Sleennarts wish list

Old C&I threads.

Sleennarts wish list

Postby Karinchu » Sat Apr 04, 2009 6:22 pm

I still really want to be able to tame and keep animals. You could feed them all the f*cking seeds you never use for anything, and maybe straw and apples as well. And maybe some bread? :D Maybe there could be some fences or barns to build for the animals...

I wanna be able to grow other things, vegetables and flowers/herbs for example. Flowers can make Sleennart HAPPY!!! :D Some herbs might make you happy too. And there should be more potions to brew and more magic to practice. Dyeing fabrics from herbs/flowers? :mrgreen:

!!There should be a way to demolish things!!

Stone and brick houses maybe

And you really should redo the boundries for the wild animals turning evil. I like my new home... :cry:
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Re: Sleennarts wish list

Postby loftar » Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:52 pm

Karinchu wrote:I still really want to be able to tame and keep animals. You could feed them all the f*cking seeds you never use for anything, and maybe straw and apples as well.

We're getting closer to that, now that we've introduced chickens. Just a little while longer, and we'll add a hen house for keeping and feeding them. :)
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