Prelude: World 15

Announcements about major changes in Haven & Hearth.

Re: Prelude: World 15

Postby maze » Sat Sep 30, 2023 2:00 am

Im fighting on the server right now, can you leave it up for another month? thanks

(also allows me to request time off from work)
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Re: Prelude: World 15

Postby Necrisha » Sat Sep 30, 2023 2:19 am

Dawidio123 wrote:
stickman wrote:On the stream you guys were talking about bunny slippers and that PVP clients had the leg up because they could auto target small critters to get a boost.
This might be an unpopular opinion but have you considered doing something with the sprinting speed (4th speed). Right now its really only usable by people who are prepared with a inventory full of water... most custom clients have auto drinkers to utilize this... people who do not have auto drinkers will be at a pretty big disadvantage...outside of pvp its only used early on to catch squirels and rabbits. I was wondering what if you removed the 4th speed entirely? reduced animal run speeds to match... and get rid of the need to carry 40L of water at all times? I am bad at movement combat and find it hard to manage speed switching, water management and openings all at the same time. Some clients literally do all this for you and can fight for you so you dont need to worry about any of that except positioning yourself.

Clients don't drink for you, they might have that function but it's usually turned off, you need to time your drinking in combat since it slows you down (ie. drink before speed 4 terrain, don't drink to catch up to someone drinking, etc.), having a client that forces you to drink is not necessarily a good thing. And i never heard about clients that fight for you (watch some pvp videos, spitsbergen and nightdawg have some nice quality videos), a lot of fighters are still using ardeness client that you can download yourself (it's kinda shit since it's old render but it's still better than using ender or that shubla spyware client). There are WAY better clients that do give an advantage (better fps, not crashing, enemy cooldowns, better ping functions, shittalk bots, etc.), but I think you overestimate how much of faction players skill is based on their client, and how much is just understanding when to press a button.

Nah, most of the time it's purely a preparation issue where the hermit in question has fully run out of water- which is something they can't really rectify being bum rushed by a guy who has a belt an inventory full of water. making running useless for the average hermit to begin with.
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Re: Prelude: World 15

Postby Dawidio123 » Sat Sep 30, 2023 3:09 am

Necrisha wrote:Nah, most of the time it's purely a preparation issue where the hermit in question has fully run out of water- which is something they can't really rectify being bum rushed by a guy who has a belt an inventory full of water. making running useless for the average hermit to begin with.

Well the water issue is something that i don't think anyone really likes, having to always bring a trollbelt full of water is kinda a must at some point, and i don't think anyone likes winning/losiing a fight because the other guy/you ran out of water. But that's a separate issue that's should be fixed on its own instead of applying band-aids to it.

What you and the other guys suggest are overcomplicated solutions that wouldn't necessarily help hermits since as you mentioned their issue is running out of water, well then fix that, and then we can see if they can actually run away consistently as they should (since they have an inbuilt advantage).
Removing critter chasing wouldn't really affect that, because if they run out of water anyways no critter will help them (and that's assuming they can click it before the chaser does). On the other hand removing speed 4 due to people running out of water is just removing a consequence of an issue instead of fixing the issue itself, which would still exist, and people would still get caught because they don't have enough water, just slower.

But imma be honest with you here, i don't think it was ever about water, i don't spend a lot of time when I'm chasing hermits, they usually don't drink, or just panic and get caught. It happens on land, and it happens on water, it's all the same. I get that if i chase a hermit for 10-20 minutes they can run out of water while I won't, but i never chased a hermit for that long, they always fuck up earlier than that, or just lead me straight to their base while not having a safe pali. But, if you bring 1-2 waterskins with you when going out it's kinda on you, you can't protect people with game mechanics when they are not willing to protect themselves by just bringing some water when going out in a game that has open-pvp and perma-death.
Last edited by Dawidio123 on Sat Sep 30, 2023 3:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Prelude: World 15

Postby yym331 » Sat Sep 30, 2023 3:17 am

I'll keep in mind that I'm in the minority as I discuss this, but ultimately, even as someone who enjoys playing, the frequent wipes make it less appealing for casual players like myself. In fact, my friends who have been playing since the early days of W14 don't seem interested in W15. That's why I'm currently playing on Legacy servers ¦]
While the initial chaos of a new server can be exciting, it seems far from the long-term, persistent world that the developers aim for.
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Re: Prelude: World 15

