HnH Needs Adjustment to Wipe Frequency or Progression

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Re: HnH Needs Adjustment to Wipe Frequency or Progression

Postby Tichothewolf » Wed May 15, 2024 12:38 pm

Robben_DuMarsch wrote:I've heard a rumor that W15 only happened because people complained to Jorb/Loftar, and they weren't ready to actually push a wipe patch but more or less threw it together.

I've heard a rumour that if you rub vaseline up your tailpipe it's easier to lubricate with the stickshift.

Just a rumour though, you try busting that myth. Mechanics, right?
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Re: HnH Needs Adjustment to Wipe Frequency or Progression

Postby pitchkor » Wed May 15, 2024 4:29 pm

I think a wipe every 6-8 months will be nice, also your mother bade you obey me.
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Re: HnH Needs Adjustment to Wipe Frequency or Progression

Postby jackykill » Thu May 16, 2024 5:31 am

I 100% would want a wipe for sure, im just now getting comfortable with the game and would like more population =D
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Re: HnH Needs Adjustment to Wipe Frequency or Progression

Postby grumgrumganoe » Thu May 16, 2024 6:08 am

jackykill wrote:I 100% would want a wipe for sure, im just now getting comfortable with the game and would like more population =D

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Re: HnH Needs Adjustment to Wipe Frequency or Progression

Postby Robben_DuMarsch » Thu May 16, 2024 7:21 am

grumgrumganoe wrote:
jackykill wrote:I 100% would want a wipe for sure, im just now getting comfortable with the game and would like more population =D


Are you actually a January 29, 2024 starter?
If so, you're probably more clueless than he is.
You're suggesting his desire is invalid for wanting people to play with, when we went from 1750 concurrent in October to 115 now.
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Re: HnH Needs Adjustment to Wipe Frequency or Progression

Postby terechgracz » Thu May 16, 2024 12:33 pm

hnh has boring everything after initial early dopamine rush
PvE servers would actually make game so much better cause people playing there would focus mostly on building trading etc whatever they want

basically there are two types of people and each of them plays this game differently, forcing PvE players to engage in PvP (for example they will need to try to match PvPers grind or someone will crush them) makes them quit game fast while PvP players leave because there is no prey for them, but no players at all won't provide influx of new players anyways so world must be reset

the only way to fix it is to divide these communities, because when PvPer kills another PvPer this doesn't make any of them quit, both of them get fun from that experience. When PvE player griefs another PvE player there will be just ticket that you need to solve and idk destroy wall with some dev powers and ban griefer

if this wont be done then rl believe that this wiping will continue and continue, we were taught that wipes happen and we all leave bcs we see graph going down

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Re: HnH Needs Adjustment to Wipe Frequency or Progression

Postby Dawidio123 » Thu May 16, 2024 1:28 pm

terechgracz wrote:hnh has boring everything after initial early dopamine rush
PvE servers would actually make game so much better cause people playing there would focus mostly on building trading etc whatever they want

basically there are two types of people and each of them plays this game differently, forcing PvE players to engage in PvP (for example they will need to try to match PvPers grind or someone will crush them) makes them quit game fast while PvP players leave because there is no prey for them, but no players at all won't provide influx of new players anyways so world must be reset

the only way to fix it is to divide these communities, because when PvPer kills another PvPer this doesn't make any of them quit, both of them get fun from that experience. When PvE player griefs another PvE player there will be just ticket that you need to solve and idk destroy wall with some dev powers and ban griefer

if this wont be done then rl believe that this wiping will continue and continue, we were taught that wipes happen and we all leave bcs we see graph going down

First of all: viewtopic.php?f=40&t=44710

Second of all: Do you think devs care enough about doing all that moderation/hiring people to moderate a pve server? It's a lot of man hours to check in on EVERY ticket that will appear, especially since you need to judge if something is actually griefing or just inconvenient for another player. (ie. claiming/building near another player in a way that prevents him from expanding, it could be done to intentionally grief, but it could also just be a good spot of land that you want for yourself).

Third of all: Where do you draw the line of something being a "grief" and just playing the game as intended. If someone claims all the salt (as an example, salt is not in a great spot rn, but it's aplicable to any other contestable resource like hql animal spots or other localized resources) in the world you have no way to get these back and since there'll be no wipes or siege you won't EVER get them back. Is that griefing? If so then how many salts can a person claim before you consider it as a bannable offence?
What about finite amount of ores in the world? What happens once they run out? Will there even be a point for new players to join the world? Should the mine be wiped every now and then? What about people that build down there?

