Java 8 - manually downloads url

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Java 8 - manually downloads url

Postby borka » Sun Aug 30, 2015 12:33 am

Moderator note: The following was posted by borka. Some content of the post has needed updating. I'll do my best to try to keep the information up to date. If anyone notices an error, PM myself or submit a report with corrected information. Thanks. -- MagicManICT

Attention custom client users on Windows - when updating Java HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\haven content might get deleted ... so backup first ...

Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) 8

32Bit and 64Bit JRE Windows - Linux - MacOS - Solaris - online and offline - 8u291

64 Bit JRE for Windows 64Bit 8u291

64 Bit Java recommended on 64 Bits OSses (and 64 Bit client with 64 Bit Jogl libs)
Recommended for HnH official client and HnH custom clients

End of life

Personal Users continue to get free Java SE 8 JRE updates from Oracle till December 2020 only at (urls at top) or by autoupdate

Versions of Java newer than 8 are available. OpenJDK is a project using open source and the GNU Public License to keep a public version for non-commercial Java developers available that is regularly updated along with the Oracle licensed version. The JDK can be used in place of the Java Runtime. JDK for licensed users at Oracle technetwork ... alternativly you can go for ... ckage=jdk# Other downloads maybe be available. Note for programmers: if you wish to compile yourself, source code is also available.

Windows 10 Environment Variables for Java JDK HowTo

edited: May 5, 2021
Last edited by MagicManICT on Wed May 05, 2021 7:31 pm, edited 43 times in total.
Reason: updated version information
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