World 16 wishlist thread

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World 16 wishlist thread

Postby Robben_DuMarsch » Sun May 19, 2024 8:36 pm

We've been developing and here's what's new....

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Re: Prelude: World 16

Postby caz » Sun May 19, 2024 8:48 pm

Water wheel? Wind mill? Saw mill?

Steel mill!!!!!
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Re: Prelude: World 16

Postby Robben_DuMarsch » Mon May 20, 2024 6:27 am

I think some advanced structure that removed needing to babysit wrought->steel would actually be a pretty good QOL thing and worth building.
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Re: Prelude: World 16

Postby terechgracz » Mon May 20, 2024 9:09 am

I'd like world 16 will start with game client included
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Re: Prelude: World 16

Postby grumgrumganoe » Mon May 20, 2024 3:16 pm

extremely curious that the only active mod (Noinek of WB) hasn’t banned this user for dev impersonation that could confuse good innocent noobs, really marps my tarpton why the hammer’s been avoided here
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Re: Prelude: World 16

Postby Robben_DuMarsch » Mon May 20, 2024 5:25 pm

terechgracz wrote:I'd like world 16 will start with game client included

The client being packaged with java, as an installer, would be great.

A steam release with everything packaged would be even better.
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Re: Prelude: World 16

Postby vatas » Mon May 20, 2024 6:15 pm

Robben_DuMarsch wrote:
terechgracz wrote:I'd like world 16 will start with game client included

The client being packaged with java, as an installer, would be great.

A steam release with everything packaged would be even better.

For the longest time, I could never successfully launch default client. They moved away from the "Java web app" or something and it helped, but it has been a common occurrence for me that the Default fails to launch (while some or all Custom Clients do work.)

Other client related issue is that while a LOT of critical features have been added to the Default over the years, some more or less critical things still require a Custom Client.
*Want to contribute to the mapping of the world? You need to download a custom client that supports map uploading. And sometimes people screech about it being spyware, so have fun trusting that it is safe to run random person's code on your machine.
*Want to have slightly less massive disadvantage to the faction bois more clarity in a PvP fight? You need to hope one of the public clients has options for hiding trees, PvP mode for minimap (change to more limited colour palette that only indicates if terrain is 4th speed, 3rd speed, swamp or shallow/deep water)
*Want to have any automation to various boring chores, or just not have to click 30 times to process 10 dead chickens??
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Re: Prelude: World 16

Postby SnuggleSnail » Mon May 20, 2024 6:30 pm

vatas wrote:And sometimes people screech about it being spyware

Shubla's version uploaded in real time. It updated the player's location, along with what they saw every 3-4 seconds if I remember. No other version, including the primary person he was copy pasting code from did it this way. Alg's version just uploaded all of the locally saved files in one big clump, like anybody without malicious intent would do. He went pretty far out of his way and did extra work to make it work like this. It is more expensive resource wise by a few orders of magnitude, and more complicated to code. He also did not disclose and actively tried to downplay/obfuscate what he was doing.

A reasonable person could disagree with most of my opinions I post here, but this is not one of those cases. What Shubla did was unambiguously malicious and so blatant the only way anybody could disagree is if they're technologically illiterate. IMO what he did shouldn't just be against the rules of some dumb game, it should be illegal, and the only argument against that is pedantic programmers saying "it's open source somebody could've just spent 6 weeks combing through every line of code" as if that's applicable to even a fraction of a percent of the population.

You are so objectively wrong about this one that disagreeing won't do anything except lower your credibility and maybe convince some laymen
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Re: World 16 wishlist thread

Postby terechgracz » Mon May 20, 2024 7:02 pm

I mean like default client must have all features of a real client (customizing binding for everything, multiple action bars, combat schools on action bars, alarms, customizable UI and keypresses must register into correct widgets etc).
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Re: World 16 wishlist thread

Postby Robben_DuMarsch » Mon May 20, 2024 7:14 pm

There's an argument to be had about how many of the features from custom clients should be implemented on the default client, but I don't really care to take a side on this because right now there's at least publicly available custom clients that allow reasonable parity for anyone that wants to download them. (At least once Havoc is merged to public clients, now that it is dead and Nightdawg has quit HnH permanently.)

Where there SHOULD NOT be any argument, however, is that the default client needs to just work out of the box for people on modern windows machines. The primary purpose of the default client is an easy, official, way for new players to play the game that doesn't involve downloading shit from Github or being shown a specific download link buried in a forum thread by a veteran. Default client doesn't do that, as you need to separately install Java (and this is not explained with any real clarity), and there are a host of other issues getting it to work for new players.

Also the trailer on the front page from 2015 should probably be removed. As fun as it is to see the W8 and W9 combat again (lulz), it'd be very difficult to encapsulate HnH into a trailer form as the game doesn't translate well to video, much less short form video, and we'd be better off with Jorb's deviantart penises there.
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