Each year wipe - good or bad?

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Re: Each year wipe - good or bad?

Postby DonVelD » Wed May 11, 2022 12:10 pm

Nigga you're a forum dweller, are you any better? Get off your high horse kekw
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Re: Each year wipe - good or bad?

Postby WowGain » Wed May 11, 2022 1:02 pm

MadNomad wrote:those who achieve everything in 4 months should stop being smeagols chained to their precious screen 15 hours per day, crawl out of their cave and see some sun, but their skin might burn in contact with sun and there might be a feeling unpleasant for eyes after leaving a dark cave into open space with sunlight

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Re: Each year wipe - good or bad?

Postby Halbertz » Wed May 11, 2022 1:46 pm

Okay, let's take another look at what our special talent wrote.
MadNomad wrote:Permament world would be a good thing because it would stop addiction of a lot of people addicted to world resets

Fair point! But you know what else will happen (considering that game won't have any other changes)? Game will freaking die, because that "addicts" are 90% of playerbase.
MadNomad wrote:those who achieve everything in 4 months should stop being smeagols chained to their precious screen 15 hours per day, crawl out of their cave and see some sun, but their skin might burn in contact with sun and there might be a feeling unpleasant for eyes after leaving a dark cave into open space with sunlight

"Someone is better than me! That means that he is stupid and weak nerd that lives in his parents basement!"
Dude, grow up. It's wrong attitude, you shouldn't see world like this. You don't have to be forever offended all your life.
MadNomad wrote:or if they are not in front of screen 15 hours per day they should stop being leeches and work on their own for their stuff

"Someone has a lot of time to spent on things they like, instead of wagging! He is definitely NEET!"
This thing again. Look, here is simple exercise how to become happier person:
"If someone has a lot of money, it does not mean that he stole it. I can work hard and also earn a lot of money."
"If someone looks good, it does not mean that he is gay. I can take care of myself and look better too."
"If someone knows how to play a musical instrument cool, this does not mean that this talent is from God. I can spend my time and learn to play just as well."
Instead of eternal resentment, try to really do something in life. And then, perhaps, you will have respect for people who achieve something. Whether it's a Noble Prize, or a cringe pvp movie with a fucking rap on background.

MadNomad wrote: you don't need a badge to talk

To discuss something, you need an understanding of the topic of discussion. Agree or not?
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Re: Each year wipe - good or bad?

Postby DonVelD » Wed May 11, 2022 1:59 pm

Halbertz wrote:
MadNomad wrote: you don't need a badge to talk

To discuss something, you need an understanding of the topic of discussion. Agree or not?

I can already guess he disagrees :)
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Re: Each year wipe - good or bad?

Postby donatas081294 » Sun May 15, 2022 12:17 am

Since world wipes are part of the game's mechanic/charm/feature, why devs don't capitalize it?
Everything starts of cool for the first I dunno season (3 months), but half year in, let's say the map gets smaller, the animals get more agressive and when 9 months have passed and 3 remain dungeon monsters start roaming freely, then people would be forced to drop pvp and start pve-ing together and like last month shit really hits the fan, flood trolls on surface and so on.
Like bring last week armegedon, make it fun last couple days until next world starts, it will be like a race. No more infinite stats, no more point of having bots, because the world will reset anyway, so enjoy it while it's there, because the only thing will remain will be screenshots and youtube videos.
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Re: Each year wipe - good or bad?

Postby Sevenless » Sun May 15, 2022 12:21 am

donatas081294 wrote:Like bring last week armegedon, make it fun last couple days until next world starts, it will be like a race. No more infinite stats, no more point of having bots, because the world will reset anyway, so enjoy it while it's there, because the only thing will remain will be screenshots and youtube videos.

Everyone knows the world resets, they use bots so they have to do less work or so they can smash their neighbour's faces in harder.

Also making the lifecycle about combat misses a huge mark on the game's core activities. Most of the game activities aren't combat related and actual combat is relatively rare.
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Re: Each year wipe - good or bad?

