Baiting and Totems: Alternative animal spawn mechanic

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Re: Baiting and Totems: Alternative animal spawn mechanic

Postby vatas » Wed Dec 06, 2023 6:13 pm

One of the worst aspects of the current system is that if you see a rare animal and can't kill it and have to let it despawn, feel really bad.

I was thinking of some kind of "population pool" for animals that is tapped from when animal spawns and returned if it despawns (from map unloading.)

This does result in some obvious issues. Killing animals is takes relatively little effort, the logistics of moving the dead animals to your base takes more effort. So people could reasonably go to other people's hunting ground, kill all their wild game, and butcher them with q1 stone axe.
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Re: Baiting and Totems: Alternative animal spawn mechanic

Postby Hesufo » Wed Dec 06, 2023 6:31 pm

vatas wrote:One of the worst aspects of the current system is that if you see a rare animal and can't kill it and have to let it despawn, feel really bad.

I'd say fuck it. If you want to hunt animals, you venture out ready to kill them, otherwise you don't have them. Period
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Re: Baiting and Totems: Alternative animal spawn mechanic

Postby vatas » Sat Dec 09, 2023 10:03 pm

Hesufo wrote:
vatas wrote:One of the worst aspects of the current system is that if you see a rare animal and can't kill it and have to let it despawn, feel really bad.

I'd say fuck it. If you want to hunt animals, you venture out ready to kill them, otherwise you don't have them. Period

Of course, but imagine that you and your buddies spend 3 hours looking for a mammoth to kill. Eventually most of you have to go to sleep, but one guy keeps adventuring and THEN finds a mammoth.
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