Tanning Rack Appears Empty When Full

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Tanning Rack Appears Empty When Full

Postby Jesus_Smith_Nandez » Fri Sep 04, 2015 3:10 am

Listen up cuz this is some dev cape quality shit right here fellas.
So, I put up a bat hide onto a tanning rack with a Wild Windsown Weed that was partially completed. Still with me?
When the Windsown Weed finished, producing a beetroot, the tanning rack, rather than showing a tanning bat hide or a finished Windsown Weed, appears empty.
When the beetroot is removed, it shows a drying bat hide, as it should.
I was able to re-produce this bug twice under the exact same conditions (both accidental) with a bat hide and a Windsown Weed. I'm unsure if this bug happens with other hides or under different conditions (i.e with a dried hide, with multiple hides, etc.). I can see this being a massive pain in the ass if you have multiple tanning racks that are hard to keep track of, as you could forget you had something drying if the rack appears empty and therefore not think to harvest it.

So check your empty racks to make sure this didn't happen to you, boys.
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Re: Tanning Rack Appears Empty When Full

Postby simimi » Fri Sep 04, 2015 3:21 am

Its the same with rabbits hides, I thought it was commun knowledge as it appends everytime you put hide and seeds in same rack.
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Re: Tanning Rack Appears Empty When Full

Postby aradar » Fri Sep 04, 2015 4:59 am

im guessing it happens because the rack displays an image of what ever the last thing you put into it so when you take out the now dried seed there is no image for the seed so it leaves the rack with a null image
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Re: Tanning Rack Appears Empty When Full

Postby jorb » Fri Sep 04, 2015 8:05 am

Some of the crops -- namely those without seeds (beets, onions, peapods, &c) -- do not display the graphic for dried windsown weeds. This as a reminder to introduce another crop finding mechanic for those crops. They are, down the road, not intended to use the WWW mechanic.
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