Divine Intervention: Herald et Consortes vs. Dev Team

Announcements about major changes in Haven & Hearth.

Re: Divine Intervention: Herald et Consortes vs. Dev Team

Postby jacob232 » Sat Aug 10, 2024 2:00 pm

Dawidio123 wrote:
jacob232 wrote:Nah I think people who have been around for a dozen worlds at this point know to just check in every now and then/leave a discord open that will announce it. Pretty sure there is a haven updates bot of some sort iirc.

Even if jorb was posting constantly and adding new hats and variable cupboards we would still have the normal dip of players.

I want to say that the player count avg I'm seeing is rather high for this stage of the world

Yeah but they could also y'know, fix the core mechanics to not suck and not make late game unplayable. Some people think that steam release and an influx of new players will help the game or that frequent resets will fix everything, but the core issues are never addressed, feasting (literally the most important mechanic in the game) sucks, gathering food for the said feasts sucks even more, quality spiraling is semi-dead and requires you to quest for long-term meaningful increases to quality (and questing itself fucking sucks, either make it larp only or remove it), pvp combat? one button gameplay bcs loftar can't nerf SoS bcs some dimwits tell him it's not op (even tho when he tested it himself he came to the conclusion that it is as any sane person would), etc.
Instead we get stuff like sleighs that make winter even more unplayable and pickling that will be the most painful chore next world and everyone who doesn't completely delegate it to a bot will want to kill themselves.
Ban dakkan again and bring back w10 where things were actually fun.

Oh I completely agree, I also think a 'seasonal reset' might not be a bad thing. Just do a reset every October/November. Gives people the ability to plan their time off etc.

But yea Feasts....I know how to do em.... theoretically. You're correct that they are a pain to set up ...I decided to ignore it and heavily stunt my growth.

QoL and automating some of these features is a definitely MUST. More updates like when farming scripts were essentially integrated into normal clients. Being able to do more than one tile at a time was amazing.

Quests: I think things like the Credo Quests are fine (aside from delivery quests those are retarded period) but otherwise Questing overall is terrible. I think at most you get 1 DAILY or weekly quest that unlocks for Each completed Credo and is themed towards it.....possibly awarding skill level in that Credos specialization.

Maybe have a Daily Rite and Ritual that is a source for XP and Hearth magic but.....maybe make a Kirkwood offering and Ritual Beads/Bowls sacrified to an altar for XP scaled to the LP of of the item sacrificed......I feel like XP is a little dumb overall
so this one time at band camp.............
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Re: Divine Intervention: Herald et Consortes vs. Dev Team

Postby terechgracz » Sat Aug 10, 2024 3:37 pm

Tldr: yap (nothing said)

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Re: Divine Intervention: Herald et Consortes vs. Dev Team

Postby Dawidio123 » Sat Aug 10, 2024 4:55 pm

jacob232 wrote:Maybe have a Daily Rite and Ritual that is a source for XP and Hearth magic but.....maybe make a Kirkwood offering and Ritual Beads/Bowls sacrified to an altar for XP scaled to the LP of of the item sacrificed......I feel like XP is a little dumb overall

Yeah, in theory, xp is supposed to make it so you cannot have alts just fed curio/cast spells infinitely without anything being done on them as, in principle, you either get xp for events (playing the game in the way devs want you to play it) or doing quests. In practice most big groups just yoink it from kingdom and most alts don't need xp at all after a certain point, getting 200-300 farming or w/e is not a big deal.
Then again there are ways to automate xp farming even outside of kingdom (xp tracks) so you could probably feed alts curios that have good lp/xp indefinitely even without a kingdom. Overall it's a system that only fucks with those who don't have access to a kingdom xp yoink (so like 95% of playerbase ig) while the top dogs can completely ignore it.

Imo xp for curios is retarded and adds nothing to the gameplay loop and should be only for the spells.
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Re: Divine Intervention: Herald et Consortes vs. Dev Team

Postby jacob232 » Thu Aug 15, 2024 7:57 pm

Dawidio123 wrote:Then again there are ways to automate xp farming even outside of kingdom (xp tracks) so you could probably feed alts curios that have good lp/xp indefinitely even without a kingdom. Overall it's a system that only fucks with those who don't have access to a kingdom xp yoink (so like 95% of playerbase ig) while the top dogs can completely ignore it.

Imo xp for curios is retarded and adds nothing to the gameplay loop and should be only for the spells.

To be completely honest, passive XP gain from just maintaining a property fuels my entire world of XP needs......but i dont push those end tiers.

There used to be a post with an XP farm layout with a small house a few bushes etc. everything needed to knock out the basic XP procs in like 30 seconds to a minute....cant find it anymore and i kinda wanted to imitate it for next world
so this one time at band camp.............
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Postby grumgrumganoe » Fri Aug 16, 2024 11:30 am

its funny to look back and see people saying in January “devs should just reset” or “i guess there’s gonna be a reset a month or two from now” like nah buddy we got that “first 8 months of the calendar year Hiatus” as is tradition

anyways free dakkan and sugma 260kg balls
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overtyped wrote:Morally wrong, and being a pedophile are two different things.
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Re: boner

Postby Robben_DuMarsch » Fri Aug 16, 2024 2:01 pm

grumgrumganoe wrote:its funny to look back and see people saying in January “devs should just reset” or “i guess there’s gonna be a reset a month or two from now” like nah buddy we got that “first 8 months of the calendar year Hiatus” as is tradition

anyways free dakkan and sugma 260kg balls

Assuming it's a steam release wipe, which a lot of evidence suggests they are at least working in that direction, all your complaining is going to be drowned out in the deluge of new players and an absolute shift in the gameplay experience.
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Re: boner

Postby jock » Fri Aug 16, 2024 2:33 pm

Robben_DuMarsch wrote:
grumgrumganoe wrote:its funny to look back and see people saying in January “devs should just reset” or “i guess there’s gonna be a reset a month or two from now” like nah buddy we got that “first 8 months of the calendar year Hiatus” as is tradition

anyways free dakkan and sugma 260kg balls

Assuming it's a steam release wipe, which a lot of evidence suggests they are at least working in that direction, all your complaining is going to be drowned out in the deluge of new players and an absolute shift in the gameplay experience.

might get real gamers ;)
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Re: boner

Postby grumgrumganoe » Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:01 pm

Robben_DuMarsch wrote:
grumgrumganoe wrote:its funny to look back and see people saying in January “devs should just reset” or “i guess there’s gonna be a reset a month or two from now” like nah buddy we got that “first 8 months of the calendar year Hiatus” as is tradition

anyways free dakkan and sugma 260kg balls

Assuming it's a steam release wipe, which a lot of evidence suggests they are at least working in that direction, all your complaining is going to be drowned out in the deluge of new players and an absolute shift in the gameplay experience.

…for one glorious server-crashing, steamspruce-bopping, gnome gilding month.

Then we get this silly funny:
I seriously doubt dumping onto steam bodes well for rate of patching going forwards
Maybe time for…………Salem 2?
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overtyped wrote:Morally wrong, and being a pedophile are two different things.
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Re: boner

Postby Apocoreo » Fri Aug 16, 2024 9:33 pm

grumgrumganoe wrote:-snip-

Shhhhhh if we keep talking about what will actually happen they might actually pay attention not do it

Yo when that steam release I'd gold sub for that
Boofing and gumping it all damn day. Shoutout to my homeboy Moloch
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