Client Stops Input/Updates

The worst monsters in the Hearthlands warp the fabric of space and time...

Client Stops Input/Updates

Postby Heximate » Tue Mar 23, 2021 2:09 pm

Not sure if a 'bug' per se exactly but could be as this happens for multiple people? Though, I am trying to get to the bottom of an issue that myself and at least one other person I know have been having with the official client, and in his case custom clients as well while they working before the rendering updates. He's had the issue going way back, and it's only started occurring for me on my desktop, and is a problem I've never had on my laptop. Will have to try playing again on that later on today to see if it crops up now where it didn't before. Recap; he's been experiencing this since as of last summer, and now on my desktop computer I'm running into the issue as well.

The symptoms that both of us are having are that after a certain period of time after playing the game just kind of hangs and stops responding to any further inputs or sending game updates. There is a little bit of animation still going and the last active sounds/music keep going in a normal way, so it's not like there's a complete freeze/hang of the client. I'm almost wondering if it's network related but I am on a wired ethernet connection so find it a bit unlikely that I'm having unreliability issues there, but will have to look more into this later if you think this is the avenue of further testing that should be taken as opposed to something else.


Anyway... further information for now about my setup.

i7-3770k - 24 GB RAM
nVidia GTX 760 (4GB version) -- should support up to OpenGL 4.3 features?

Windows 10 / Ubuntu 20.04 LTS -- this issue happens on both operating systems, both of which are fully up to date
Official Java 64-bit 8 on Windows and fully up to date, and 64-bit OpenJDK JRE 8 build 282-b08 on Ubuntu, also up to date
I have never installed the 32-bit Java JVM on either, just the 64-bit packages

Windows 10 - Latest game ready nVidia drivers are installed for my graphics card directly from nVidia website
Ubuntu - have been running latest available nVidia drivers on that as well (as opposed to Mesa)
-- might screw around with this later and try the Mesa drivers, but I have my doubts it's purely graphics driver related??

Command line options I have been running the game with:
javaw -Xms512M -Xmx4G -jar autohaven.jar (Windows 10) -- or even run just by clicking on the jar file, same issue
java -Xms512M -Xmx4G -jar autohaven.jar (Ubuntu)


Don't think this will be exactly relevant but will post here as well, just in case.
Outputs from :clickdb which I enabled once the movement issue happened


Any help with further troubleshooting steps or solutions would be great. I didn't see any console commands listed that could help with debugging network issues, if that is indeed the case, and I looked via forum search and didn't find anything exactly like this that had been solved, but maybe I was searching for the wrong things? Trying to get this resolved before the start of next world. :P

Edit: I have also noticed this seems to happen the most often, but not exclusively as far as I remember, when the game loses focus and I tab back in. When that happens, that seems to be the most likely time for this issue to manifest itself. I am wondering if it has something to do with stuff getting out of whack with the game ticks and processing when the game isn't focused that causes it to happen more frequently.
Last edited by Heximate on Tue Mar 23, 2021 7:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Client Stops Input/Updates

Postby Heximate » Tue Mar 23, 2021 2:12 pm

Oh, and one thing I noticed and forgot to mention is that sometimes after the game seems to 'hang' sometimes it acts like inputs for movement for at least a few clicks worked but never updated client side. Because when log back in after closing and relaunching client, will be in a different spot than was before previously. But I think it only responds to the first few of those or just one here and there randomly as I won't be really far away either. But this doesn't always happen, and I'm usually right where I stopped.
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Re: Client Stops Input/Updates

Postby Heximate » Tue Mar 23, 2021 7:36 pm

Had a chance to try out my laptop now since my last tests. It is now also encountering the same issue that my desktop is having that after a while of playing it just becomes unresponsive in the manner as described as above. It previously never had this issue, but not sure I can say if that's exactly significant either in this context, because the last time I was playing this game on this machine, it was on the old clients and rendering system. I have of course updated the system since then in all manners to include OS to most recent, am now on a newer driver, and the most recent 64 bit of Oracle's Java. So take it as you will, just wanted to add an update since I touched on it before in my original post.
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Re: Client Stops Input/Updates

Postby Heximate » Tue Mar 23, 2021 10:07 pm

Just switched back to my desktop with Ubuntu loaded up again, and switched the display driver option off of the proprietary nVidia one that Ubuntu is suggesting to using the Nouveau display driver for as the open source option given to me. Still the same result, eventually I just freeze up, especially while switching to another window to respond to messages and etc.

