EnchantedHunter wrote:So, I paid 15 dollars and in the end I can't play the old version on my macbook - I get the error
People, we have resources from the old version - let's make an open source server. There are probably people who understand programming, I know java, but I can't do it alone. I want a very old world, even before the curiosities, it was the best. Are there any licenses? Can we use old resources? Question to developers.
Many people would like to return to the old haven again. When I played in 2010, I had lags due to the remoteness of the server. Developers, help us, give the sources of your server from the past years, we really want to raise several servers around the world to play this great game without lags. Please.
I know it can be frustrating to not play what you paid for, so hopefully reading through this thread can help your issue. Are you using a custom client? If so, which one? I would recommend reading through some of the previous posts that have been made by Borka. There are many useful links, step-by-step instructions, and fixes that may have the answer you need. I can still log on and play without that error, but I'm not on a mac.
I, too, enjoyed the older 2D style of Haven, but there are so many features since the graphics changed that make Legacy haven feel clunky. I highly doubt making some sort of open source or private server would be supported by the devs.