Joining active community

Company of Dwarves seeking thief for dangerous mission. Find a group or village to play with here.

Joining active community

Postby neonfi » Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:40 pm

Hello, 22 year old female here. I'd love to join a village or just a group of people that are continuous in their activity. I just yesterday got some new hardware for my desktop and saw there was a new world starting so I thought i'd join a community for a while instead of being a hermit. I work full time so ill be most active during the weekend and evenings (i live in PST). I would also prefer to join somewhere NOT filled with idiots who only want to pillage, murder, make drama and just spread general douche baggery.

I have some hunting skills but am horrid at pvp combat, though i would love to learn. Contrary to the vast majority of people here i would prefer to be the communities cook, baker, cheese maker, silk maker (maybe) and livestock caretaker. Though i may be convinced to do some farming until someone else is found to do that as well. I also don't mind doing the inane things like logging, building houses or laying stone, Etc. whenever i'm not busy with anything else. I don't like fishing or mining.

Anyway, I'm off to work PM me if you think i'd fit in with your group well.
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Re: Joining active community

Postby dettygt » Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:06 am

Same here. Let me know if you find something. :mrgreen:
Posts: 4
Joined: Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:02 pm

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