Thingwalls Explained

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Re: Thingwalls Explained

Postby Adri » Mon Apr 26, 2021 11:13 pm

This sounds like a great addition, thank you, jorb.

I am only a PvE player, but seeing so many active players near me is equally frightening and exciting. I hope they are having fun at our near thingwall, I think there is a war currently going on.

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Re: Thingwalls Explained

Postby mulamishne » Thu May 06, 2021 2:03 am

jorb wrote:[
[*] Realms may only challenge Thingwalls bordering a province it already controls, or the Thingwall in its coronation stone province.

Is the ability to bash a challenge banner when you do NOT border the realm really intended? If the idea was to allow smaller realms this seems horrid. There's no reason that a group 5 provinces away should be able to bash challenge flags.
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Re: Thingwalls Explained

Postby Southpaw » Thu May 06, 2021 2:52 am

mulamishne wrote:Is the ability to bash a challenge banner when you do NOT border the realm really intended? If the idea was to allow smaller realms this seems horrid. There's no reason that a group 5 provinces away should be able to bash challenge flags.

100% agree, because this is preventing anyone in my locale from making a coronation stone and contesting a thingwall.
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Re: Thingwalls Explained

Postby jorb » Thu May 06, 2021 7:33 am

mulamishne wrote:Is the ability to bash a challenge banner when you do NOT border the realm really intended? If the idea was to allow smaller realms this seems horrid. There's no reason that a group 5 provinces away should be able to bash challenge flags.

Our reasoning was that even a hermit, or non-realm faction, should be able to protest the annexation of Thingwall.
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Re: Thingwalls Explained

Postby Astarisk » Thu May 06, 2021 7:59 am

jorb wrote:
mulamishne wrote:Is the ability to bash a challenge banner when you do NOT border the realm really intended? If the idea was to allow smaller realms this seems horrid. There's no reason that a group 5 provinces away should be able to bash challenge flags.

Our reasoning was that even a hermit, or non-realm faction, should be able to protest the annexation of Thingwall.

I do have to question if challenge banners may become a tad bit too squishy as the world carries on and strength increases (There may be a point where its comes down to less about the fighters and more about bashing characters). It already feels pretty bad to be on call for a solid 3 hour period just to defend the flag while not being able to do much else. It's always nice to think with hermits in mind, but is this the type of content a hermit can even get involved with to make a meaningful impact? As it stands it still feels very unlikely that more than 1 or 2 realms will manage to persist throughout the entirety of the world. That's not to even mention that fundamentally having more than 1 realm existing pretty much hurts most people involved as buffs tend to be an all or nothing type act.

There really isn't anything too meaningful involved in the realm aside from larp potential. Yeah sure you can control the buffs and abuse the EXP so you never have to experience an event again in your life, but that feels pretty weak sauce if realms are meant to be more glorified. There should be some type of strategy and value in owning the realm. As it currently stands it really doesn't matter if the world is just one realm as you all will experience the fruits of the buffs. Maybe there should be more strategy or importance in the buff choices? Such that having mountain tradition may mean you can't growth speed buffs? Or other huge impact decisions on the overall realm policy? We could also look into adding EXP spells that may be more beneficial than people just spending it to bank EXP on their characters. One's that might appeal on all fronts from fighting to farming and more.

And a quick edit of a point that I may have missed. If more competition is desired, than you should be seeking a way to make sure that banner challenges aren't just a flood of characters. As much as I hate to say this, but a sandbox attitude in regard to mechanics like this will always heavily favor numbers. If you hope for more smaller groups to rise up and make a dent in it, then there should be a way for them to successfully control things with a small number of people. Else that window of defense just involves giant zergs that flood the area. The number issue should really be assessed and considered or the world will always devolve into just two giant faction conglomerates.
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Re: Thingwalls Explained

Postby SnuggleSnail » Thu May 06, 2021 9:02 am

I don't think there was a reason to remake realm mechanics if you're just going to moderate the new ones. The vast majority of the problems with the previous system wouldn't have been there if you moderated it. With that said, DEVS STOP MUH PLAYER FREEDOM REEEEEEEEEEEE

It seems very clear to me anybody able to be involved in a realm doesn't want to behave the way you want them to with regards to realms, so why make a bunch of mechanics forcing them to interact with realms then get mad when they don't do it exactly as intended. It seems completely antithetical to the point of a sandbox game where you choose your own goals

It's kinda hard to tell so early, I guess, but I'm kinda back at my original stance of "the game would be better without realms"
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Re: Thingwalls Explained

Postby vatas » Thu May 06, 2021 10:08 am

even a hermit, or non-realm faction, should be able to protest the annexation of Thingwall.

Would it be reasonable to require the "protestor" to be part of a active village within the province of the Thingwall? This could be just another band-aid, but I'll throw it here.
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Re: Thingwalls Explained

Postby Zampfeo » Thu May 06, 2021 3:50 pm

jorb wrote:
mulamishne wrote:Is the ability to bash a challenge banner when you do NOT border the realm really intended? If the idea was to allow smaller realms this seems horrid. There's no reason that a group 5 provinces away should be able to bash challenge flags.

Our reasoning was that even a hermit, or non-realm faction, should be able to protest the annexation of Thingwall.

Counterpoint: a non-realm faction, or even a hermit, should reasonably be able to annex the thingwall of their local provinces without worrying about a faction on another continent coming to bash their challenge banner.
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Re: Thingwalls Explained

Postby Scilly_guy » Mon May 10, 2021 12:25 am

Could you bring back cartography from legacy so we can tell others about thingwalls they haven't visited, it could require effort to produce one map (I'm imagining visiting a handful of quest givers in the province you are mapping, might be hard to directly work this into the crafting mechanic, it could be that using a new hearth magic spell "eagles eye" perhaps starts a quest for the province you are in, on completion you get a thingwall leaf tied to that province which is used in the crafting recipe along with parchment and pigment), it then produces a map which can be studied, using up mental space and LP consumption on completion, of course it takes time too so stops an inheriting character just being able to get straight back to a fight.

Maybe too much but means that an explorer can tell their village mates about other thingwalls, perhaps add a duplicate map option which just requires a "Thingwall Leaf fragment" as well as a Thingwall map, each thingwall leaf could be shredded into X parts?
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Re: Thingwalls Explained

Postby Darkins » Mon May 10, 2021 9:34 am

jorb wrote:Our reasoning was that even a hermit, or non-realm faction, should be able to protest the annexation of Thingwall.

Whats the point for hermit or non-realm faction to protest the annexation of Thingwall? I think they have nothing to do with it . Let only realms fight each other, dont put hermits into realm wars :?
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