Rangers Update: Druid Cloak and Rangers Cape

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Rangers Update: Druid Cloak and Rangers Cape

Postby Lorefin » Wed May 20, 2020 5:52 pm

Hi, its kinda sad that a lot of iconic gear from the old stat system continues to give stat bonuses, like for example the bear cape but one of the most iconic, Rangers Cape is kinda useless

Please, give us bonus stats back as an addition to these 2 gilding slots so we can be happy again

Also , now it doesnt look as good as it used to because its just a hood and a cape slot so it doesnt cover your armour or a coat like before eh

But Druid's Cloak looks very good and.... you've got a hood that gives Stealth so almost everyone would choose to wear something else like a helmet or hat with other stat bonuses so its kinda sad that such a cool cape with cool hood is limited to be a coat only for functional purposes...

Maybe let us wear the hood as a cosmetic when we have it equipped so we can decide if we want it to be worn as an equipped item or not but still keep the look no matter what do we pick

We can still show any other cosmetic hat but it'd gret if that was an option too

Give us more coolness pls
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