remove pvp

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remove pvp

Postby Massa » Thu Feb 29, 2024 3:31 am

NOW dude!
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Re: remove pvp

Postby mulamishne » Thu Feb 29, 2024 6:22 am

massa youre drunk go to bed
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Re: remove pvp

Postby Dawidio123 » Thu Feb 29, 2024 12:17 pm

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Re: remove pvp

Postby Fostik » Thu Feb 29, 2024 1:09 pm

The question of whether player versus player (PvP) should be removed from a game or a specific gaming environment is subjective and depends on various factors. Different players may have different opinions on the matter. Here are some arguments that are often put forth both in favor of and against removing PvP:

Arguments in Favor of Removing PvP:

Toxicity and Harassment: PvP environments can sometimes lead to toxic behavior and harassment among players. Removing PvP can create a more positive and inclusive gaming experience.

Skill Disparities: Some players may feel discouraged or frustrated if they consistently face opponents with significantly higher skill levels. Removing PvP can create a more balanced and enjoyable experience for all players.

Focus on Story and PvE: Some players prefer to focus on the story or player versus environment (PvE) aspects of a game rather than engaging in competitive PvP. Removing PvP allows these players to enjoy the game without the pressure of competitive play.

Resource Allocation: Developing and maintaining a balanced PvP system can require a significant amount of resources and time from game developers. Removing PvP can allow developers to allocate resources to other aspects of the game.

Arguments Against Removing PvP:

Diversity of Gameplay: PvP adds diversity to the gameplay experience. It provides an additional challenge that some players find engaging and enjoyable.

Community Building: PvP can foster a sense of community and competition among players. It can create opportunities for organized events, tournaments, and social interactions.

Longevity and Replayability: PvP can contribute to the longevity and replayability of a game. Players may continue to play and invest time in a game if there is a dynamic and competitive multiplayer aspect.

Player Choice: Removing PvP takes away a choice from players who enjoy competitive play. Allowing players the option to engage in PvP or focus on other aspects of the game caters to a broader player base.

Ultimately, the decision to remove or keep PvP in a game should be based on the specific goals and target audience of the game, as well as the preferences of the player community. Game developers often conduct surveys, collect feedback, and analyze player behavior to make informed decisions about the inclusion or exclusion of PvP features.

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Re: remove pvp

Postby terechgracz » Thu Feb 29, 2024 8:29 pm

Listen up, player. You're living in a dream world if you think removing PvP is the solution to all your gaming problems. Let's break down your arguments:

Toxicity and Harassment: Are we worried about hurting someone's delicate feelings? Mute, block, report—there are plenty of tools to deal with toxic players. Don't let a few bad apples spoil the whole barrel.
Skill Disparities: Newsflash, not everyone gets a participation trophy. Facing tough opponents is how you grow as a player. Instead of crying foul, maybe it's time to level up your skills.
Focus on Story and PvE: So you're saying we should strip away a fundamental aspect of the game just because you don't like competition? If you want a bedtime story, go read a book. This is a PvP-focused game for a reason.
Resource Allocation: Sure, developing PvP takes resources. But guess what? So does everything else in the game.
Now, let's talk about why removing PvP is a terrible idea:

Diversity of Gameplay: You know what's boring? Doing the same PvE grind day in, day out. PvP adds spice to the mix, keeps things interesting, and separates the weak from the strong.
Community Building: Ever heard of camaraderie? Bonds forged in the heat of battle are stronger than any PvE raiding party. Organized events, tournaments, rivalries—that's what brings players together.
Longevity and Replayability: Take away PvP, and you've just chopped off one of the game's legs. Without competition, what's the point of coming back for more? Good luck keeping players interested without that adrenaline rush.
Player Choice: Ah yes, the sacred mantra of gaming. But here's the thing: choice goes both ways. By axing PvP, you're denying a whole bunch of players the experience they signed up for. How's that for player choice?

In the end, it's simple: PvP isn't just a feature—it's the beating heart of this game. So if you can't handle the heat, maybe it's time to find a game more suited to your taste.
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Re: remove pvp

Postby Audiosmurf » Thu Feb 29, 2024 8:59 pm

remove Polish Virtual People
jorb wrote:Audiosmurf isis a fantastic poster/genius and his meatintellect is huge

banok wrote:i've been playing hnh thru 10 years of involuntary celibacy and I always build my palisade in 5 minutes so if a new player cant figure it out straight away they can get fucked and chug bleach
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