low 3rd party support

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Actionable Suggestion: A Toast to Gerdgen (Addendum)

Postby bumfrog » Tue Jan 17, 2023 9:10 pm

oh also ratmail
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Re: low 3rd party support

Postby lordgrunt » Tue Jan 17, 2023 9:15 pm

i srsly chuckled on kill your darlings.
but its wrong term really, its not darlings, these are leftovers. things, fixes, improvements, upgrades and nerfes that were put in the game either bc of spur of imagination or buckling under peer (not peers really, your customers...) pressure.
Hence we are left with things like 87.8% of foods possible being inedible by any sane nolifer stat grinder. curios that make you vomit everytime you recall the 300 things you'd need to craft/hunt/gather in wilderness to craft that shite curio.
Even the fact that we have shit and non-shit curios and foods, i mean, what does it say about the game?
I myself will always say that HnH is 100% great game, it just needs to fix itself in a fucking major way.
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Re: Actionable Suggestion: A Toast to Gerdgen

Postby Delamore » Wed Jan 18, 2023 3:01 am

bumfrog wrote:Eating outside of feasting shouldn’t give Hunger/Satiations/Feps. Hint: experienced players drink (beer, etc) for Energy or just use alts for labor, only noobs get hurt by needing to ruin their character to not starve.

It did feel awful that for any energy intensive task like mining, the options were:
  • Ruin your hunger / stats by bringing food and eating it as you work
  • Drink tons of tea/beer/wine manually to keep energy up
  • Bring a full table and proper food with you
  • Constantly run back to base and eat there, making sure you eat properly while also actually getting enough energy
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Re: low 3rd party support

Postby SnuggleSnail » Wed Jan 18, 2023 3:32 am

Literally every person I know who used to mine for fun hates it now, and energy isn't even the biggest factor in that
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Re: low 3rd party support

Postby pawnchito » Wed Jan 18, 2023 3:36 am

SnuggleSnail wrote:Literally every person I know who used to mine for fun hates it now, and energy isn't even the biggest factor in that

fucking boulders...

jorb wrote:So... what's the actionable development suggestion?

An official client that can be used that doesnt seriously hinder ability to play the game.
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Re: low 3rd party support

Postby Pills » Wed Jan 18, 2023 4:31 pm

This thread has gone from "there is no 3rd party support" to "fuck you fix everything". Wild.

Not to play devil's advocate here, and joining the party a bit late, but this point in op:

SnuggleSnail wrote:
  • No significant public monuments/cool shit built this world except 1 market (again)

Is literally the fault of the toxic side of the playerbase. Attempting to destroy literally everything because you're bored for several worlds in a row, what do people expect to happen? Nobody can be bothered building anything monolithic because its not worth the time dealing with the dickheads in the game who decide nobody is allowed to have any fun who will come and make it their single goal in life to try and destroy it.

I honestly find it ironic that a person who has played a major part in this problem existing is now complaining about this problem existing.

As for actionable things to just better the game:

- A dedicated market place or safe zone and can be travelled to by anybody once they hit a certain milestone, like charter stones or something. With a clean-ish auction house UI. Not sure how a centralised currency would work, could just do the same thing markets do now and have silver/gold coins that can be traded for sub tokens, since there's literally thousands of those in circulation anyway, or maybe just let the players figure it out what they want to trade and what they want to use for a price. As much as I like player-run markets and seeing cool builds, nobody can be bothered to commit to that scope and maintenance anymore.

- Address credo issues, there were some steps in the right direction with this this world. but I would still like to see something better instead of the current state of credos. I see no reason credo's can't have a set 'tier' for how many quests each one has per level, there's no reason it should be possible to start the fisherman credo at 13 quests per level if you do all other credos first, as an extreme example. Its an all round awful player experience. Simulataniously, Scholar takes far too long, but would probably be fixed if the quests per level was capped at something actually reasonable. Blacksmith lets us build bigger smelters that an entire village can share, so why can't somebody with herder share their branding iron with somebody else in the same village to apply the herder buffs to animals instead of relying on account sharing or just botting.

