I have a theory about russians, pols and brs

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Re: I have a theory about russians, pols and brs

Postby gradouble » Tue Jan 20, 2015 10:39 pm

Prowny wrote:As we all know, these are 3 examples of people who prefer to play with their own people, whatever the reasons might be.
From what I have experienced, one of the first things these people usually ask is "where are you from?".
Now, is it possible that what they are actually asking is: "are you one of my people, or can I just go out and hunt you down?"
In short: If you claim to be russian/pol/br when a rus/pol/br griefer is about to strike you down, will your life be spared? (or will he at least hesitate long enough for you to escape?)

From my gaming point ov view this is as unbalanced as in real life.

"where are you from?" : i heard it dozens of time, from all nationalities. Of course there are some russians (AND americans) who will kill depending the answer.
80% of the time i answered. I NEVER got killed. Only one time i had to escape someone who obviously wanted to. This game is 100% free pvp, never forget...

20% of the time i didn't answer : i don't risk my char. I don't;

Also there are hundreds of possible answers to that question. I prefer examining facts :

- 1 / you are a noob : maybe you will be killed, wow, learn more.
- 2 / a precious alt/main is involved : man, you should learn more or be prepared to die anytime. ANYTIME. You can go outside your well secured b.wall thousands of time without problem and be killed the 1001th. Most of the time (99,99%) because of your own fault. End of story.

The nationality problem, from my french point of view is not an issue. I greetly appreciate most of people from every nationality in the game. Even people who killed or harassed me in game.
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Re: I have a theory about russians, pols and brs

Postby borka » Wed Jan 21, 2015 7:46 am

I still remember meeting you in W5 and who asked that ;) :)
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