Haven and more end-game combat content

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Haven and more end-game combat content

Postby Lorefin » Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:20 pm

Would less people quit the game if people had more end-game content to do?

I see people in a lot of good villages eventually get bored, they keep their chars well FED up but they see no reason to just increase their level of industry and combat stats and they eventually drop out.

For example, imagine there's a village with people who have 250 stats. They can beat the animals but they cannot try any PvP, all what is left are the dungeons.. which are need to be found and all villages members need to be online and have time to go to that place etc. to kill a bunch of animals...

I just wonder what if you could, Minecraft-style construct some kind of portal or altair that could once per day open a portal to some kind of a shadow realm. It would be a maze-like world with various challenges that you could explore and fight with various wraights, powerful bosses and other weird crestures...

You could meet other players here but if so, you'd have a spell to yeet out of the shadow realm in some quick unnatural way, maybe with some wound after it.

So once per day the village would gather, even with 150 and 300 and 500 and 1900 stats, they would try to find challenges for themselves and try to clear rooms , boses some of which would be extra difficult etc.. depended on their stats, cooperation and skills. Would be def a funny village activity and it would be easier to coordinate time-wise. Then the portal would be closed for 24 or 48 hours.


Or, once a week some kind of God of war would descend upon the world to organizer a tournament.. at the same hour, near all thingwalls there would appear a spirit-like arena. Parties of players running into it would be set somewhere safe and later and after 30 min of wait time, they would be pitted against each other. The winner would get the god's blessings and receive an one/two week or one month long buff untill the next battle when he's present in the thingwall he won in. this.. And there, there would be a 5% chance ur char dies for real for some real ranger, other than its a battle untill knockout and then you get tped back to HF

Ok more like a large circle around the thingwall would become a biome out of some kind of other-wordly substance and it would transport your character to some kind of a mystic arena totally somewhere else
So people know they just need to rush this thing and theyre safe, ready for the upcoming combat. So even if two low level villages are the last ones active in a certain provinces, they can enjoy a funny fight for some profits XD

Well, for a true accesible challenge, I suppose it would only lead to knockdown but no RIP so everyone could come and try to maybe win because even with that 5% RIP chance, people wouldnt show up.

Maybe you could participate only where your village idol is so its some sort of a local-only challenge if you know what mean... and the area could be a province or a serie of interconnected provinces if only one province seems to small to gather enough people.

Idk, something fun to do other than an assured death if you decide to fight a PvP and something other than only fighting animals

If people had a reason to actually keep increasing their industry and battle-stats, they'd last for much longer here. Like - we need to raise this and this so we can clean stronger and stronger rooms of the shadow realm! Or, there are a bunch of similar villages nearby, we need to rush this or that so we can get an edge over them in the coming Ares' tournament and win the buff for the upcoming 2 weeks!

Because most of already existing challenges are for people who can venture out into the world and be ready to lose their chars and only for top ultra-stat fighters or top alt producers, when the rest of the people cannot afford to really take part in the competition
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Re: Haven and more end-game combat content

Postby Robben_DuMarsch » Sat Apr 13, 2024 11:00 am

Lorefin wrote:Would less people quit the game if people had more end-game content to do?

You seem to have never really hit Haven's endgame, because you think that PvP is an "assured death." Factually, Faction fighters almost never die in PVP. They are KO'd and sent home, usually without their gear. Even when trapped, completely surrounded, and set up for execution (like in Snail visitor gate trap earlier this world) they will not die. The only time they die is if water is involved, because of their own mistake, or because they are trapped when they teleport home in their Snekkja without scouting first. (Attacker KO's them then bashes Snekkja, drowning them for kill.)

Let's redirect your discussion.

There are three models of endgame content in online games that have worked to sustain an MMO or "Game as a Service" indefinitely:

1. Constant new endgame content churn (Themepark MMOs, Arena shooters (although they still have seasonal ranked wipes typically))
2. Sovereignty and Endlessly Increasing your Wallet (EvE, partially Albion Online)
3. Wipes (Any game not a themepark MMO, arena shooter, or EvE. The survival, ARPG, and Extraction shooter genre all do this. Even Albion has sovereignty wipes.)

