When I hover over "Hunger Level" bar it says two things:
1) Food efficacy is 275% - this shows the fep point multiplier which drops every time I eat something (now it's like 2,75x). One question about that is - what's the best place to sit for a low stat, medium stat and high stat player? I've heard that food efficacy is recovering faster at lower levels (like from 100% to 200%) and slower at higher levels (like from 200% to 300%).
2) Satiety is 39,4% - this is the most confusing thing for me right now. How it's different from "Food Satiations" from the top? I know that probably this is some kind of "general" satiety and the top one are individual ones to prevent from eating the same meal over and over again but how it's affecting the eating mechanic? It lowers my feps by a 39,4%? It stacks with food satiations? It's calculated at the end? Things like that.
3) How actually salt works now? I remember it used to increase our "Food efficacy" instantly depends on the quality. Now the tooltip says something about the time but it's even more confusing. I tried to eat a crystal and it reduces my general "Satiety" by a little and it felt almost useless.
I've tried to search the wiki to find some answers but many things are outdated and not clear, I hope I can find those answers here

Take care Hearthlings!