Basic Claim Safety (And what you’re doing wrong)

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Re: Basic Claim Safety (And what you’re doing wrong)

Postby Plane_Tree » Fri Oct 27, 2023 3:58 pm

petroben wrote:This is a comprehensive list of safety and security measures for players in the hypothetical world of Haven & Hearth. It's clear that maintaining a safe claim is of utmost importance to ensure your belongings and life are protected. The emphasis on having a proper wall, claim, and visitor gates is crucial to safeguard against potential threats.

It's important advice, especially for newcomers, and underlines the need to be cautious in a player-driven environment. The list touches upon various aspects of securing your territory, interacting with neighbors, and avoiding unnecessary risks. Following these guidelines should help players enjoy a more secure and enjoyable experience in the game.

Looking forward to more advanced security tips in the future! Stay safe in Haven & Hearth.

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Re: Basic Claim Safety (And what you’re doing wrong)

Postby Miss_Min » Fri Oct 27, 2023 5:53 pm

Plane_Tree wrote:Did you just give away your coords in a thread about not giving away your coords

Thank you for your concern! I was building a palisade on a claim I owned. I did not say that it was the place where I keep my stuff. All I left at those co-ords were a stockpile of boards, a wooden plow, and a bucket of water. My uninvited guests also left most of a palisade, a partially removed cliff, and some runestones intended to imply that they are Ukrainian nazis.
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Re: Basic Claim Safety (And what you’re doing wrong)

Postby Dawidio123 » Wed Jan 17, 2024 10:52 pm

Bump one of the few good threads, mods pin this
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Re: Basic Claim Safety (And what you’re doing wrong)

Postby animary » Mon Mar 11, 2024 1:11 am

For the newcomers - Haven is a very dangerous place. Not only will many animals attack on site but any player may attack and kill you anywhere for no other reason than you are there; so be paranoid, better to hearth immediately on seeing someone else on the map than risk being their next target (I will say that probably 95% of the people you encounter will be friendly, even helpful ....but you never know who is that other 5%). Get a pali and claim as quickly as possible, even if only a tiny place it gives you a relatively safe place from which to expand; try not to expand by building on to existing palis - if one is breached the damage can cascade past cornerposts, instead build rings of palis so attackers will have to take each in turn. Do not sink a mineshaft inside your main pali, put it in a separate pali outside; anywhere you can tunnel out, someone else can tunnel in. For the same reason, if you include a cave on your claim put a separate pali around it, with a visitor gate facing it so anyone finding their way in will still have to go through a visitor gate.

Fences will only keep out small animals in the wild, boars and larger will charge right through them, as will players. Their major use is for containing domestic animals.

And be considerate when laying out your claim; do not put it across a river (forcing people to trespass to get by), do not block access to thingwalls, etc. This is asking for trouble.

And as in RL, do not flaunt your wealth. Visible stacks of ore or metal bars, rows of cheese racks, etc. attract looters. Ultimately nothing you can build in Haven is impregnable, just try to build something strong enough to deter average looters; and note that anything formidable will attract those powerful players who will trash it just to prove they can.
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