Re: The only world reset/wipe requests/discussion topic

Postby Kaios » Wed May 24, 2017 2:07 am

Redlaw wrote:The under dark... this would mean 6 new layers to the underground, this is even a possible new starting point for the brave,, to start in a place that would be a pain. The under dark would be a fanticy type of place, giant spiders, ect.... the map could look close to the surface world, but many rock patches end up as pillars holding the world above up ect... This would as said 5 more layers people could mine into as well. Giving later game content for big faction past exploring a lower world.

Yeah I've seen this idea suggested a few times now and I agree some underworld type area beyond the 5th level sounds very interesting to me.

Although, my ideal version of that would be that the 6th level is the final underground level to be generated mostly for exploration (so you can't start there) and is still the same size as the overworld. Filled with dangerous creatures, deadly traps and environmental hazards that obstruct the way to rare ore/gems and treasure. Bonus points for making it not look as boring as the rest of the underground.
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Re: The only world reset/wipe requests/discussion topic

Postby Sevenless » Wed May 24, 2017 2:44 am

I've often thought that some kind of "unbuildable" region, perhaps one with a non-fixed geography/nodes/whathaveyou would be interesting. I've always envisioned it as a spirit world, but sure a 6th level of underground works too. Could also be the supergrids "outside" the map or some such. Plenty of opportunities to place it.

I don't really think PvE content is going to keep players hopping long term though, at least every sandbox that's ever maintained a large healthy population longterm has had significant PvP involvement. So as much as I'd like it, and oceans, and etc, is it the answer to our problem? I'm not really sure it is. I certainly see something along these lines as an important aspect of future haven (perhaps incorporating it with some heavy chance based activity for some exploration based quality grind to keep mob killers entertained)\, but I feel if we magically created it tomorrow we'd still have the same issues we have today.
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Re: Do you play h&h right now? and Do you want world reset?

Postby sMartins » Wed May 24, 2017 4:28 am

jorb wrote:Not at all. People ask for endgame, and I would love to hear examples of what that could be, or of games that have it.

eheheh :D It doesn't exist of course..
Well, what usually others MMO make is the min/max thing about equipments,gears,etc...and Pvp matches, GvG,etc...with ranks and that stuff.

What I suggest, as always, is better humans interactions that is the best way to keep people playing and for the end game too.
1)Increasing difficult restricted to biomes, so that people start and group togethere in their level location. ( this could be in the classic way=mobs difficulty or in some clever and cooler way like enviroment restrictions=cold,hot weather,or you need to unlock some skill to go there and so on.
This will make also exploration more interesting.
2)Otherwise, seeing you recently are in the mood for Salem types of changes, something like Providence/Boston, maybe in a "spiritual pocket world" for haven, that sound more appropriate.
Features like free market or players driven quests are always pretty fun and keep busy for long time. (flipping the market was always pretty fun to me in similiar games)
P.S.I'm not agree with the free market in the real world, but this is just a game...and it's fun in a game.
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Re: Do you play h&h right now? and Do you want world reset?

Postby 2d0x » Wed May 24, 2017 4:56 am

sMartins wrote:...This will make also exploration more interesting...

The desire to explore new places is often lost because of the fear of losing the character. Yes, you can travel a useless character, but nothing interesting can be found in this case because of low skills.
If I correctly interpreted the first point, then there is no need to reset the world. Generation of individual random dungeons, which can be accessed through portals (Sublime Portico, Charter Stone or a special new portal).
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Re: Do you play h&h right now? and Do you want world reset?

Postby sMartins » Wed May 24, 2017 6:16 am

2d0x wrote:Yes, you can travel a useless character, but nothing interesting can be found in this case because of low skills.

Exactly...stop shit alts, and about the fear and whatever.....mamma mia, start playing this game for what it is and have fun with that, no bot,no alts, no shit costums clients and you'll see that maybe you will be less bored of the game cause it's great....99% of the people live behind a wall and then complain about get bored...that's why.
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Re: The only world reset/wipe requests/discussion topic

Postby Granger » Wed May 24, 2017 10:43 am

I think any thoughts about doomsday mechanics can be skipped, as the theory of
Terry Pratchett (Thief of Time) wrote:“Some humans would do anything to see if it was possible to do it. If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it saying 'End-of-the-World Switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH', the paint wouldn't even have time to dry.”
has been proven with the altar of doom: the bits in the announcement didn't even have the time to get comfortely in their new configuration before the altar had been built and activated.

