:54] Wanderer: do you overthink everything?
[2016-09-10 19:23:59] Fenrir KoS: perhaps
[2016-09-10 19:24:07] Fenrir KoS: but I can't multitask well
[2016-09-10 19:24:26] Fenrir KoS: I was o nthe verge of doing my daily run of chores :s
[2016-09-10 19:24:50] Fenrir KoS: I cant talk well and do silk at the same time, I forget too often
[2016-09-10 19:25:05] Fenrir KoS: but to your question, I'll tell a story
[2016-09-10 19:25:16] Fenrir KoS: the previous one with AD
[2016-09-10 19:25:39] Fenrir KoS: I actually had been a benefactor of these two guys named Vigilance and Aalex, known as Altair and AAlex respectively in game in world 5

[2016-09-10 19:32:56] Fenrir KoS: we've opined and given eachother respect
[2016-09-10 19:32:58] Fenrir KoS: least I could do
[2016-09-10 19:32:59] Fenrir KoS: ahh
[2016-09-10 19:33:08] Fenrir KoS: I am CuroRisluodi and I added you now
[2016-09-10 19:33:21] Fenrir KoS: How I knew your good old pals is by lucky circumstance, and a combinatio nof dserendipity
[2016-09-10 19:33:25] Fenrir KoS:
[2016-09-10 19:33:29] Fenrir KoS: Here should show my map where I am
[2016-09-10 19:33:36] Fenrir KoS: I like to wakeup in the morning at 8
[2016-09-10 19:33:45] Fenrir KoS: Like a baby I wakeup without fatigue or weariness
[2016-09-10 19:33:53] Fenrir KoS: I make sure to keep my nails trimmed cleanly
[2016-09-10 19:34:04] Fenrir KoS: I prefer to snack at St Gentlemen's and have a 'Duwang'
[2016-09-10 19:34:08] Fenrir KoS: I am Kira Yoshigake
[2016-09-10 19:34:16] Fenrir KoS: and I just want ot live a quiet life
[2016-09-10 19:34:29] Fenrir KoS: I named my Sutando Killer Queen
[2016-09-10 19:35:21] Fenrir KoS: My Sheer Heart attack! Has 「No Weakness」and always gets his prey
[2016-09-10 19:39:42] Fenrir KoS: :lo

Imagine this multiple times a day, horrifying.

As I spoke more and more with this crazy person, the more adamant he was at meeting me, which was funny. It was like the prank had made itself happen, without me having to input any effort at all. It must have been fated! Over the span of a few weeks, he kept on wanting to meet me at different locations on the map that I had no way to get to. At last we were able to agree to meet at a village that we both know. Unbeknown to CinderHeart, we had had some under the table dealings, and it was planned that we would get the kill.

We ended up finally meeting tonight, even though I had been planning to sleep soon. I showed up to the base alone, with only one friend on an alt with a boat in case the prank went wrong and I had to escape. Other than that there was no real gank that was happening, just a fight. The door opened and I accepted a spar. The original plan was to gauge his stats with a spar and then go live, but the owner of the claim (the absolute madman) evicted the nigr while we were still in spar and downed him (LOL).

For some reason, this dumb bitch was carrying a load of random loot, including:
A pearl
A bluebell not in study
Perfect hole
2 pairs of plate pants (one worn)
2 dhelms (one worn)
A shitload of master keys
A load of curios not in study (2 silver roses incuded)
2 pairs of gauntlets (one worn)
A scythe
A pickaxe
3 swords (one wielded)
2 plate mails (1 worn)
Overall I feel kind of bad but not really. This person needed to die, even if it wasn't me doing it.
All the gear that hasn't been taken has been given to the noobs that helped me pull off the kill, and the rest will be given to other noobs on a later date.
Edit: Your body will be for sale, consider this before building an inherit
Last edited by Jesus_Smith_Nandez on Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:09 am, edited 3 times in total.
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God bless
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Re: CinderHeart PRANKED

Postby RANGERKILLU » Sun Oct 02, 2016 6:33 am

this was actually a rude thing to do
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Re: CinderHeart PRANKED

Postby Salad » Sun Oct 02, 2016 6:49 am

Gotem fam
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Re: CinderHeart PRANKED

Postby sabinati » Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:00 am

your gay
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Re: CinderHeart PRANKED

Postby infectedking » Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:09 am

sabinati wrote:your gay


but yeah, the thread was pretty gay.
dafels wrote:I like to be under Frosty's command.

Any Questions about the game or anything, hit me up on skype: deadlytroll1 Or you can find me in the hedgehug realm chat on discord.
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Re: CinderHeart PRANKED

Postby sabinati » Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:10 am

no, i definitely was referring to his gay
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Re: CinderHeart PRANKED

Postby infectedking » Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:11 am

sabinati wrote:no, i definitely was referring to his gay

how owns a gay? oh shieeeet.
dafels wrote:I like to be under Frosty's command.

Any Questions about the game or anything, hit me up on skype: deadlytroll1 Or you can find me in the hedgehug realm chat on discord.
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Re: CinderHeart PRANKED

Postby sabinati » Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:12 am

possibly a full on harem of gay
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Re: CinderHeart PRANKED

Postby infectedking » Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:14 am

sabinati wrote:possibly a full on harem of gay

A parade of them?
dafels wrote:I like to be under Frosty's command.

Any Questions about the game or anything, hit me up on skype: deadlytroll1 Or you can find me in the hedgehug realm chat on discord.
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Re: CinderHeart PRANKED

Postby sabinati » Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:17 am

i wouldn't be advised of that but i would hardly be surprised.
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