2 players looking for a village to join W13

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2 players looking for a village to join W13

Postby SlicingTheMoon » Thu Mar 25, 2021 5:29 pm

My friend started playing Haven all the way back at world 5 and he introduced me to it at world 10.

We are looking for a large and interesting group to join, preferably someone who plans to make a market or actively trading with other villages.

The credos I like to go for are Forager, Farmer, Tailor, Potterer and maybe Gardener.
My main stats are Dexterity, perception, and intelligence.
The skills I focus the most on are Sewing, Farming, Carpentry, Marksmanship, Masonry then a bit of everything for making curios.

I like to take care of all kinds of trees, mostly mulberries for silk, but also large fields of flax for equipment/cloth/rope and wheat for mulch.
If I can focus on silk I will most likely make enough to establish a good trade with several other villages.

My friend is a good hunter, tamer and diplomat, he is into roleplaying and people tend to not kill him
if he gets the chance to talk with them, but the exception is when they are just out to kill.
He is the most likable and social person of the two of us, we are not really cut out to be leaders but would love to be part of a large village.

We are from Sweden but live in Norway, both of us can speak English really well.
Happy New World.
Always working on intelligent Village Designs.
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