Barbamaus wrote:tadeo wrote:But we have one problem croops quality will not catch up with this new +5 - +15 q especially with this new shit meachanic of wild plants. On previous world in this stage of world turnip has +- 150q or better and now it is like max 90q and top croop exluding grains bcs htable is like 100 q around.
And that's ok. I'd much rather know that feed is what's capping my animal quality, rather than crazy long timers. This would create an incentive to do your best to get higher quality fodder (which u can also make from other stuff btw). Also would likely create a market for high q fodder, which right now is something nobody would ever buy.
Farmers would be pushed to take full advantage of crop timers, and hunters would still be useful to make high q fodder as well especially in the beginning, just like they are for mulch.
The numbers can be adjusted (+5 +15 might be too fast, or not), but the idea is valid imo.
Not sure why you excluded grains from your example, since straw is decent fodder, but even assuming q100 is the top crop right now (which is not, it's higher), I doubt anyone is even close to q100 animals. And that's after 3 months of game, where q100 hide and bones are trash at this point.
Honestly as far as I understand the biggest change would be that you always get better animals, never worse. The idea that sevenless proposes stems from the high level of micro that proper herding requires right now, and IT'S NEEDED to actually improve your animals if the range is -5,+10. Now if the range is 0,+15 (or even 0, +10 would be great), you can only go up and people who don't want to spend hours/bot herding will still improve their animals overtime, while people who tryhard will be able to outpace the low-effort herders by quite a bit (as it should be).
Idk about having hunters fill food throughs tho, it's honestly not a fun activity and i think swill should always mostly come from farming, having to hunt tons of 300+ mammoths just to get your animals better food seems like something that would get tedious VERY quickly, perhaps farming should also be rebalanced so you don't have to replant everything 3 times a day to get the perfect roll in order to keep up, instead of -5,+5 make it 0,+5.