- The hunger/fep system just needs a complete reimagination tbh, but I don't have any viable solutions for that off-hand.

- Honestly, if there was a debate for the removal of PvP, i would be on the side of removing it because I don't see enough viable solutions to fix the issues that having it brings to the game now. The stat equalization thing was a nice change for sure, levels the playing field in a 1v1, but as soon as one group with no life decides they want to remove you from the game they'll spend 2 weeks trying do to that and who the fuck has time to deal with that now that most of the player base are actually adults with lives and families to deal with.

- Remove fucking boulders from mining. sure its nice for credos, but i'd rather have an 'excavate boulder' option that has a high chance of failure, than just randomly getting a fucking boulder in the face when mining.

- I do actually like the curiosity system, I just wish there wasn't such a huge gap between dog-shit and god-tier curiosities. a bit of a rebalance of early and mid-game stuff would be nice.
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Re: low 3rd party support

Postby SnuggleSnail » Wed Jan 18, 2023 4:59 pm

Why are you restating the same shit everybody else agrees with and has been repeating for years? Do you think Jorb is gonna reread it for the 601st time and have a eureka moment? 8 years no drink button, 14 if you include legacy.

Stop derailing my REEEE thread with ineffective constructive criticism. Reeing is the superior for of communication, it achieves the same outcome but it's more viscerally satisfying.
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Re: low 3rd party support

Postby Pills » Wed Jan 18, 2023 6:23 pm

SnuggleSnail wrote:REEEE

Same question to you.
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Re: low 3rd party support

Postby Zentetsuken » Wed Jan 18, 2023 6:45 pm

since this entire game is just a series of endless bandaids that never address any of the core issues, I will suggest a bandaid that ends all bandaids and balances the inequality ingame

once you get to (insert titan stat) on any character on your account at any point in a world, your account just gets permabanned and you lose everything on it

once you KO more than 20 people on any character on your account at any point in a world, your account just gets permabanned and you lose everything on it

tokens in hearthfires are hardcapped to 20 starting on a certain date and if you don't organize them on to different account before then they are simply deleted down to the hardcap number

every character should have a new metadata that counts the amount of time you spend on a certain claim (but why?)

(because) if any single person in your village is caught abusing bugs or performing any activity that is nefarious that ultimately gives them an unfair advantage then every single character who is part of your village gets their account permabanned and you lose everything on it

make custom client use a permabannable offense

make bot use a permabannable offense

make RMT a permabannable offense

create a system that rewards tattletailing with new and interesting hearthfirable trophies

incentivize tattletailing by making the rewards great and having them increase in greatness with each comfirned permaban that your reports lead to

hire and train poor southeast asians as sleepers in the community to watch over social hotspots and gather data and filter emails in the reporting system

make me forum mod

add ratmail

permabans will be divided in to 2 categories, 1 permaban message will say "you won haven" and one will say "you cheated you are bad"

so if you are really great at pvp and being a nolife titan then you get the "you won haven" message along with your permaban (this is good this means you won)

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Re: low 3rd party support

Postby dagrimreefah » Wed Jan 18, 2023 9:06 pm

Pills wrote:- Honestly, if there was a debate for the removal of PvP, i would be on the side of removing it because I don't see enough viable solutions to fix the issues that having it brings to the game now.

You completely lost me there. Haven and Hearth is just literally farmville without PvP. It's dead. Boring. No thrill. I don't understand why retards like you don't see that. Not everyone has an old grandma mindset like you. Like jorb said, it isn't a pvp game but it's a game with pvp in it, which is, whether some people want to admit it or not, one of the alluring aspects of this game.

Also a huge chunk of the game's experience has flaws, so just remove the whole thing? That's like removing your esophagus to relieve heartburn. Can whiny weak hearted man-grandmas PLEASE not gay up this game like they did to every other mmorpg in the last 20 years with PvP in it? Can we have just one fucking game?
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