Bust a palisade w/o a ram

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Re: Bust a palisade w/o a ram

Postby Treetheater » Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:01 pm

dra6o0n wrote:
Treetheater wrote:Herp derp, I did this. Close and seal your gates.

If you really want the key, maybe we could work out a trade? You've obviously noticed i haven't rammed you yet...because I know I have nothing to gain.

Proof - You have q14ish trees directly south of your camp, a really small road named 'cave' and a minehole to the east.

Specifically...what's in that mine?

Negotiating with griefers never gives you anything.
Besides, he'll get what he deserves eventually when he pisses off the wrong people.

Grief my ass.

Open palisade gate, unsealed cornerposts, literally NOTHING inside of it, and it's all on unclaimed land. If you ask me, I was well within my rights to do whatever the hell I wanted there. If it happened to me under these circumstances, I'd blame nobody but myself. I've been griefed by some alt-creating douche and ended up with about 70 hearthfires on my camp about a month ago, way worse than this. Not to mention I 'confessed' to it and I'm offering the key to him and possibly future trade.

in short, step off brah. i've done little wrong.

thank you, sguf ;)
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Re: Bust a palisade w/o a ram

Postby SquirrelLazer » Thu Mar 10, 2011 6:58 pm

I sorta agree..if you're that much of a retard to leave your gate open, it unsealed and unclaimed AND build it right next to a river. Than you deserve what you get, "herp derp, i cant be bothered to walk for more than 20 seconds to the river so im increasing my chances of being raided by 100%".
Gib me monies or i repot u
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Re: Bust a palisade w/o a ram

Postby niltrias » Fri Mar 11, 2011 6:27 pm

Unclaimed? That's free for all, as far as I can say.
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