Game Development: Strawberry Turpentine

Announcements about major changes in Haven & Hearth.

Re: Game Development: Strawberry Turpentine

Postby Kaios » Sat Aug 07, 2021 1:11 pm

wonder-ass wrote:
Kaios wrote:This community vehemently defends its toxic player-base and their right to shit on everyone that disagrees with the way certain mechanics should be implemented. Quite frankly, as long as this continues to be the case this game will never reach a point where it has 1000+ players on a regular basis.

we griefed and killed a significantly less amount of people this world due to the massive range of spawns and WOW look the games fucking dead again AHAH CRAZy.

If you're referring to the same village Snail is from I can assure you that the majority of the murders of hermits around my area tracked back to that place so I rather doubt the legitimacy of your story.

In any case, I didn't mean to imply that the in-game actions were the only factors that deter players but also the response that their criticisms receive on the forum and over discord. If the active player-base continues to deny that there are issues with the game in spite of the obvious facts in front of their face, improvement is going to be slow to the point that it is detrimental to the game's success or it will continue to not improve at all.
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Re: Game Development: Strawberry Turpentine

Postby SnuggleSnail » Sat Aug 07, 2021 2:13 pm

It's definitely true.
It was pretty common for me to personally kill 15-20 people a day for the first few weeks of last world, and cumulatively the entire willage get wayy more than that. This world I think the most I've killed in a day is like 10, and it was very rare to get that high.

I'm pretty sure you're misidentifying the problem you have with the game, and the actual issue is the difficulty average people have breaking into PVP, as well as the mega-zerg alliances that result in some groups being able to completely dominate an area with no potential repercussions from other PVPers. You should be asking for there to be a smaller disparity between you and I, not an easier way for you to hide. The game is more fun with with frequent player interactions, it's just unfortunate the average player is like a toddler that preemptively puts themself in the curb stomping position whenever a PVP boi walks by.
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Re: Game Development: Strawberry Turpentine

Postby BoxingRock » Sat Aug 07, 2021 3:56 pm

Kaios wrote:
MagicManICT wrote:I'm going to say you can't really blame Snail for that problem. Or at least not just Snail.

This community vehemently defends its toxic player-base and their right to shit on everyone that disagrees with the way certain mechanics should be implemented. Quite frankly, as long as this continues to be the case this game will never reach a point where it has 1000+ players on a regular basis.

I would vote people like you as more toxic than Snail 100 times over. Killing people is literally part of the game. You have done it too.

The difference between you and Snail is that feedback from Snail's gameplay actually goes in to arguably productive and meaningful updates, whereas the feedback you provide is aggressive, self-serving, whiny and entirely reactionary. You do nothing but shit talk the game and try to get other people to be as miserable as you. 100% of your input is HIGHLY emotional and bias. Now THAT is toxic.
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Re: Game Development: Strawberry Turpentine

Postby Kaios » Sat Aug 07, 2021 5:52 pm

BoxingRock wrote:I would vote people like you as more toxic than Snail 100 times over. Killing people is literally part of the game. You have done it too.

The difference between you and Snail is that feedback from Snail's gameplay actually goes in to arguably productive and meaningful updates, whereas the feedback you provide is aggressive, self-serving, whiny and entirely reactionary. You do nothing but shit talk the game and try to get other people to be as miserable as you. 100% of your input is HIGHLY emotional and bias. Now THAT is toxic.


BoxingRock wrote:Take a step back and you will realize that this thread is filled with dishonest, selfish people like Enjoyment who are only upset because they see Snail and other PVPers asking for a change. It doesn't even effect them and it's been explained perfectly clearly. They aren't interested in the actual nuances of the change, they are only interested in trying to get payback because they were likely stomped by a player who is exceptionally better than they are ingame. Rather than get good at the game I guess it's easier to log in to the forums and cry when they see their adversary asking for something.

