Game Development: Stack of Stacks

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Re: Game Development: Stack of Stacks

Postby sMartins » Thu Mar 09, 2023 12:33 pm

vatas wrote:The current drink button implementation is of very limited use unless you use a custom client where you can have an extra 10-slot hotbar just for placing the waterskins, and even then Exquisite belt can hold 16, Troll belt 25 waterskins. Yes, the meta for going outside is to have your entire belt be just waterskins (preferably ones at full capacity with hq water.) Water is just that important if you have to flee player(s) chasing you.

Just wanted to remind you that in the default one you have 10x10 slots ....
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Re: Game Development: Stack of Stacks

Postby ChildhoodObesity » Thu Mar 09, 2023 2:42 pm

pagsiu wrote:Good patch in overall, but it needs some polishing. Especially:

  1. Drink button shouldn't require placing waterskins on a hotbar (maybe check belt/eq for fluid vessels?)
  2. Drink button should work for other fluids than water (tea / milk plz)
  3. It should be possible to create stockpiles with bundled items
  4. Barter stands should pick from bundles in player inventory (they don't)
  5. Transferring bundled ore from inventory to smelter fucking sucks, make it so ctrl+shift de-bundles ore when transferring to smelters
  6. Fix barter stands not showing correct amount of items ("0 available")
  7. Fix ant bundles - they can no longer be bundled (but they could before patch)
  8. Add option to turn on / off auto-bundling
  9. Fix bundled silkworms not eating mulberry leaves (or disable bundling of silkworms)
  10. Revert that damn shift placement change you did a few patches ago

That's all I can think of ATM. There are probably many more issues to fix that players already reported.

these should all be added tbh, ESPECIALLY the shift placement change being reverted. i don't think there's a single player in the entire game who likes this change. i can't stand going to mass stockpile a bunch of stuff and having it align off grid every single time it makes me wanna punch a hole in my wall...
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Re: Game Development: Stack of Stacks

Postby Pills » Thu Mar 09, 2023 4:59 pm

vatas wrote:The current drink button implementation is of very limited use unless you use a custom client where you can have an extra 10-slot hotbar just for placing the waterskins, and even then Exquisite belt can hold 16, Troll belt 25 waterskins. Yes, the meta for going outside is to have your entire belt be just waterskins (preferably ones at full capacity with hq water.) Water is just that important if you have to flee player(s) chasing you.

Although the game doesn't actually tell you this, you have 100 slots on your number key hotbar, you press ALT+NUMBER to change to a different hotbar. ie, ALT+1, ALT+2 etc.
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Re: Game Development: Stack of Stacks

Postby ThorleifCleaver » Thu Mar 09, 2023 11:42 pm

Is it intended that a player can get a discovery when removing items from stacks?
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Re: Game Development: Stack of Stacks

Postby pawnchito » Fri Mar 10, 2023 1:14 am

Nice patch. Very cool. Pretty please like pretty please the boulders my dudes. Fix mining please.
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Re: Game Development: Stack of Stacks

Postby JazminesAlts » Fri Mar 10, 2023 1:39 am

Am I the only one going crazy trying to smelt ore? you can no longer use the scroll wheel to fill a smelter.

On top of that, its IMPOSSIBLE to pick up a stack of any stone and sort by Q because everything is in bundles. You have to MANUALLY right click each bundle of stones to unbundle, then I can do that.

This update made mining extremely simple and ore smelting a nightmare. Please share any suggestions on how to make this a better experience.
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Re: Game Development: Stack of Stacks

Postby JazminesAlts » Fri Mar 10, 2023 1:54 am

loftar wrote:Will certainly consider a toggle for auto-stacking.

Don't just consider it, do it. You broke ore smelting with this update.

Y'all need to stop implementing changes without a toggle option. Why do third party clients make the QoL better than y'all?

We should have automatically had the option to toggle auto stacking by category. I do NOT want auto stacking when I pull ore from a stack and want to organize by q before smelting, same goes for if I pick up from an ore stack and want to transfer it to a smelter.

You know what desperately needs to be auto stacked though? Coal. Carrots. Turnips. Seeds.

If your goal is to be completely unrealistic, you've done it. Because my character can carry like 200 stones because of stacks but i can only hold 72 carrots. or 72 baggies of seeds. 50 seeds is as light as a few quarters, yet i can only carry so many.
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Re: Game Development: Stack of Stacks

Postby xyzzy57 » Fri Mar 10, 2023 7:10 am

reexar77 wrote:Might seem stupid but reviewing some of the loved features of custom clients might help, the default one is good but there's lots of features apparently the community has in mind for it to become even better than custom ones( a lot of people claim in order to even be able to play the game a custom client is a must, I don't think this as much nowadays but for example in legacy it made a difference as big as day and night.

Ender is the most stable custom client since legacy to this very day.

Count me as one of those people who doesn't want to play using the default client. If I recall correctly, with the default client, even before this change, I couldn't see item quality without some tedious process possibly involving mousing over each item - so finding the best or worst item in a cupboard or other inventory is slow and tedious, not to mention error prone. At best, you carefully sort items when storing them, and wind up spending a significant fraction of your playing time putting items in quality order - again and again and again.

Ender not only has quality always visible, it has a mode where you can access items in a container sorted in quality order, making it trivial to select the best or worst. Or at least it *had* that; stacks will presumably have broken it, since it didn't work with bundles.

Now maybe some of you play H&H for the pleasure of repeatedly sorting inventories. If so, your kink is OK. But it's not MY kink.

I'm hoping that the maintainers of the Ender client will be able to reimplement the same functionality, even for a cupboard or other container (including my inventory) containing stacks, each of which contains randomly mixed qualities. I'm hoping they will - maybe they already have - so that I can continue playing the game enjoyably.

Meanwhile, I'm taking an H&H vacation, having decided that I simply don't like Haven enough to want to take on the job of learning java and creating my own custom client, then revising it every time something new either breaks it, or requires working around to keep me enjoying playing. Or maybe it's just that I don't want H&H to become my full time job, and suspect that client maintenance might easily take as much time as I normally spend playing.
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Re: Game Development: Stack of Stacks

Postby Redell » Fri Mar 10, 2023 7:55 am

xyzzy57 wrote:Oh. You grab the border, which is tiny, rather than the object itself.

Agreed, I honestly expected a huge swirly-like tab to drag, but that wasn't the case. Really, I see no reason why all of these sub inventories cant be opened (undocked) by simply right clicking on them like previously.
It feels like the "drag from border>undock" was an unneeded experiment.

As for the drink button, hotkeying your "wanted to drink from" containers seems logical. Like imagine a scenario where you need to transport a few glass bottles of wine across a shitty terrain base that knocks you down to walk speed and when you use the drink action, drink a bunch of your wine to keep yourself from walk speed. Since the last things to enter your inventory were the wine bottles, you drink from them instead.

The people whining about this could probably easily make a configurable bot to add containers to all hotkeys 6-0 on all bars.
And if you defend default client users, that's like 2 mins of clicking (I know, because I did this regardless when I didn't need to.).

I would like for the drink button to be a custom bind (not hotbar'd), but as a custom client user I could just use F1.
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Re: Game Development: Stack of Stacks

Postby Mopstar » Fri Mar 10, 2023 10:50 am

This is one of the best patches I have seen in a long time, was culling my animal heard which normally takes about an hour to two, only took me 25-30 mins to skin and butcher about 11 pages of animals while not having to just dump most the stuff to jsut save time.

Huge QoL increase
Wolfang wrote:
+1 I don't know how he did it, but Mopstar did steal his own stuff. You have to be a pretty hardcore thief to be able to steal your own things!
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