What to do about Vaults

Thoughts on the further development of Haven & Hearth? Feel free to opine!

Re: Illegal Hearth Vault on

Postby Vigilance » Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:24 am

bitza wrote:where does the player go, if the bed is destroyed while they are sleeping?

if the player enters the game space - this is summoning without a scent.
if the player doesn't enter the game space - this is an easy forced wilderness spawn, destroy the bed and put a different object over it.


i tried.

Patchouli_Knowledge wrote:
bitza wrote:where does the player go, if the bed is destroyed while they are sleeping?

I believe if gravity takes places, they will receive a rude awakening when they make impact upon the floor.



destroyed beds = summon anywhere. log in where the bed was, or at village.
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Re: Illegal Hearth Vault on

Postby WarpedWiseMan » Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:18 am

No alts.

There, I fixed the entire problem with this game. I know, I know. Impossible to stop people from having alts, but there needs to be a reason why you don't want your character to die and not having another character sitting their ready to go is the way you do that.

That and make wall strength based on authority level and make authority harder to raise. Also, raise the LP demands on Black Arts, by making it cost LP to use them.
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Re: Illegal Hearth Vault on

Postby spectacle » Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:23 am

How about this:

Destroy a bed someone is sleeping in, and the character keeps sleeping on the ground, he can still be summoned. You'd still need a bed to go to sleep.
Characters sleeping on the ground are pass-through, to prevent people making walls out of sleeping alts. If the space a char is sleeping on is blocked, he has to wilderness spawn.
You'd need vandalism to destroy a bed that's in use, even if it's unclaimed, and it leaves scents. It should work the same as hearth fires now, so you can clear other people's beds off your claim without leaving scents.
If a character sleeps directly on the ground for 2 weeks he is removed from the world and will have to wilderness spawn. This keeps the world from being littered by sleeping noobs whose beds have long since decayed.
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Re: Illegal Hearth Vault on

Postby Vigilance » Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:31 am

spectacle wrote:How about this:

Destroy a bed someone is sleeping in, and the character keeps sleeping on the ground, he can still be summoned. You'd still need a bed to go to sleep.
Characters sleeping on the ground are pass-through, to prevent people making walls out of sleeping alts. If the space a char is sleeping on is blocked, he has to wilderness spawn.
You'd need vandalism to destroy a bed that's in use, even if it's unclaimed, and it leaves scents. It should work the same as hearth fires now, so you can clear other people's beds off your claim without leaving scents.
If a character sleeps directly on the ground for 2 weeks he is removed from the world and will have to wilderness spawn. This keeps the world from being littered by sleeping noobs whose beds have long since decayed.

there we go. :)
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Re: Illegal Hearth Vault on

Postby ramones » Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:08 pm

WarpedWiseMan wrote:No alts.

There, I fixed the entire problem with this game. I know, I know. Impossible to stop people from having alts, but there needs to be a reason why you don't want your character to die and not having another character sitting their ready to go is the way you do that.

That and make wall strength based on authority level and make authority harder to raise. Also, raise the LP demands on Black Arts, by making it cost LP to use them.

1 person maintaining whole village with his own LP is fail anyway. Should be at least 2,3 persons needed for that that are actively playing and not just eating shews all the time. Would also add some more fun in searching for villages and make people stop hermiting if they want to have village with good auth. Hermits can't really survive in this cruel world nowadays anyway.
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Re: Illegal Hearth Vault on

Postby Potjeh » Mon Oct 24, 2011 6:19 pm

I think we need a more localized wilderness spawn to avoid the annoyance of having your log out location blocked. Like, if it's blocked it tries to spawn in same minimap, if that doesn't work same local map, then regional map etc (though I doubt people are gonna claim a whole regional map if the devs do what they should've done long ago and kill LP banking). As for summoning, if no hearth is available then make it the local map where the hearth's last position was, that should get rid of lots of cheesy scenarios we see with hearthless summoning. Of course, tracking hearth that has been destroyed should point to it's last location.
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Re: Illegal Hearth Vault on

Postby Jackard » Tue Oct 25, 2011 2:45 am

Sarchi wrote:Not sure if I said this in this thread already, but gates need to work like claims (and keys need to be removed). In a world with no fast travel, opening gates would be too easy to take advantage of. Not only that, but you'd have to use key alts for everytime a villager wants to leave the town, and from experience, that's too much of a pain in the ass.

My solution? Everyone that has access to a claim should be able to enter the gate. The gate opens automatically and only lets that person through. If you want to break into a village, you should have to use siege mechanics.

"Gate opens automatically"? Why would they make AI for something a player could simply click to open?

just do this viewtopic.php?f=5&t=5309
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Re: Illegal Hearth Vault on

Postby battleslayer888 » Tue May 08, 2012 3:16 pm

goodyman8 wrote:just out of curiosity,wont making V claims get the moose head on the map.
wich kinda reveals the location of the vault...(amirite)
so wouldnt it be better if he just had a HF in the building instead.

you need the village claim to port you char to it you really think that guy would leave his hf their he wouldnt be able to get out
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Re: What to do about Vaults

Postby brohammed » Tue May 08, 2012 3:27 pm

In addition to the bed discussion: require sleeping in a bed to log out. No other logouts.
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Re: Illegal Hearth Vault on

Postby fanit937 » Tue May 08, 2012 3:35 pm

Jackard wrote:Tue Oct 25, 2011 2:45 am

battleslayer888 wrote:Tue May 08, 2012 3:16 pm
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