To address them in order:
1. This is seemingly what you are suggesting. However, Jorb/Loftar are a 2 man studio, which rules out the intense content churn required for #1. They will not be able to release endgame content at a high enough frequency to keep players indefinitely engaged in the endgame.
2. Haven has already attempted its own version of #2, and still relies on wipes.
3. This is, in my opinion, the obvious answer.

Is population getting too low? Adjust wipe frequency. The longest another game goes between wipes I can recall is Tarkov, which is 6 months (it also has huge late wipe population dropoffs). Most other games are on a 3 month cycle, unless they are survival games, which often wipe on weekly or monthly cycles.
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Re: Haven and more end-game combat content

Postby Dawidio123 » Sat Apr 13, 2024 10:17 pm

Robben_DuMarsch wrote:The only time they die is if water is involved, because of their own mistake, or because they are trapped when they teleport home in their Snekkja without scouting first. .

Something something wrong something something murderous rage something something knowing your opponents hp.
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Re: Haven and more end-game combat content

Postby DonVelD » Sat Apr 13, 2024 10:19 pm

Robben_DuMarsch wrote:
Lorefin wrote:Would less people quit the game if people had more end-game content to do?

You seem to have never really hit Haven's endgame, because you think that PvP is an "assured death." Factually, Faction fighters almost never die in PVP. They are KO'd and sent home, usually without their gear. Even when trapped, completely surrounded, and set up for execution (like in Snail visitor gate trap earlier this world) they will not die. The only time they die is if water is involved, because of their own mistake, or because they are trapped when they teleport home in their Snekkja without scouting first. (Attacker KO's them then bashes Snekkja, drowning them for kill.)

Let's redirect your discussion.

There are three models of endgame content in online games that have worked to sustain an MMO or "Game as a Service" indefinitely:

1. Constant new endgame content churn (Themepark MMOs, Arena shooters (although they still have seasonal ranked wipes typically))
2. Sovereignty and Endlessly Increasing your Wallet (EvE, partially Albion Online)
3. Wipes (Any game not a themepark MMO, arena shooter, or EvE. The survival, ARPG, and Extraction shooter genre all do this. Even Albion has sovereignty wipes.)

To address them in order:
1. This is seemingly what you are suggesting. However, Jorb/Loftar are a 2 man studio, which rules out the intense content churn required for #1. They will not be able to release endgame content at a high enough frequency to keep players indefinitely engaged in the endgame.
2. Haven has already attempted its own version of #2, and still relies on wipes.
3. This is, in my opinion, the obvious answer.

Is population getting too low? Adjust wipe frequency. The longest another game goes between wipes I can recall is Tarkov, which is 6 months (it also has huge late wipe population dropoffs). Most other games are on a 3 month cycle, unless they are survival games, which often wipe on weekly or monthly cycles.

Oh, where do I begin with this masterpiece of misguided musings?

Firstly, let's address the glaring misconception you seem to have about PvP in Haven. While you're busy waxing poetic about Faction fighters being as resilient as rubber ducks in a kiddie pool, you conveniently overlook the psychological toll of being constantly sent home packing, stripped of gear, and essentially humiliated in front of their peers. But hey, who cares about the emotional trauma, right? As long as they're not technically dead, everything's peachy!

Now, onto your grand revelation of the three sacred models of endgame content. How noble of you to grace us with your wisdom, O' Sage of the Virtual Realms! But forgive me for not falling to my knees in awe. Your trinity of endgame paradigms seems more like a regurgitation of Wikipedia entries rather than any original insight.

Oh, but let's not forget your brilliant solution to Haven's population problem: the almighty wipe! Because nothing says "player retention" like hitting the reset button every few months, right? Never mind the countless hours players invest in building their virtual empires, forging alliances, and establishing their dominance. Let's just toss it all away like yesterday's leftovers because, hey, it worked for Tarkov, right?

Your arrogance in assuming you've cracked the code to Haven's salvation is as breathtaking as it is laughable. Perhaps instead of preaching from your ivory tower of theoretical game design, you could humble yourself and actually engage with the community, understand their concerns, and work towards solutions that resonate with the player base. But hey, what do I know? I'm just a mere mortal who prefers playing games over pontificating about them.
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Re: Haven and more end-game combat content

Postby dafels » Sat Apr 13, 2024 10:42 pm

It is only normal for people to get bored of a game and no content adding can fix this. The game has enough content. Shit thread
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Re: Haven and more end-game combat content

Postby Robben_DuMarsch » Sun Apr 14, 2024 1:39 pm

Dawidio123 wrote:
Robben_DuMarsch wrote:The only time they die is if water is involved, because of their own mistake, or because they are trapped when they teleport home in their Snekkja without scouting first. .

