Russia invades Ukraine

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Re: Russia invades Ukraine

Postby ATHF » Tue Apr 19, 2022 6:19 am

Halbertz wrote:

Well. Fun fact: there is a version that Putin is a victim of his own propaganda. I personally don't believe in this, but let's for a moment imagine this is true. You could read some patriotic opinions in comment section not far from your link:

there is some merit to that, yes. according to leaked info from inside the FSB - office responsible for analytics - they painted their documents all over with glorious descriptions of victory for the Putin. yet, he was the one who made decision. according to some sources he made it long ago. he is a victim of his own propaganda machine, yet he was the one who set decided to the world on fire.

MadNomad wrote:if they are so helpful to ukrainians why haven't they helped homeless poles during all of these years? if you're a homeless pole just starve in a ditch!

on homeless pols. man, I can drop only like 50$ to you if you are that desperate. if you want help - talk about it, ask for it, go find something to do. after the war ends you can move to Ukraine and get a job while helping to rebuild the whole country, heck, even start something.
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Re: Russia invades Ukraine

Postby ErdTod » Tue Apr 19, 2022 7:47 am

I just wanna take a second of your time, dear reader, to express mad thanks to Polska and other European countries for taking care of our refugees while the arsewipes from russia dirten our soil with their corpses!
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Re: Russia invades Ukraine

Postby Jalpha » Tue Apr 19, 2022 12:35 pm

ATHF wrote:In every scenario being "friends" with Russia we will end up with their fucked laws like being unable to even get together on the squares, post what you think, freely speak of your shit on public.

For the smol brains, if Ukraine is resisting Russia because they think especially things like freedom of speech and general assembly are not restricted in the west then I challenge that assumption and imply that Ukraine is resisting under false pretenses.

If you want a European opinion of what it's like to be invaded by NATO you should ask the Serbs who basically live inside a toxic waste dump and are being slowly poisoned over many generations because of NATO bombings.

The West is no different.
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Re: Russia invades Ukraine

Postby Procne » Tue Apr 19, 2022 12:49 pm

Jalpha wrote:
ATHF wrote:In every scenario being "friends" with Russia we will end up with their fucked laws like being unable to even get together on the squares, post what you think, freely speak of your shit on public.

For the smol brains, if Ukraine is resisting Russia because they think especially things like freedom of speech and general assembly are not restricted in the west then I challenge that assumption and imply that Ukraine is resisting under false pretenses.

If you want a European opinion of what it's like to be invaded by NATO you should ask the Serbs who basically live inside a toxic waste dump and are being slowly poisoned over many generations because of NATO bombings.

The West is no different.

It is different, you should ask any citizen of Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Czech / Slovakia, east Germany old enough to know what it was like before 1989. Although it's true, in recent years nationalists have been gaining power and are trying to introduce laws and propaganda like in "good old times" of soviet union, so possibly it won't be much different in the future.

Jalpha, what are you even talking about, you lived on the opposite side of the world
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Re: Russia invades Ukraine

Postby Zentetsuken » Tue Apr 19, 2022 1:15 pm

Jalpha wrote:
ATHF wrote:In every scenario being "friends" with Russia we will end up with their fucked laws like being unable to even get together on the squares, post what you think, freely speak of your shit on public.

For the smol brains, if Ukraine is resisting Russia because they think especially things like freedom of speech and general assembly are not restricted in the west then I challenge that assumption and imply that Ukraine is resisting under false pretenses.

If you want a European opinion of what it's like to be invaded by NATO you should ask the Serbs who basically live inside a toxic waste dump and are being slowly poisoned over many generations because of NATO bombings.

The West is no different.

As somebody who currently lives in, and has friends and family in Serbia, I can confirm that there is definitely some weird hypocrisy here and that NATO did a fucked up thing by bombing Serbia with dirty bombs, and this is why there is a slightly larger than normal "pro-Russian" stance in the media here.

That being said, absolutely no part of this knowledge has anything to do with the current situation at all, it should not be weighted in to any current equations and even bringing it up at all is basically an animal-level social misjudgement. The Serbians who are pro-Russian due to the actions of NATO bombings 20something odd years ago are poorly educated, out of touch and/or simply retarded.

There is a country being practically genocided and turned to rubble by the ruling of a mentally unstable old man ruling a gas station 3rd world country disguised as a developed nation due to their nuclear arsenal.

Nothing NATO has done before today is on the table and no amount of shifted ideologies from events that happened 20-30 years ago matter in any way, shape or form.

If you are the type of person who can shrug off tens of thousands of deaths, rapes, murders, war crimes, razed cities and a whole population suffering because you are of a political stance that "the west is hypocritical," then there is something severely wrong with you. There are no political nuances that make this okay, or even debatable. If you are the type of person who thinks it's valid to bring up a bunch of political tripe in an attempt to justify what is going on, lessen the austerity of what is happening, or try to rebut the current dire situation with your own subjective "could haves" then there is something severely wrong with you.

Thankfully for the case of Jalpha we are all incredibly well aware of his crippling mental illness, but I'm not sure what the fuck is wrong with the rest of you out of touch mongoloids.
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Re: Russia invades Ukraine

Postby Jalpha » Tue Apr 19, 2022 1:21 pm

I've been traveling around Europe for the past 2.5 years or so. The history here is deep and complex.

Opinions in the west are restricted though. I would be deplatformed if I shared some of my opinions.

