Game Development: World 14

Announcements about major changes in Haven & Hearth.

Re: Game Development: World 14

Postby SnuggleSnail » Wed Feb 08, 2023 4:29 pm

dying in haven makes you stronger + EVE ships are worth more than haven accounts/characters + there's no aggressive people playing + if u're competent you can't get KOed if ur just running

XD literally tedious stardew valley
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Re: Game Development: World 14

Postby DonVelD » Wed Feb 08, 2023 5:11 pm

>you lose a character
yeah only if you stand up 3 times to say "why" like a moron or run into a water (also like a moron)
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Re: Game Development: World 14

Postby Nightdawg » Wed Feb 08, 2023 9:10 pm

DonVelD wrote:or run into a water (also like a moron)

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Re: Game Development: World 14

Postby Zentetsuken » Wed Feb 08, 2023 9:46 pm

SnuggleSnail wrote:EVE would be a much better game for new players if they just removed all of the conflict/consequences. CCP should take a page from haven's book.

EVE markets itself as a PVP game. There is talk of "immense PVP" in almost every writing and description of the game and in almost every video of the game.

The entire game is centered around making your ship stronger and better and every last aspect of the game tries to explain to you that there are varying degrees of safety in different areas and that risk/reward is a massive aspect of the game.

It would be nigh impossible for a completely new player to jump in to EVE and somehow have no idea that their gameplay should atleast try to involve some level of stealth, self-defense, protection, combat skills, etc.

Haven doesn't market itself at all and there is almost zero indication that it is a game that involves PVP. Every aspect of the game screams "pve survival."

There is no tutorial, there is no official videos that give any decent info, there is no steam page, there is no official wiki or meaningful/informative community and 99% of the game content seems to be centered on the idea of a farmville type experience.

There are like 20 fucking types of CHAIR in this game.
100s of purely decorative and larp-focused items.

The default intuition for a new player is that this is a game of base building, decoration and long-term resource grinding.

I would not be surprised for a second if there are people playing this game RIGHT NOW that literally don't even know that PVP exists.

EVE is a great game that knows its playerbase and caters to them in a single, focused direction and delivers a well-received game that fills a niche.
It could not have less in common with Haven.

The only thing any other dev or publisher could learn from the "H&H playbook" is that you can literally shit on your playerbase for 1.5 decades, lie to them, gaslight them, belittle them and drop insane political hot takes on them that are anti-progressive, hateful and anti-inclusive and if you hold out your hand and ask for 210 dollars in exchange for absolutely nothing some of them will literally still say "okay."
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Re: Game Development: World 14

Postby vatas » Wed Feb 08, 2023 10:30 pm

Zentetsuken wrote:The only thing any other dev or publisher could learn from the "H&H playbook" is that you can literally shit on your playerbase for 1.5 decades, lie to them, gaslight them, belittle them and drop insane political hot takes on them that are anti-progressive, hateful and anti-inclusive and if you hold out your hand and ask for 210 dollars in exchange for absolutely nothing some of them will literally still say "okay."

Drops the two "anti" -prefixes and "hateful" and you've basically described both Paradox Interactive and Creative Assembly.

It's crazy how complacent and maladaptive a company can become when they get to occupy a niche uncontested. In the animal kingdom, analogous situation gave us Giant Panda. This animal is basically a bear that abandoned being an omnivore, instead eating almost exclusively on a single plant that it can digest roughly 1% of, having to shit out remaining 99%.
The most actively maintained Haven and Hearth Wiki (Not guaranteed to be up-to-date with all w14 changes.)

Basic Claim Safety (And what you’re doing wrong) (I recommend you read it in it's entirety, but TL:;DR: Build a Palisade.)

Combat Guide (Overview, PVE, PVP) (Includes how to escape/minimize risk of getting killed.)
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Re: Game Development: World 14

Postby HarryDresden » Thu Feb 09, 2023 12:33 am

Koala's operate in a similar niche, so few nutrients in the eucalyptus that they're prone to all kinds of issues

And much like the Giant Pandas, population is dwindling. Could be worse though, could end up owned by Tencent and be actually like Pandas in they're a white elephant controlled by the CCP.
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Re: Game Development: World 14

Postby The_Blode » Thu Feb 09, 2023 2:50 pm

Zentetsuken wrote:drop insane political hot takes on them that are anti-progressive, hateful and anti-inclusive

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Re: Game Development: World 14

Postby Jama1s » Sat May 20, 2023 5:40 pm

When will the world be 15?
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Re: Game Development: World 14

Postby noindyfikator » Sat May 20, 2023 5:57 pm

Jama1s wrote:When will the world be 15?

W3 - W10 - Hermit / small plots with spruces
W11 - The Friend Zone
W12 - KoA aka Kingdom of Ashes
W13 - Monke
W14 - Alpaca Farm aka Animal Planet
W15 - Whatever Bay - The Greatest Siege Defense Victory in Haven History -
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Re: Game Development: World 14

Postby dagrimreefah » Sun May 21, 2023 1:22 am

Zentetsuken wrote:anti-progressive, hateful and anti-inclusive

Yes because chopping your kid's dick off and destroying Western Civilization is "progress" lol. You do know your retarded worldview was tailor-made for common typical peasants like yourself by ultra wealthy oligarchs don't you, moron? Have you ever wondered why your worldview is shared by virtually every single celebrity, every global corporation, every financial institution, hell even by almost every Western government? No wonder China is going to overtake the USA as the world's major super power very soon... So inclusive!

Idiots like you also love to bandy that "hate" word around quite a bit. It reminds me of when people used to run around calling each other witches.

Speaking of "inclusive", why aren't you people at all inclusive to anyone labeled a "wHiTe SuPrEmAcIsT nEo-NaZi"? Is it because you're full of shit and only pretend to believe in this "progressive" garbage to be socially acceptable, like a woman?
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