A few critiques/wishes

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A few critiques/wishes

Postby Laremere » Sun May 31, 2009 2:51 am

I know and agree that most suggestions are crap and don't go well with the core idea for the game, but as a idea person, I can't help myself :x
Take what you want and leave the rest, and now in no particular order of organization:

When you need a tool to craft something, it is hard to get in just the right spot. If the search area for the tool was larger (instead of having to be in just the right spot) , it would be much easier. I'm sitting by a Spinning Wheel trying to make yarn but it can't because it says I need one.

Being able to build roads would be nice. Currently the only thing you can do is make a plow a road, but that would take allot more work then making a road should.

Fences. Possibly two versions, one wooden and easy to build, and one stone that looks nicer, but takes longer to build.

Barns (that you can herd animals into) and other various buildings would be cool.

My guess is that it is coming, but being able to set up shop would be cool.

Ridable horses, and carts that you can load up a with a ton of stuff to haul longer distances.

A bunch of the above ideas come from the image of people being able to build towns, and life could center in them with industry, and wilderness folk coming in for trading getting things that they can't produce in the wilderness.

Also, when the server crashes more, have the map save more often, so that less work is totally wasted.

If (who am I kidding, when) I get more ideas, I'll just post them here instead of clogging up this forum.
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Re: A few critiques/wishes

Postby sami1337 » Sun May 31, 2009 11:07 am

I don't think any of those ideas are not already mentioned tho.
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Re: A few critiques/wishes

Postby Laremere » Sun May 31, 2009 1:28 pm

Ok then.
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