Of note, this time I decided to use the hotbar key to jump to my hearthfire while frozen up to see what would happen. Didn't see myself jump there, of course, but when I closed the game and re-opened it for a minute afterward, I was back at my hearthfire. So it registered the input just fine, and even did the thing since I waited long enough for it to happen. Just it's like the client stops receiving game updates from the server in a meaningful way or something? I don't even know anymore. Could be the new client causing issues for me, but I'm not even sure of that as the other guy who was having this exact problem as me was having it before the new client? Networking related maybe? Other?

Anyhow, going to stop posting updates on here until I have something more concrete to test or if I stumble upon some breakthrough. Just hope this gets resolved, or I and anyone else having these issues are probably going to have to sit out this next world.
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Re: Client Stops Input/Updates

Postby loftar » Wed Mar 24, 2021 12:00 am

I too wonder if it's a network issue you're having. Do animations generally continue, and can you still move windows around, control the camera, and so on?
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Re: Client Stops Input/Updates

Postby Heximate » Wed Mar 24, 2021 12:32 am

Just tried again now, and that does seem to be the case. I saw one of the air current things on ground in one direction right after I froze and it kept animating. I was able to open and close most windows and things in the UI, but not all, for example build/crafting stuff did not let me really open anything in those areas. I went into character sheet and upped my Survival skill by like 3 points and purchased it. Was still upped when I closed and re-logged back in, so the point buy was successful.

Think I will try to restart my cable modem and router again here in a minute, and see if that helps this time around. Any other useful tests or things to kind of narrow down any issues, or are you suspecting maybe something going on in the client that I really can't tackle/track myself? I can maybe run some ping tests as I play for a bit as well or something if needed.
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Re: Client Stops Input/Updates

Postby Heximate » Wed Mar 24, 2021 12:47 am

Replicated it one more time for curiosity's sake, and tried a few more things. I clicked on a ladybug in my inventory and it didn't show anything in cursor or seem to react in anyway, but when I logged back in, it was on my cursor as if I had picked it up after all. After I 'picked up' the ladybug without really doing so (visually in client) I also used the pick up command on a nearby log, and found myself next to it when I came back in as well. Wasn't picked up, but that could also be because the server was registering the ladybug in my hand?

Anyhow... time to go restart all my networking equipment for real now.
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Re: Client Stops Input/Updates

Postby loftar » Wed Mar 24, 2021 4:38 pm

Heximate wrote:I went into character sheet and upped my Survival skill by like 3 points and purchased it. Was still upped when I closed and re-logged back in, so the point buy was successful.
I clicked on a ladybug in my inventory and it didn't show anything in cursor or seem to react in anyway, but when I logged back in, it was on my cursor as if I had picked it up after all. After I 'picked up' the ladybug without really doing so (visually in client) I also used the pick up command on a nearby log, and found myself next to it when I came back in as well.

Those things likely mean that packets from your computer are making it through to the server, but that packets from the server to your computer aren't making it through.
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Re: Client Stops Input/Updates

Postby Heximate » Wed Mar 24, 2021 6:13 pm

loftar wrote:Those things likely mean that packets from your computer are making it through to the server, but that packets from the server to your computer aren't making it through.

Okay, fair. I kind of figured that was what was happening, but wasn't sure if this was a common problem that has been reported before and just wanted to give useful feedback in general. I have seen some stuff on the forums that indicated maybe some people were having this issue? To me, It just felt like maybe the event handler or netcode mechanism wasn't able to recover to a usable state/synchronization if networking issues had happened. All speculation on my part as I've never looked at the client code or really done a lot of network programming stuff outside a few basic client/server chat programs and etc. Maybe that's the case and there's no easy fix, or maybe something else strange is going on but I can't think of what as I have no unusual firewall stuff going on or etc.

Anyhow, all that aside -- on my end I've just replaced the ethernet cable between the modem and the router, and have restarted both of those one more time for good measure. Started running the game right now and just ran into the same issue while tabbed out while responding to this, which is really unfortunate.

I'll keep looking for signs of things going wrong on the networking side on my end and see if I can fix whatever it is, if it is indeed just on my side, since I haven't seen anything specific out of the norm in any other cases/programs. I'll just keep looking for a little bit here and there and see if there is something I can actually find. If anything maybe even swap out router and cable modem too if I think there's something more discrete going on issue-wise, but until I see something more obvious would probably be a bit hard to justify to my ISP getting the equipment swap on the cable modem. Guess I could consider buying my own, but we'll see.

Anyway, thanks for the input so far and just let me know if you have any ideas I suppose? Take care.
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Re: Client Stops Input/Updates

Postby MagicManICT » Wed Mar 24, 2021 8:14 pm

have you tried looking at software or firmware running on the different parts of the network, those parts that can be accessed, anyway? Some firewalls are good at blocking suspicious incoming traffic, but don't necessarily block outgoing traffic to the same IP address.
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