Yeah, everyone's complaints are baseless and there are no problems. Right.
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Re: Game Development: Strawberry Turpentine

Postby Nightdawg » Sat Aug 07, 2021 6:37 pm

I can't be arsed to read 14 pages but I just want to say that the gif of sadbear looting snail with the loot script cause he gets KO'd every fight is the funniest shit kekw
(they're on the same side)

Why are people arguing against this fix? lmfao
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Re: Game Development: Strawberry Turpentine

Postby wonder-ass » Sat Aug 07, 2021 6:55 pm

Nightdawg wrote:I can't be arsed to read 14 pages but I just want to say that the gif of sadbear looting snail with the loot script cause he gets KO'd every fight is the funniest shit kekw
(they're on the same side)

Why are people arguing against this fix? lmfao
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Re: Game Development: Strawberry Turpentine

Postby Nightdawg » Sat Aug 07, 2021 6:56 pm


omfg it's the polish plot magic, but your side's version of it XDD
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Re: Game Development: Strawberry Turpentine

Postby strpk0 » Sat Aug 07, 2021 7:11 pm

Nightdawg wrote:
Why are people arguing against this fix? lmfao


"lol just make people sit there and wait 1 second per item so my gang of 30 koreans can surround them and spam cleave them"
"i think my group should both have a big advantage due to numbers aswell as be unlootable"


"lol just get your client dev to add the feature to your client"

I'm not sure which one is worse tbh, just kinda seems funny that the "fix" is so convenient for the group that complained, and the only counterplay is "lmao just get your own personal korean zerg".
I think mass dropping/looting people's gear should just be a default client thing, to even out the playing field and so ozzy doesn't get sad that his zerg strats don't give as big as of an advantage as he's hoping for.
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Re: Game Development: Strawberry Turpentine

Postby Kaios » Sat Aug 07, 2021 7:28 pm

Nightdawg wrote:

That brings up another good point, the client modifications have really gotten out of hand over time. Just look at the group of shreks in there, is that supposed to be peak gameplay? For every mechanic that is adjusted to add a level of general fairness there will always be client creators implementing features for privatized clients to garner a greater advantage over others and especially when it comes to combat.
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Re: Game Development: Strawberry Turpentine

Postby Nightdawg » Sat Aug 07, 2021 7:31 pm

strpk0 wrote:
Nightdawg wrote:
Why are people arguing against this fix? lmfao


"lol just make people sit there and wait 1 second per item so my gang of 30 koreans can surround them and spam cleave them"
"i think my group should both have a big advantage due to numbers aswell as be unlootable"


"lol just get your client dev to add the feature to your client"

I'm not sure which one is worse tbh, just kinda seems funny that the "fix" is so convenient for the group that complained, and the only counterplay is "lmao just get your own personal korean zerg".
I think mass dropping/looting people's gear should just be a default client thing, to even out the playing field and so ozzy doesn't get sad that his zerg strats don't give as big as of an advantage as he's hoping for.

Ozzy's arguments are good.

AD literally came with double numbers at us at the start of the world and we punked them? Without calling anyone else? 14vs26 or something? So don't give me this "waah koreans too stronk 4 me" crying bullshit pls.

If you run from a fight and your guy falls behind, you shouldn't be able to yeet his entire usefull stuff in 2 seconds.
What do you mean "30 koreans can surround them and spam cleave"? Do you even pvp? you drop combat when you get KO'd? hello? OR MAYBE YOU MEAN LOFTAR STILL HASN'T FIXED THE NVIDIA CRASH AFTER 5 MONTHS HAHA FUN GAME WORTH PLAYING, PLEASE GUYS BUY MORE GOLD SUBS. But if you're not refering to the crashes, what do you mean?

It's not the best fix to this cancer mechanic, but it's better than nothing.

Also this "X side always has more people", that's another problem that should be itself fixed somehow, and it shouldn't affect the looting system.

What would you say about felix and dante's entire village going 8vs1 against jordan coles? Would it be fair if his wife had this script or some shit? You'd cry about it.

If those are the only reasons people argue against this change, y'all stupid.
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