Ok.....so imona get the jokes out of the way and acknowledge the elephant in the room....and quickly move right past it because these are things that would be legitimately fun to add into the game as everyone can agree this stuff is super tasty:
Fried Chicken & Watermelon:
-Not actually just fried chicken but Chicken Fried Meat in general, especially chicken and steak but could also be deer and pork. idk if rabbit or fox would be great to fry.
-We already have Frying Pans, Oils of various types (with the possibility to expand it if corn was ever added to the game.) Flour of multiple types of grain, could even mix them together and make a Multi-grain bread(Hrmmmm that might be a fun suggestion in and of itself) and all of the commonly fried goods......Beef, Pork, Chicken. OH DONT FORGET THE SPICES! PEPPERS! SALT!(speaking of......why dont we have many Spicy spices? like legit peppers?)
Watermelons I just think would be a fun one to add in as well. tons of juices and sweets can be produced from Watermelons, not to mention they grow similarly to Pumpkins but have a far lower caloric count due to their water content......so could work as a really good 'Filler Food' one uses after a long day of digging in the mines and needs a quick refreshing snack to cool them down, hydrate them and make them FEEL full
I know i kinda baited the presentation here as a bit of a joke, but as anyone who is reading my suggestions can see theyve been thought through a bit.....i just felt the sensationalism of people's reactions would draw more eyes to both of these suggestions if they got SUGGESTED together. (Release them seperately if perception is considered an issue) Im Southern US and thats just classified as Southern Comfort food down here......cut a whole in the watermelon and liquify the insides, add ice and sugar.......yummmmmmm. and who can argue that Fried Chicken is AMAZING
I'm still waiting for my Cheeseburger.......Sealburger dont count