Postby SpacePig » Sat Sep 30, 2023 4:04 am

please can you make a bone spear
the quality of which scales by survival
which is made from bone and skin, and has reduced damage to players
so we can play as a hunter without a mine
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Re: Prelude: World 15

Postby Credoboy31 » Sat Sep 30, 2023 4:12 am

Dawidio123 wrote:
Robben_DuMarsch wrote:Why this change?
What they've more or less done is made it so that having better industry or more strength/less con isn't as important in the outcome of fights as it used to be, because differences in damage dealt and damage received is heavily curved, much like differences in agility and UA/MC between participants.

In theory yes, in practice people will bring alts with 100-200 stats (that receive like 1.25-1.5x damage compared to 400-600 char) that will act as blockers and bows will probably be unbalanced af (either op or downright useless). It never was about the stats in fights, it was always about number of people you bring.

"100-200 stats" is the vast majority of players, who don't participate in PvP because of how inaccessible and unintuitive it is. If people can participate in battles with middling stats and fulfill easy roles like "blockers" or "ranged spammers" without needing to really understand what's happening, that would breathe life into what PvPers consider a dead pvp scene, wouldn't it?
PvPers complain about the lack of people willing to fight. If you want the average player to even consider the idea of fighting, it needs to be approachable for them.
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Re: Prelude: World 15

Postby Kearn » Sat Sep 30, 2023 4:47 am

jorb wrote:[*] A player character now always has exactly 100 HP. Dungeon heart pieces can still extend the maximum HP, but that's it, and they give less HP than currently.

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Re: Prelude: World 15

Postby Clemins » Sat Sep 30, 2023 5:25 am

yym331 wrote:...the frequent wipes make it less appealing for casual players like myself.


Frequent?? What the hell is your definition of frequent?
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Re: Prelude: World 15

Postby PastTime » Sat Sep 30, 2023 5:36 am

So basically the hp now favours the ones who spend 24/7 in the game doing dungeons. How do you deal with adder bites, seal fingers etc?
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Re: Prelude: World 15

Postby VDZ » Sat Sep 30, 2023 5:39 am

jorb wrote:
  • To extend the usefulness of Sketches in World 15, we intend to make it so that a total of up to two sketches can be applied to any mundane container (e.g. Chests, Wicker Baskets, Cupboards, &c), to extend that inventory in size by one row, and/or one column.

Nobody's commented on this yet. Do 'mundane containers' include stuff like Large/Exquisite Chests? For crates and wicker baskets it's pretty 'whatever' but for the useful portable containers this is an actual paid-for in-game advantage (similar to the current inventory size increase and Convenience), and I don't like the idea of adding more of that (despite having plenty of sketch pages myself). It also seems to run counter to the original idea of sketches, being purely aesthetic upgrades that give no in-game advantage. It would also be be the first instance of a an incrementable 'pay-to-win item' (if very lightly so); everyone is capped at the same inventory and Convenience upgrade (verified + subbed, and there's no way to get more space/Convenience by paying more) but this keeps giving more advantage the more money you pour into it (more containers upgraded), even if with steeply diminishing returns. This specific instance is very mild, but I really don't like the precedent it sets.

jorb wrote:
  • If a realm controls a province in which the Thing Peace is being challenged, they are given notifications thereof similar to their notification for take-over challenges.
  • If a challenge is successfully defended, the Thing Peace is broken for 48 RL hours. During this time, subsequent challenges can still be placed for whatsoever reason to extend the breaking of the Thing Peace.

What about residents of the province (and/or visitors), do they get a notification (e.g. on login) if a challenge is active or the Thing Peace is broken, or do you find out by seeing the ram in your back yard?

SnuggleSnail wrote:I think this is the first time nobody in my group has been excited at all for a new world. Kinda sad

The decreased activity of griefers who spend their time killing sprucecaps and destroying community projects will surely be a great loss to this new world.
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