The west only tolerates voices which represent a certain set of agendas. The agendas might be different in different cultures yet those agendas are enforced, although the methods of enforcement also vary by culture. The west is more sneaky and manipulative in its tactics.

I think it would be a mistake for Ukraine to adopt western cultural values under false pretense of acquiring greater freedoms. The truth is that by joining the west they lose much of their freedoms and would instead be forced to comply with western cultural ideals.

The better option for Ukraine from my perspective would be for them to retain independence. To not join NATO or Russia. Ukraine cannot join NATO. Russia is stronger than Ukraine. It's just, like, really... What did you think was going to happen.

A war and the result will be the same. A high toll for national pride. Russia can get away with it because there is insufficient will in the west to start WW3. Thankfully.

Good troll post Zen, I almost bit but in no way have I or do I seek to justify this conflict so your jab, from its foundation, is built upon false pretense.
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Re: Russia invades Ukraine

Postby Fostik » Tue Apr 19, 2022 2:02 pm

Jalpha wrote: If you want a European opinion of what it's like to be invaded by NATO you should ask the Serbs who basically live inside a toxic waste dump and are being slowly poisoned over many generations because of NATO bombings.

The West is no different.

Pure whataboutism, a perfect tool to change focus from current problem and move to endless demagogy about past problems.
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Re: Russia invades Ukraine

Postby ATHF » Tue Apr 19, 2022 4:41 pm

Jalpha wrote:
ATHF wrote:In every scenario being "friends" with Russia we will end up with their fucked laws like being unable to even get together on the squares, post what you think, freely speak of your shit on public.

spews some weeb bullshit

mmm, 'kay. don't care, your opinion discarded. have a nice day.
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Re: Russia invades Ukraine

Postby VDZ » Tue Apr 19, 2022 6:40 pm

Zentetsuken wrote:If you are the type of person who can shrug off tens of thousands of deaths, rapes, murders, war crimes, razed cities and a whole population suffering because you are of a political stance that "the west is hypocritical," then there is something severely wrong with you. There are no political nuances that make this okay, or even debatable.

War crimes, rapes and murders (not counting combat deaths and genuine collateral damage) are indeed inexcusable, and city razing is similarly very hard to defend. But for the rest: roughly 5 million Nazi soldiers and between 1.5 and 3 million Nazi German civilians died in World War II, and the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed between 130,000 and 225,000 people. Are you going to claim the Allies were wrong to invade* Nazi Germany to liberate its conquered territories? The nuclear bombings are more controversial, but that just goes to show how there can be nuances even in more destructive conflicts than this.
* I mean invade in the military-technical sense. The Nazis were obviously not the legitimate owners of the territories. It must however be noted that the UK and France declared war on Nazi Germany (in response to the invasion of Poland) and not the other way around, though Germany would have attacked France even if they hadn't declared war themselves.

Which is of course not to say that what Russia is doing should not be condemned. It should not be disregarded simply because the West also does vile stuff (in fact, it should be the other way around: the next time the US pulls shit like this there should be stronger objections). But simplifying conflicts to simply 'enemy bad' is dangerous and does not help to stop the conflict (which, again, requires both sides to agree to a peace treaty).

Zentetsuken wrote:Nothing NATO has done before today is on the table and no amount of shifted ideologies from events that happened 20-30 years ago matter in any way, shape or form.

There is one thing NATO has done that is very much relevant to this conflict:
Wikipedia on Ukraine-NATO Relations wrote:At the June 2021 Brussels Summit, NATO leaders reiterated the decision taken at the 2008 Bucharest Summit that Ukraine would become a member of the Alliance with the MAP as an integral part of the process and Ukraine's right to determine its future and foreign policy, of course without outside interference.[11] NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also stressed that Russia will not be able to veto Ukraine's accession to NATO "as we will not return to the era of spheres of interest, when large countries decide what smaller ones should do."[12]

The other shady shit NATO has done in the past has no relevance to this situation, but they were absolutely playing with fire in encouraging Ukraine to join. I'm still convinced that the primary reason for the Russian invasion was to keep Ukraine out of NATO. Obviously, this was not declared as the formal reason for the invasion as that would clearly go against international law, so Putin came up with the denazification and genocide bullshit. But prior to the invasion, Russia's communication was fairly clear: Stop the process to join NATO, or Russia will take military action. NATO continued to push for Ukrainian membership despite repeated threats. The process was not stopped, and Russia took military action. NATO definitely has part of the blame for this situation.

Jalpha wrote:Russia is stronger than Ukraine.

Not counting their nuclear arsenal, which they cannot use in an offensive war, I'm actually starting to doubt this given their lack of success so far. They're bigger and they have more budget...but so far they seem very incompetent. They are losing against Ukraine (even if they end up managing some gains, it falls way short of their intended goals). How are they stronger?
Last edited by VDZ on Tue Apr 19, 2022 10:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Russia invades Ukraine

Postby jordancoles » Tue Apr 19, 2022 7:55 pm

VDZ wrote:War crimes and murders (not counting combat deaths and genuine collateral damage) are indeed inexcusable, and city razing is similarly very hard to defend.

Then don't.

VDZ wrote:But...

Duhhrail wrote:No matter how fast you think you can beat your meat, Jordancoles lies in the shadows and waits to attack his defenseless prey. (tl;dr) Don't afk and jack off. :lol:

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