New Sausage Type: Liverwurst

Thoughts on the further development of Haven & Hearth? Feel free to opine!

New Sausage Type: Liverwurst

Postby LadyCricket » Tue Dec 26, 2023 6:06 am

Proposed Recipe: 2 wild or tame pork, 2 entrails.

Proposed FEPs: Charisma/Psyche.

Honestly, I just want another use for entrails. My village has more than we know what to do with, there's only so much liver and onions we can eat, and I don't have enough sheep meat to turn it all into haggis.

Come on, liver's really healthy!
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Joined: Sat Mar 16, 2019 5:46 am

Re: New Sausage Type: Liverwurst

Postby Harunobu » Tue Dec 26, 2023 9:50 am

I think having two easy entrail sink foods is fine. The other being bushrolls. There's other foods that are harder to make that do require entraits. Like haggis.
And you also propose it to boost psyche. I think more psyche foods is fine. But they should be kinda hard to produce compared to onion & liver. I think having one more food with entrails is fine too. Maybe entrails + Intestines + some meat and it produces liverwurst. That's fine to me. But should it give psyche also?
Are there any sausages that use spices? Maybe add one of them? entrails + Intestines + mandatory spice, no meat?

That said, this game has a ton of foods already. I don't think adding more would be a high priority if I was a dev.

Also, as a vegetarian who hated liverwurst as a kid, what about more vegan/vegetarian/woke foods? Add soybeans and veggie burgers please!
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