Bug consequences: Rollback 2023-01-25

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Re: Bug consequences: Rollback 2023-01-25

Postby SnuggleSnail » Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:10 pm

Agrik wrote:

Do you have any fucking idea how many people die on top stated characters due to bugs? This is where you wanna draw the line in the sand, a rollback deleting some inventory items every 2 years????????
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Re: Bug consequences: Rollback 2023-01-25

Postby 4kuma » Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:34 pm

I borrowed a gemcutter's wheel from a friend, and moved it to another base to cut some gems. Now the table, a barrel with gemdust, my and another friend's gems I worked on are gone.
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Re: Bug consequences: Rollback 2023-01-25

Postby Mary_CZ » Thu Jan 26, 2023 12:04 pm

Its ok, its not your fault Loftar :) big supporting hugs

loftar wrote:As of the bundle patch, there was initially a bug where bundles could be stacked within bundles. This was subsequently fixed, but prior to that, there was a user who stacked bundles 100+ levels deep on an account, which when said user logged back in now caused a stack overflow, causing corruption to nearby memory in the server.

Unfortunately, despite spending a couple of hours trying, I could not repair the affected memory region to an extent where the server state was saveable, so I have been forced to not save said state, which means the game will be starting back up from the last-saved state, which is what we refer to as a rollback. The main problem with rollbacks, even more than losing the last bit of gameplay, is that different parts of the state are saved at different times, which causes the saved state to become inconsistent. For example, if you picked up an item from a container into your inventory, and it turns out that the character was saved after that, but the container wasn't, the item will have been duplicated, whereas if the opposite is true, the item will have been permanently lost. Most parts of the game state is usually saved somewhere between 0-2 hours prior to the crash, so that is about the timespan that can be expected to be affected.

I can't sufficiently express my apologies for letting this happen, but at this point there is unfortunately not a whole lot I can do about it, and there is also no way for me to validate claims of lost things.

To avoid similar problems in the future, I have installed a stack checker at some potentially deeply recursive algorithms, and will also be auto-purging any remaining deeply nested bundles that may have lingered.
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Re: Bug consequences: Rollback 2023-01-25

Postby irongete » Thu Jan 26, 2023 3:56 pm

Don't forget we're playing an alpha.
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Re: Bug consequences: Rollback 2023-01-25

Postby noindyfikator » Thu Jan 26, 2023 4:03 pm

irongete wrote:Don't forget we're playing an alpha.

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Re: Bug consequences: Rollback 2023-01-25

Postby The_Blode » Thu Jan 26, 2023 4:29 pm

noindyfikator wrote:
irongete wrote:Don't forget we're playing an alpha.

paid alpha, pog

show me one mandatory payment
account verification is pay2win but it's not a paid alpha. nobody's forcing you to spend money to try the incomplete game
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Re: Bug consequences: Rollback 2023-01-25

Postby SnuggleSnail » Thu Jan 26, 2023 4:37 pm

I don't even think the rollback was that bad, but slapping an alpha sticker on something doesn't rly do anything except provide chronic boot lickers with an excuse. It's just a marketing buzzword.
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Re: Bug consequences: Rollback 2023-01-25

Postby Sevenless » Thu Jan 26, 2023 6:45 pm

SnuggleSnail wrote:I don't even think the rollback was that bad, but slapping an alpha sticker on something doesn't rly do anything except provide chronic boot lickers with an excuse. It's just a marketing buzzword.

Original software development terms:

Beta: Limited non-dev people have been allowed to test the product

Alpha: Dev team testing only.

Pre-Alpha: Term that didn't exist? Planning stage before doing anything?

Marketing terms

Beta: Buggy and we haven't bothered to do a proper marketing blitz, if we ever will

Alpha: Extremely buggy, give us money at your own risk, but we are asking for money. We're not going to claim this is a scam outloud, but we do have meetings about this term.

Pre-Alpha: Look bro, we're straight up scamming you. But you can give us money while dreaming about a game that doesn't exist.
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Re: Bug consequences: Rollback 2023-01-25

Postby Fille » Thu Jan 26, 2023 7:35 pm

One camp here is like, one little stumble and it is is now time to meltdown and nuke everything from orbit lol
Please, tell me more about things you lost in the rollback that require compensation and immediate w15, I'd like to continue laughing at your expense.
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Re: Bug consequences: Rollback 2023-01-25

Postby Nightdawg » Fri Jan 27, 2023 1:05 am

Fille wrote:One camp here is like, one little stumble and it is is now time to meltdown and nuke everything from orbit lol
Please, tell me more about things you lost in the rollback that require compensation and immediate w15, I'd like to continue laughing at your expense.

I was moving my lost faith in the devs from cupboard to cupboard, and this rollback ended up duping it.
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