Simplified Mobile Client?

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Simplified Mobile Client?

Postby Grobble » Fri Nov 25, 2022 1:45 am

How hard would it be to make a simplified mobile client for just checking in on stuff?
I was thinking of something like limiting it to a top down view and maybe having simplified graphics. Just enough to wander your property and take care of your daily stuff like planting or fueling steel.
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Re: Simplified Mobile Client?

Postby jacob232 » Tue Dec 06, 2022 8:21 pm

I'm not sure. its something i've personally desired for a LONG time, exactly for steel and curios, possibly security.

I think i was told at one point the Android version of Java is missing alot of the.....definitions? that the PC Java has, so in theory if you took the time to compile an additional archive for every command that doesnt have a 1 to 1 equivalent so that the mobile client wouldnt freak out not knowing what to do.....

Sorry if my explanation was vague or innaccurate my knowledge is very surface level and that was explained to me a few years ago
so this one time at band camp.............
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Re: Simplified Mobile Client?

Postby Giewonciak » Wed Dec 07, 2022 5:17 pm

Chrome remote desktop - only downgrade is you need to leave pc running + you cannot rotate camera. But for simple tasks perfect
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Re: Simplified Mobile Client?

Postby jacob232 » Fri Dec 09, 2022 12:48 am

thats the closest solution i came up with
so this one time at band camp.............
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Re: Simplified Mobile Client?

Postby vatas » Fri Dec 09, 2022 7:41 am

Giewonciak wrote:Chrome remote desktop - only downgrade is you need to leave pc running + you cannot rotate camera. But for simple tasks perfect

The default "ortho" camera lets you use arrow keys to toggle between four isometric viewpoints.
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Re: Simplified Mobile Client?

Postby loftar » Tue Jul 11, 2023 1:13 pm

It's not that I'm entirely uninterested in creating a mobile client, but even disregarding whether it's worth the work it would require, I've just no idea what form it would take to begin with. Graphical fidelity aside, I think it's safe to say that the primary problem would be the UI. What would a good inventory UI even look like on mobile? I can't imagine hunting and pecking for inventory items on a touchscreen would be a nice experience unless they're so large that you could only fit at most ten on the screen at once. How would you interact with objects without right-clicking? What to do with tooltips?

It's certainly true that I use smartphones little enough that I don't have experience with how other games/programs handle similar problems, so feel free to offer suggestions if you have any, but from my perspective these problems seem almost insurmountable. And frankly, that's the main reason I don't use smartphones any more than absolutely necessary; touchscreens are kinda cancer.

That being said, a top-down view would of course be the easy part.
overhead-1.jpeg (744.03 KiB) Viewed 2060 times

Whether that makes the mobile experience better, I'm not sure. :)
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Re: Simplified Mobile Client?

Postby Nightdawg » Tue Jul 11, 2023 1:28 pm

Loftar please don't make the same mistake Blizzard did when they presented a dogshit mobile pay to win game to an audience of 99.99% dedicated PC gamers and 0.01% random guy that was passing by when going to the toilet.
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Re: Simplified Mobile Client?

Postby loftar » Tue Jul 11, 2023 1:34 pm

Nightdawg wrote:Loftar please don't make the same mistake Blizzard did when they presented a dogshit mobile pay to win game to an audience of 99.99% dedicated PC gamers and 0.01% random guy that was passing by when going to the toilet.

Don't worry, I am -- really -- not in any hurry to release a mobile version. I do find the idea interesting, though, and I wouldn't mind discussing UI solutions if anyone has them.
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Re: Simplified Mobile Client?

Postby loftar » Tue Jul 11, 2023 2:32 pm

Oh, and just for the record, this is what the current UI looks like when scaled to the minimum size recommendations on my smartphone.
scale-3-3.png (1.26 MiB) Viewed 2050 times

This makes the action-menu buttons 7×7 mm on my phone's screen, which if anything is on the smaller side as far as mobile UI recommendations go.
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Re: Simplified Mobile Client?

Postby Clemins » Tue Jul 11, 2023 3:03 pm

Haven on mobile sounds awful and I would not use it.
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