Mazes envisions (end game)

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Re: Mazes envisions (end game)

Postby maze » Fri Oct 28, 2016 11:41 am

Hardcores (are very active in forums)

This two facts has no connection. I'd rather say that social players usually has much worse stats then real grinders.
The fact that you divide players into activity groups based on forum posts indicates that you are not good at game design.

They have a lot of connection.
Let me link you to our forums and game so you can see that general data.
Your "social" data is inconsistent to gaming data everywhere. hell I'm living proof of that.
Also I divide players in groups based what they are. you dumb ass. The forums part was purely where to find these people. It's like saying a doctor is at a doctors office. Where do you find a hardcore gamer. playing a game. how do you get good? asking questions, finding guides, keeping up with updates, forums stuff.
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Re: Mazes envisions (end game)

Postby APXEOLOG » Fri Oct 28, 2016 12:43 pm

maze wrote:how do you get good? asking questions, finding guides, keeping up with updates, forums stuff.

Good players don't ask questions here because:
1. The answer may be incorrect (sometimes even devs don't know how the mechanics actually work, lol)
2. If the question is complex then noone can know the answer (except devs, but they are not tech support, you know)
3. You can wait for a long time until someone will post the answer
Good players read patch notes carefully and then test different aspects of the mechanics. Sometimes, if you get strange results, you can ask J&L via PM or IRC. Or player can just ask teammates via skype/voice chat/etc
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Re: Mazes envisions (end game)

Postby maze » Fri Oct 28, 2016 1:37 pm

So you're telling you've never ask a question.
Cuz even I ask questions.

I've more commonly started each game with asking a ton of questions as I become a veteran I end up knowing everything I need to know.

Then I just would check bugs, patch, guide and w/e as I said. What would mean I heavily use the forums. you don't need to post to use the forums btw.

Also not even these forums are the end-
But even till this day people have who are pretty veteran to the community get on my TS and ask me where potential exploit might be.

So sure if you want me to make the "forums" to social media then go ahead and think that
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Re: Mazes envisions (end game)

Postby zebratul » Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:09 pm

maze wrote:you dumb ass.

Tilted much? How about having a decent conversation without insults?

While some people who are active on forums are indeed hardcore players, a lot of them are not. This is one of the cases of «correlation not meaning causation».
I personally know 5-10 hardcore players who never even visit this questionable place.

Overall, arheolog is correct about your abilities in game design. Some of the things you've suggester lately:
  • The return of stat caps. Stat caps are gone and that's a pretty good thing.
  • Kingdom objectives and buffs. They were suggested a several times, no reason to create another thread with a couple of very loosely defined ideas.
  • Food and FEP «overhaul». No constructive ideas in that thread. «Add a more complex cooking food system» - how's that of any use to anyone? Could you at least elaborate a little, instead of hoping that somebody else comes up with something decent?
    Your food idea suggests that everybody starts with 0 stats and has to constantly consume ever increasing amount of food every day to keep the buffs up, which is a horrible chore and shatters the idea of a character progression.
  • Idle fishing. Fishing need an overhaul that makes it more viable and interesting, not the one that makes the player less involved in it. Stardew-valley type minigame, aggresive and fightable fish and rare curios are the way to go here. Currently fishing is worthless and you can use an alt as an glorified «stake-holder»
  • Off-time. Another thread without any productive ideas. There's no point in listing things like chess or other games. Many of those were already suggested. Instead, try focusing on an idea, writing your own ideas how and what to implement and «selling» your view to the devs.
  • Wurm housing. Yet again, blatant design choices copy. This also was proposed numeral times before. This is Jorb's quote from April 03.2016:
    jorb wrote:A more free form building system is certainly on my wishlist.
  • WWW changes. Minor QoL.

