Seagull Bandits

Thoughts on the further development of Haven & Hearth? Feel free to opine!

Seagull Bandits

Postby overtyped » Thu May 16, 2024 1:02 am

There was a promotion for papa johns, 10 fucking bucks for a large, and as u know, Bob Dole wanted in on it

So Bob Dole ordered it, then walked down to papa johns and grabbed the pizza(Ham and pinnaple, FU it's the best), but about a minute into his way back, a huge fucking swarm of like 25 seagulls started flying above him, squawking because I guess they know what Bob Dole was holding.

so Bob Dole opened up his pizza box and started eating and he tossed a few pieces of a slice over a fence
and the seagulls shrieked and started frantically flying down to grab it.

Bob Dole ate the whole box there, while feeding the seagulls.

It was fun

But after, Bob Dole began to wonder what was going on there. Do the seagulls just wait outside Papa Johns all day waiting for a sucker to walk by carrying a box of pizza? Clearly they are a coordinated group, but you know what I didn't see? Magpies.

So I ask you, why do magpies steal shit in haven, but not seagulls? What's going on here?

In Robins words, seagulls are like rats with wings, so why is there no seagull on a stick even? No wonder this game has such a low population right now, the people aren't getting what they want. Bob Dole proposes more seagull related mechanics, they deserve proper representation.

PS: there were two crows there, but they didn't get any, the seagulls made certain of that.
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Re: Seagull Bandits

Postby Robben_DuMarsch » Thu May 16, 2024 2:30 am

Ham and pineapple pizza confirmed w16

Seagull on a stick should somehow be an ingredient.
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Re: Seagull Bandits

Postby overtyped » Sat May 18, 2024 2:29 am

Important update, Papa Dole went to get more, but the seagulls werent there. However, the two crows from last time were(At least I like to think they were the same ones).

Either way, the two bird boys got a feast.
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Re: Seagull Bandits

Postby Robben_DuMarsch » Sun May 19, 2024 4:35 pm

There are a suspicious lack of crows in Haven. Birb patch when?
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Re: Seagull Bandits

Postby jock » Sun May 19, 2024 4:56 pm

Robben_DuMarsch wrote:There are a suspicious lack of crows in Haven. Birb patch when?

Crowfeather cap when?
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