Something something wrong something something murderous rage something something knowing your opponents hp.

Misa and Noinek literally streamed their max HP while stuck in the visitor gate trap, live on discord, and Snuggle and friends still couldn't execute them. Noinek even took off his armor lol.

Your faction leader cried about permadeath being more or less removed from the game for faction fighters previously:

Do I need to educate you more? I'm sure the lobotomy makes it hard to learn things, but grit your teeth and keep trying.
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Re: Haven and more end-game combat content

Postby Antvgr » Sun Apr 14, 2024 3:58 pm

Robben_DuMarsch wrote:3. This is, in my opinion, the obvious answer.

Ehh, regular wipes just shorten the retention. If you look at stats of, say, Path of Exile, the shorter the seasons got, the lower the retention became. And it's becoming worse, something even developers understand. Wipes without new content also serve no puprose and developers are forced to churn more and more, lowering quality.

Besides not everybody is faction busy bodies. I have been playing for three monthes this world and i am just finished exploring leve 3 cave. Non-pvpers play much slower game.
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Re: Haven and more end-game combat content

Postby DonVelD » Sun Apr 14, 2024 6:27 pm

Robben_DuMarsch wrote:
Dawidio123 wrote:
Robben_DuMarsch wrote:The only time they die is if water is involved, because of their own mistake, or because they are trapped when they teleport home in their Snekkja without scouting first. .

Something something wrong something something murderous rage something something knowing your opponents hp.

Misa and Noinek literally streamed their max HP while stuck in the visitor gate trap, live on discord, and Snuggle and friends still couldn't execute them. Noinek even took off his armor lol.

Your faction leader cried about permadeath being more or less removed from the game for faction fighters previously:

Do I need to educate you more? I'm sure the lobotomy makes it hard to learn things, but grit your teeth and keep trying.

Ah, the saga of Misa and Noinek, immortalized in the annals of Discord for all eternity. But let's not be too quick to cast stones, shall we? After all, Snuggle and their valiant comrades-in-arms faced quite the Herculean task when confronted with such formidable opponents.

Now, Misa and Noinek, bless their hearts, decided it was a splendid idea to broadcast their escapades to the masses, as if the world needed another reminder of their sheer ineptitude. Oh, but it gets better! Not content with merely showcasing their max HP like overgrown toddlers showing off their shiny new toys, Noinek, in a stroke of genius, thought it would be absolutely brilliant to strip down to his skivvies mid-battle. Because, you know, who needs armor when you have the power of sheer stupidity on your side?

And let's not forget the pièce de résistance, the cherry on top of this cake of failure: dredging up ancient forum posts to mock poor old Robben Du Marsch. Ah, Robben, the unsung hero of the virtual world, whose only crime was perhaps caring a bit too much about the state of permadeath in the game. But fear not, dear Robben, for your legacy lives on in the hearts and minds of those who dare to dream of a world where permadeath is not merely a distant memory.

But I digress. Back to our dear educator, offering to enlighten us with their vast knowledge. How kind of you! Yes, because clearly, the lobotomy I underwent last week has left me desperately craving for more knowledge from the likes of you. I'll be sure to carve out some time in my busy schedule of banging my head against the wall to soak up every morsel of wisdom you have to offer.

So, let us not dwell on the missteps of the past or the criticisms of others. Instead, let us celebrate the resilience and camaraderie of Snuggle and their comrades as they continue to face whatever challenges the virtual world may throw their way. And may Misa, Noinek, and their band of merry misfits continue to provide us with endless entertainment for years to come.
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Re: Haven and more end-game combat content

Postby Dawidio123 » Sun Apr 14, 2024 7:01 pm

Robben_DuMarsch wrote:Misa and Noinek literally streamed their max HP while stuck in the visitor gate trap, live on discord, and Snuggle and friends still couldn't execute them. Noinek even took off his armor lol.
Your faction leader cried about permadeath being more or less removed from the game for faction fighters previously:

Do I need to educate you more? I'm sure the lobotomy makes it hard to learn things, but grit your teeth and keep trying.

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