Randomizing quality nodes

Thoughts on the further development of Haven & Hearth? Feel free to opine!

Randomizing quality nodes

Postby Barbamaus » Thu Jan 11, 2024 7:31 pm

What if quality nodes changed over time? Let's say every week or so nodes re-roll their quality, kinda like vortexes change their destination

This doesn't necessarily need to be done for everything, so let's discuss it per topic.

Animals: hunters would have an incentive to keep moving around, rather than checking the same spot for months. Once you find a spot, you go there for a few days to keep hunting, until next reroll and you start roaming again.

Foraging: if it was up to me, this wouldn't even have nodes. There's only a handful of these that you pick based on quality, most are picked no matter what. So at least you'd get a chance to get higher stuff every once in a while.

Localised Resources: some are good no matter the quality. Some get overlooked very quickly if they are low quality, after the first couple of months of gameplay. This would keep things interesting. (also, but this is a different suggestion, local res should have random timers imo)

World resources: stuff like water, clay, etc... Wells could become more important to keep the water quality stable, while the node around it changes. As for other stuff, you could stockpile the good one as you find it, but you'd also have a chance to find new nodes without going to the other side of the world. And this would reduce the occurrance of people claiming the highest spots, since they'd change.

I wouldn't go as far as randomizing mining nodes as well, since it feels a more static thing than the rest.

I strongly feel like Animals and Forageable would be very beneficial. Local and World resources is a bit on the weirder side, but worth thinking about it.
Posts: 212
Joined: Tue Aug 30, 2016 10:24 pm

Re: Randomizing quality nodes

Postby axus » Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:46 am

Maybe local qualities of node could increase as that resource is picked/killed ? Like the quest does now, but without the quest. But you know, limited per day and focused on what people actually use. That way the local industries would naturally improve, even if they started out bad.
Posts: 101
Joined: Thu Nov 18, 2021 4:22 pm

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