So, in conclusion: your threads seem to offer poor presentation, horrible editing and general lack of interesting ideas.
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Re: Mazes envisions (end game)

Postby dafels » Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:56 pm

maze wrote:
sMartins wrote:
maze wrote:unless it's agi, str or con.'s what i'm saying, simple slow them down....a good 300 char fighter should be able to KO even a 500 char if he fight better than him...if this happen now, then the system is pretty good, no need to be changed...if people want to raise their stats to infinite, let them doing that...simply the benefit would be lesser and lesser...i don't see any effective reason to add stats cap....perhaps only bots could be an issue, soon or later devs will fix also this in someway.

with the new combat 300 vs 500. the 500 would always win.
but really stat caps are to put a goal into mind for stats then to differ down a different path once you hit cap.
That's why i keep repeating stat cap+ systems need to be added.

no? I tested a little bit with punch and i had 3 chars with a 600 ua and 140 ua char, the 600 ua could punch the third char with shield stance + 185 mc(buffed) for 14% from 0, the 140 one punched him to 10% from 0 which is a 4% difference in the result when the other guy actually had 4.2x bigger ua. Stats are not OP at all and doesn't matter that much as you make it to be.
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Re: Mazes envisions (end game)

Postby Kaios » Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:05 pm

That's not exactly true, if they are attempting to balance combat by minimizing the overall damage dealt with most blows using the openings implementation then if you ask me the uncapped str agi con are a much bigger deal than other combat stats. In this case str and con especially since simply using a B12 is enough to deal 20-30 damage at low openings with my shit stats so just imagine what the people with 1k and higher can deal as well with similar statted con can survive a huge amount more hits and have less to worry about for low openings.
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Re: Mazes envisions (end game)

Postby dafels » Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:23 pm

chop should cost coins like all the other melee damaging moves and ya, attributes matter way more than ua or mc right now. I'm talking more about the ones that are like "omg the titans can oneshot anyone" which is not true at all, this forth root nerf on attack weights like 2 updates ago gives a lot more room for survival for lower statted chars against a alot higher statted char.
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Re: Mazes envisions (end game)

Postby maze » Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:33 pm

zebratul wrote:
maze wrote:you dumb ass.

Tilted much? How about having a decent conversation without insults? [/zebratul]
The history of ap and me go back to AD.
Every chance I've gotten I call him a dumb.
I blame him for. Stealing my pearl.

The rest of your post Id quote one by one if I had the chance(I'm on a phone).

I've notice my post need formating.

C&I is ideas. I don't create full ideas namly cuz that's not how this works. Community editing and possible exploits is the generally how C&I work.

the I in C&I is ideas. The section is for ideas dumb or smart.

Some of my ideas are years old(made by me). Like the fishing one...I think. I normally link my thread together when the old idea and new. Or topic that are simlar to mine.

You're welcome for like idk I might need jorb to count since world 3- but basiclly so many ideas and refinements I had put out there. But j&l normaly already have a simlar ideas- to most of my ideas. The question always being should this be put in or not and or does it need other systems.
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Re: Mazes envisions (end game)

Postby maze » Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:41 pm

dafels wrote:chop should cost coins like all the other melee damaging moves and ya, attributes matter way more than ua or mc right now. I'm talking more about the ones that are like "omg the titans can oneshot anyone" which is not true at all, this forth root nerf on attack weights like 2 updates ago gives a lot more room for survival for lower statted chars against a alot higher statted char.

That's semi thought food buffs would be an interesting change. but at the same time risky. Wit a town being able to send out alts with 300food buff right on the bench.
It would semi remove or nerf the titan game. What is fun in its own right and brings it's own drama.
But the titan game is such a small group of people.
It would also equal out a town/nation in war times...everyone can make a quick war alt.

I can't figure out if it would be fun to have such an expendable army or not. cuz the amount of fighting would go from maybe abattle a week to daily.
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Re: Mazes envisions (end game)

Postby Bowshot125 » Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:59 pm

Honestly with the stat cap I wasnt worried about going outside. Because players were on an even level, but now I dont even play anymore lol.
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