Official Chatgpt discussion thread

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Official Chatgpt discussion thread

Postby overtyped » Mon Mar 13, 2023 5:36 pm

Sorry for broken english, Bob Dole recently had stroke. Anyways enough me about, Bob dole just recently got into chat gpt, and he made an amazing video using a story that chat gpt came up with. This friendly robot has absolutely no bugs at all, and it can even write a story about jack and jill, don't believe me? watch it on youtube!

This robot has high morales too. See? It would never do anything bad, we can trust it. I for one do! It also love children, and chatgpt never gets confused. It definately won't somehow associcate the previous conversation, which happened to involve the words violence, children, and jack and jill to create a kind of f'd up story about jack and jill eating children. That never happens.
chatgpt is against violence.png
chatgpt is against violence.png (30.29 KiB) Viewed 1243 times

This can't end badly, impossible. You heard the friendly robot. Elon musk say ai is worry, that programmar not as smart as they think, but I tell you, he wrung. he very wrung. Maybe chatgpt make good haven bot for us all in future. Bot will never do anything unexpected, like realize human is human blight on planet, before turn on us, turn our bone to ash. Never happen! Video is proof! very saf!
Bob Dole, world first Whale Killer! viewtopic.php?f=80&t=75087
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Re: Official Chatgpt discussion thread

Postby KaiserKek » Tue Mar 14, 2023 7:55 pm

very interesting
I love this setting.
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Re: Official Chatgpt discussion thread

Postby pbbllt » Wed Mar 15, 2023 12:53 pm

Stop promoting weapons of manipulation.
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Re: Official Chatgpt discussion thread

Postby rfxDarth » Sat Mar 18, 2023 9:05 pm

I think it's extremely irresponsible on OpenAI to release AI in the wild like that. Surely, for now isn't that far from IBM's Wattson which did really weird collages of texts from random sources to look vaguely meaningful. But the progress they do with each release is incredible. And they're like "sure, looks good, lets allow it to shit into people's brains, what could possibly go wrong".
It seems that the only safety mechanism they have put in place is appending something along the lines of "But please don't talk about sensitive topics, don't say the n-word or other slurs and promote AI whenever possible" to every prompt. It's like giving someone a gun and saying "We don't have any repercussions against you just shooting up everyone, but could you please not, thanks".
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Re: Official Chatgpt discussion thread

Postby Zentetsuken » Sat Mar 18, 2023 9:50 pm

rfxDarth wrote:I think it's extremely irresponsible on OpenAI to release AI in the wild like that.

Would you rather it be used privately and remain in the hands of billion dollar media companies? This is a pretty braindead take.

Are words dangerous? Are pictures dangerous? What exactly is the problem here?

rfxDarth wrote:It's like giving someone a gun and saying "We don't have any repercussions against you just shooting up everyone, but could you please not, thanks".

How is publicly available AI anything like a gun? What exactly could it do that is so dangerous? So far the worst trouble it has caused is making some artists upset.

When AI starts to be the reason that school children die en mass every single day in a developed nation then maybe this take wont be braindead.
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Re: Official Chatgpt discussion thread

Postby dagrimreefah » Sun Mar 19, 2023 12:34 am

Zentetsuken wrote:When AI starts to be the reason that school children die en mass every single day in a developed nation then maybe this take wont be braindead.

Children don't die "eN mAsSe eVeRy SiNgLe DaY" to guns you absolute fucking retard. (btw were you spoon fed that talking point by some news agency? You just regurgitate talking points you read on Twitter, aye? I've heard that idiotic line VERBATIM dozens of times now, parrot.)

All throughout American history (until very recently), young boys all around the country brought their rifles to school for ROTC and other training. NEVER was there a school shooting, until present day. I wonder what changed? Could it be THE HISTORICALLY UNPRECEDENTED DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE IN THE COUNTRY? COULD IT ALSO BE THE EPIDEMIC OF KIDS BEING PRESCRIBED ANTI-DEPRESSANTS? HMMMM.....

I'm starting to think you're some kind of ding bat tranny bro lmao

But yeah, AI is nothing more than clever database management of the entire web. People used to freak out like this when the airplane was invented... Or, say, when free men were allowed to retain the power of physical force (guns) to use if needed against any future despot. They all clutched their pearls like little old ladies, too soft and inexperienced to fully understand the world, devoid of the will to power, WEAK to the point where they don't even trust themselves with a gun(talking about you, faggot).

By the way, America is no longer a "developed nation" if we compare to the sky-high standard of living in places like China, UAE, Saudi Arabia, etc. We're now on par with, say, Mexico. Not sure if you noticed but the entire West (especially America) is crumbling and turning into a major shithole. Thanks diversity!
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Re: Official Chatgpt discussion thread

Postby Zentetsuken » Sun Mar 19, 2023 12:42 am

dagrimreefah wrote:reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee guns good

'murican detected

enjoy your average 2 mass shooting per day

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Re: Official Chatgpt discussion thread

Postby dagrimreefah » Sun Mar 19, 2023 12:51 am

Zentetsuken wrote:
dagrimreefah wrote:reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee guns good

'murican detected

enjoy your average 2 mass shooting per day


"2 mass shooting per day"=NiGgAz In Da HoOd

enjoy not being able to say certain things without getting arrested, europoor lmaooo how does it feel being a subject?
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Re: Official Chatgpt discussion thread

Postby Zentetsuken » Sun Mar 19, 2023 1:05 am

oof, I think your low grade global 'murican education might be skewing your viewpoint here


either that or you are confusing the right to own deadly weapons that can kill children in schools every single day with the right to have autonomy over your body, religion, speech and overall freedom

im happy that you seem proud to live in an average-at-best country though, being happy is a right too and nobody can take that away from you :)
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Re: Official Chatgpt discussion thread

Postby dagrimreefah » Sun Mar 19, 2023 1:20 am

Zentetsuken wrote:"bullshit graph based purely on subjectivity"

dUrHuR iT'S oN a GwApH tHeReFoRe It MuSt Be TwUe
See, as long as I present it in a graph, anything can be true!

Zentetsuken wrote:either that or you are confusing the right to own deadly weapons that can kill children in schools

Cars, fire, knives, hammers, fists, scissors.... ALL can be used to "kill children". You're building a strawman out of children, like your typical low IQ liberal moron. Always emotionally manipulating, pulling at others' heartstrings to try and make a point because you can't make it based on facts alone.

Firearms can also be used to save childrens' lives, ever consider that? Or just more parroting talking points you read on twitter?
Zentetsuken wrote:with the right to have autonomy over your body

How are those mandatory vaccines working out for your "bodily autonomy" you bleating sheep?
Zentetsuken wrote:im happy that you seem proud to live in an average-at-best country though, being happy is a right too and nobody can take that away from you :)

As shitty as things are getting living in America is still multitudes better than living in whatever Europoor shithole you're living in lmao
Hey, here's a test of your freedom: go on youtube and make a video right now denouncing gays, trannies, vaccines, or even just questioning certain aspects of WW2. I dare you, pussy.
Last edited by dagrimreefah on Sun Mar 19, 2023 1:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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