There are different 'endgames' for different people.
Some like to build stuff and at some point run out of things to erect as all has been done.
Some like to trade but at some point everyone has what they need and trade slows to a trickle.
Some like to kill moving things but run out of challenges (PvE) or managed to remove the available mobs (PvP).
Some like to whatever but are tired of being treated as targets for the prior group (which hopefully got better with the TPonKO).

One big issue I see is that (compared to other MMO) there are not that many sinks in the game: We have the quality spiral (mainly eating metal) that at some point comes to an end for most (except factions) as they deem their stuff to be high enough in quality so they stop upgrading. Food also gets irrelevant for many as they deem their skills hight enough (or the hazzle to make more to high).

Also we have the problem that the motivation of many lower level players can be destroyed by gaining access to immensely higher quality tools (they buy them, or you simply gift them in case you want them gone) as they'll most likely quit after a week or two when they realize that they won't be able to improve on what they have within a reasonable timespan (or ever) and additionally also will never have a need to upgrade the tools further - they reached the 'goal' and feel that they're done.

Hence I think one approach to think about is removing the ethernal quality of items (make them decay by use, eat resources to be kept in working condition and lower quality over time) and flattening the curve of quality increase toward zero (in the long run). The reasoning behind this is quite simple: if the goal is an ethernal world then the quality can't raise endlessly...
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Re: The only world reset/wipe requests/discussion topic

Postby Sevenless » Wed May 24, 2017 11:59 am

One of the big keys about pvp in games I mentioned in my link is that it tends to act like a resource sink. Right now our pvp resource sinks almost nothing. Even killing a guy often produces usable armor.

Right now we have a quasi sink in that quality raising obsoletes older tools. In the early days your Q10 axe stops being relevant when you get a Q20 axe. But when you hit Q200, it becomes extremely difficult to replace that and the whole crafting game slows to a sludge (upgrades take an immense amount of work). Further, many stats/qualities stop being relevant once they're good enough. Q200 scythe? Meh that's fine. Q150 steel sword? I'm not a pvper sure that's good.

Adding in item degradation to all weapons and tools would add a fresh wood/metal sink. I'm hesitant to say we should consider removing infinite Q spiral, but if we added an upkeep to it you'd have much lower maintainable Q. Factions would find a limit where they can't maintain the use of their smithy hammers beyond Q ___. You could give items a wear value that is somewhat inverse to their quality, so low Q items last a long time and high Q items degrade more quickly to make this system feasible and not a pain in the ass outside insane quality.

This plus some kind of increase on the difficulty for crafting items (I suggested this mechanic viewtopic.php?f=48&t=57418 to that effect, I'm sure there are other ways it could work too) would help keep crafting endgame a bit more fresh. Plus... well I think everyone loved old foraging because it was like a low risk lottery ticket. I feel the suggestion I gave is similar, low investment activity that can give nice surprises to liven up the monotony the game can sink into.
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Re: The only world reset/wipe requests/discussion topic

Postby 2d0x » Wed May 24, 2017 12:18 pm

Sevenless wrote:...that can give nice surprises to liven up the monotony the game can sink into...

I like the monotony of the gameplay... It's unlikely that anyone is interested or important, but it's a fact: I like a more or less calm and measured world in the middle of the cycle.
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Re: The only world reset/wipe requests/discussion topic

Postby Sevenless » Wed May 24, 2017 12:30 pm

2d0x wrote:
Sevenless wrote:...that can give nice surprises to liven up the monotony the game can sink into...

I like the monotony of the gameplay... It's unlikely that anyone is interested or important, but it's a fact: I like a more or less calm and measured world in the middle of the cycle.

I like it too, but do you remember what old foraging felt like? Calm gameplay that had a nice surprise once in a while? I'm not talking about making the game super intense, just working in mechanics to give people a little spark of "oh cool!" once in a while that they can work towards. Fate items are nice but it's designed so that you can't work towards it.
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Re: The only world reset/wipe requests/discussion topic

Postby 2d0x » Wed May 24, 2017 12:52 pm

I simply doubt that obsolescence of tools will keep people in the game. My reflections:
Let's say I produce good quality items. Because of obsolescence it is constantly in demand. But ... I wonder if it will be endless to produce the same objects?
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