Remove the ability for teleport crossing sea

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Remove the ability for teleport crossing sea

Postby maze » Sun May 26, 2024 5:12 pm

Removing the ability to teleport across the sea (Hearthing, Thingwell, charterstone, ect).

Players who want to flee the main island and hideout thought the world, don't want to be visited every 10 mines by another player walking by looking for pvp or hunting their areas.

Limiting the players from crossing the sea would tax those who do with time, needing to use a boat to get on and off the island or to be KO'ed to be sent back to their fire.

If a group of players invade another island, they can't simply hide and teleport back inside their safegates that they erected a day before hand.

For trade this would make it a little more localized, and shipping items from island would be necessary; but I doubt it will have a large impact.
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Re: Remove the ability for teleport crossing sea

Postby strpk0 » Sun May 26, 2024 5:51 pm

"i got koed so here's a thread poopooing about it and asking the game to be made easier for me"
Granger wrote:Fuck off, please go grow yourself some decency.

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Re: Remove the ability for teleport crossing sea

Postby Dawidio123 » Sun May 26, 2024 5:51 pm

maze wrote:Removing the ability to teleport across the sea (Hearthing, Thingwell, charterstone, ect).

Players who want to flee the main island and hideout thought the world, don't want to be visited every 10 mines by another player walking by looking for pvp or hunting their areas.

Limiting the players from crossing the sea would tax those who do with time, needing to use a boat to get on and off the island or to be KO'ed to be sent back to their fire.

If a group of players invade another island, they can't simply hide and teleport back inside their safegates that they erected a day before hand.

For trade this would make it a little more localized, and shipping items from island would be necessary; but I doubt it will have a large impact.

tl:dr traveling merchant take 2.0
counterpoint: bring back porticos and make traveling cheaper when it comes to low will characters (hermits) but remove thingwalls so ppl can't just put an alt on each thingwall and wait for a hermit to come by.
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Re: Remove the ability for teleport crossing sea

Postby maze » Sun May 26, 2024 6:46 pm

strpk0 wrote:"i got koed so here's a thread poopooing about it and asking the game to be made easier for me"

Arnt you the noob who keeps teleporting over and hiding in a safe gate; then teleporting home to your little big bois village.
Nah fam, im asking for some tax on these hit and run shit so I can get some real pvp without all you bois just hidding in your little cave gates all the time.

@Dawidio123. yeah thingwalls are pretty shit mechanic for teleporting because of those watcher alts; but there watcher alts in caves, houses, small little palis. teleporting should just be removed, and road meta should be brought back. roads were move fun anyhow.
Last edited by maze on Sun May 26, 2024 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Remove the ability for teleport crossing sea

Postby wonder-ass » Sun May 26, 2024 6:55 pm

see homo sexuality trending,. do not do that.
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Re: Remove the ability for teleport crossing sea

Postby Robben_DuMarsch » Sun May 26, 2024 6:58 pm

Dawidio123 wrote:counterpoint: bring back porticos and make traveling cheaper when it comes to low will characters (hermits) but remove thingwalls so ppl can't just put an alt on each thingwall and wait for a hermit to come by.

I am not sure travelling should be cheaper, as it already seems pretty cheap, but certainly the idea of using free alt scouts has been abused this world and should probably be addressed. In case Jorb or Loftar read this, as they are likely unaware, this is the practice of leaving naked characters at thingwalls permanently online which report when other hearthlings enter render, to allow you to run/hide from PvPers or (more commonly) gank newbs.

In jest, I suggest the game run a bitcoin miner to at least introduce some cost to this :P
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Re: Remove the ability for teleport crossing sea

Postby DonVelD » Sun May 26, 2024 8:53 pm

noooooooo!!!! POOP!!!! shit?????? PISS!!!!!!!!! hecking hate getting killed by telleportarinos!!! bad!! bad dog!!! i hate it !!! i hate it there!!!!!!!!!! you blink and thereds a guy!!!! >:(((
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Re: Remove the ability for teleport crossing sea

Postby maze » Sun May 26, 2024 9:38 pm

DonVelD wrote:noooooooo!!!! POOP!!!! shit?????? PISS!!!!!!!!! hecking hate getting killed by telleportarinos!!! bad!! bad dog!!! i hate it !!! i hate it there!!!!!!!!!! you blink and thereds a guy!!!! >:(((

Why you guys getting killed by noob teleports who hide in safe pallys, join chad men group and remove teleporting so that we can siege a place without the rats getting away
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Re: Remove the ability for teleport crossing sea

Postby SnuggleSnail » Mon May 27, 2024 1:38 am

maze is right remove safepalis
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Re: Remove the ability for teleport crossing sea

Postby strpk0 » Mon May 27, 2024 6:55 pm

maze wrote:Arnt you the noob who keeps teleporting over and hiding in a safe gate

Granger wrote:Fuck off, please go grow yourself some decency.

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