Overall the game mechanics are based on pvp being used to settle disputes (even if siege is in a horrible place right now) and wipes as some resources are just finite. Furthermore wipes are used as a way to introduce new "mechanics" (lava can hardly be called a mechanic but it couldn't be introduced into already existing world) and possibly change how the world generates, a non-wipe pve world wouldn't be able to get these, so not only would you get a world where you NEED active moderation to keep order, you also would get a world with no meaningful updates or changes so it would be as dead as legacy, not to mention mines being mostly empty after a while (and probably a huge list of other things that would make it a shitshow in the long run).
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Re: HnH Needs Adjustment to Wipe Frequency or Progression

Postby terechgracz » Thu May 16, 2024 2:00 pm

ive read that stuff and I understand this stance but there exists a lot of games with PvE servers and thats it
normal stuff for mmo to have ticket system and moderators
developers develop stuff
moderators moderate
btw I dont care bout philosophy like will to power or smht

game creators must swallow the pill that if theyre lazy they kill their product
some ppl want to build farm and thats it
oh and also you can just create mechanics that will decrease number of griefing
for example building VC or smth
whats the problem with that? just don't allow building VC if there is PC claim whose owner is not founding fater
rly its all just arguments to not put work

- quote Second of all: Do you think devs care enough about doing all that moderation/hiring people to moderate a pve server? It's a lot of man hours to check in on EVERY ticket that will appear, especially since you need to judge if something is actually griefing or just inconvenient for another player. (ie. claiming/building near another player in a way that prevents him from expanding, it could be done to intentionally grief, but it could also just be a good spot of land that you want for yourself).
- amswer yes i think devs care about if they product is healthy, they develop game and if stakeholder won't hire ppl to moderate then they will be sad bcs it kills they work

- quote Third of all: Where do you draw the line of something being a "grief" and just playing the game as intended. If someone claims all the salt (as an example, salt is not in a great spot rn, but it's aplicable to any other contestable resource like hql animal spots or other localized resources) in the world you have no way to get these back and since there'll be no wipes or siege you won't EVER get them back. Is that griefing? If so then how many salts can a person claim before you consider it as a bannable offence?
What about finite amount of ores in the world? What happens once they run out? Will there even be a point for new players to join the world? Should the mine be wiped every now and then? What about people that build down there?
- awswer pve isnt abotu claiming resources so other cant have it, its about growing in world together, ppl in pve world will probably just dont care about claiming such stuff, if theyre powergaming pve players they will just be rich enough to buy everything they need, and de definition is simple there exists thing like words in which you can write rules and they apply and you can police if rules are broken, simple right? plus whats the problem to create custom rules so ie you cant claim this and that or something, whatever. deveropers got brainz they can use it as you can see from this thread you posted

- quote Overall the game mechanics are based on pvp being used to settle disputes (even if siege is in a horrible place right now) and wipes as some resources are just finite. Furthermore wipes are used as a way to introduce new "mechanics" (lava can hardly be called a mechanic but it couldn't be introduced into already existing world) and possibly change how the world generates, a non-wipe pve world wouldn't be able to get these, so not only would you get a world where you NEED active moderation to keep order, you also would get a world with no meaningful updates or changes so it would be as dead as legacy, not to mention mines being mostly empty after a while (and probably a huge list of other things that would make it a shitshow in the long run).
- ąswer its a lie that you cant have meaningful updates wihtout wipes, i see games that update a lot of stuff every patch sometimes major overhauls and they dont need wipes, btw I dont really see a point in not wiping from time to time but I feel that wipiing each year is just not healthy for pve players, you can also have multiple servers whats the deal? 1500 players is enough to be split into 5 servers no problem, if this idea is good then it will ineviebiatly bridge new players to gamw

- quote First of all: viewtopic.php?f=40&t=44710
- amswern yes viewtopic, but which one?

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Re: HnH Needs Adjustment to Wipe Frequency or Progression

Postby Robben_DuMarsch » Thu May 16, 2024 3:58 pm

Terechgraz is probably Ticho, btw:

And yes, a troll, a really good troll:
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Re: HnH Needs Adjustment to Wipe Frequency or Progression

Postby DonVelD » Thu May 16, 2024 4:01 pm

no i know him hes legit, ticho is also legit we jerk off together sometimes
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