by SnuggleSnail » Sun Dec 29, 2024 1:12 pm
If you're an autistic tryhard you quest for hunger at around 130% or 140% and eat infinitely. Very cringe system/behavior, but luckily nearly nobody is doing that.
For everybody else just ignore your hunger bar. In previous systems you were hurting yourself if your hunger got too low, and I think a lot of people feel apprehensive about eating because of that memory, but in this system if anything it's a sign you're doing the right thing.
I'd add that because of the way hunger/satiations work, it's better to feast in smaller amounts more often. EX: eating 100 pieces of food once per week is A LOT less efficient than eating the same amount of food over the week every few hours. It's kindof just personal preference, but I'd suggest making about a week's worth of food (decide how much a week's worth of food is based on how much fun you're having), and then try to take and even portion of it to eat real quick every time you login. Remember to eat for your lower stats first so they benefit from the higher hunger at the beginning of the feast.
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