Postby ChakatStormCloud » Mon May 16, 2022 7:13 am

So, I've played on W8, W12, and W13

Couple friends dragged me in during W8, played a couple weeks then we all ended up switching to some other game.
last year I picked up W12 in the last month, played right through to W13, 2 months later I took a break for a few months (IRL shit), came back started from scratch on the other side of the MAP, then quit again cause by that point in the game (about 5 months in) the game was kinda dead.

In my experience, no-one on a whole cares about the wipe because of the progress or w/e, they care because it brings a spike of players and activity, because it's the only time villages and factions form, and it also makes a good point to drag freshmea- friends into the game.

People quit when the game get's tedious, when their friends quit, when their village has no goals left, when their faction runs out of people to fight or lands to explore. And the rate of people coming back from breaks isn't enough to support the trade/comradery/competition/pvp, you know things that make an MMO, that makes people want to stick around and keep grinding. So people don't stick around, new villages, small or large never form, and most certainly new factions never form.

The game would need a player base about 5-10 times it's current size for an eternal world to function. As is? the game kinda lives on the wipehype.
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Re: Each year wipe - good or bad?

Postby Shri » Mon May 16, 2022 1:37 pm

ChakatStormCloud wrote:So, I've played on W8, W12, and W13

Couple friends dragged me in during W8, played a couple weeks then we all ended up switching to some other game.
last year I picked up W12 in the last month, played right through to W13, 2 months later I took a break for a few months (IRL shit), came back started from scratch on the other side of the MAP, then quit again cause by that point in the game (about 5 months in) the game was kinda dead.

In my experience, no-one on a whole cares about the wipe because of the progress or w/e, they care because it brings a spike of players and activity, because it's the only time villages and factions form, and it also makes a good point to drag freshmea- friends into the game.

People quit when the game get's tedious, when their friends quit, when their village has no goals left, when their faction runs out of people to fight or lands to explore. And the rate of people coming back from breaks isn't enough to support the trade/comradery/competition/pvp, you know things that make an MMO, that makes people want to stick around and keep grinding. So people don't stick around, new villages, small or large never form, and most certainly new factions never form.

The game would need a player base about 5-10 times it's current size for an eternal world to function. As is? the game kinda lives on the wipehype.

I did promice not to talk on forum till I gain more play hours, since many ppl did nag about it, but I gess reply dont count ;)

Tbh, after pillaging 6-7 inactive villages or big claims.. having a mine.. base, not close to water.. making steel.. having gear.. exetra..
I can imagine why ppl are burn after 1 y of gp...
I kinda found my self just left with option of fight or rising stats with food, alcemy and better gear/glidings/lp. So I can feel it, even in my short time play (super fast by looting inactives).


I just don't feel it, like.. world did develop to the fullest, you know..
Of course.. I did not explore full map, tho... But what I did see so far.. there is not many highly developed villages.
Did not see any major 'frendly citys' connected with pavened roads.. or some 'uber q.' mountain forts.. so far.

Players who wait new world and play from day 1, no doubt, got nice base/stats/gear/q. and so on.
But mostly, after few raids/kills, they just got bored again .
Not even truy to make seperate village for newcomers with all full q. workstations/beautefull buildings/superb design of village/trading/lvl9 mine/wars with multiple ppl/scumbags... and so on.

I mean.. AND I leave the option that I'm unexp. player. .. I wanna do all those things... I don't give a fu. who is stronger or more skilled then me. But.. more motivated and crazy in efforts and presistancy.
Maybe, I will... but, for sure!!! .. I wont... if I did miss world reset for like few months. That's the problem.

That's why I even did start this topic on first place. Just to discus such matters.. not to spoil old gamers habits.
So. What with ppl who joined after 5 or 6 month to late..?
Learne the game for next 8-10 months and when you are finaly up to high standards .. expect wipe of your efforts and do it again?

I mean... not all ppl are total fans of this game to suck such fact. Some got family and Rl. Most of em wont even pay for game in any way, since then need to wait for wipe.. why would? They see every game time expendable.. since they grow up.. and spend more time and efforts in RL events.
So.. since game is still alpha and not having any marketing.. is it good for developing/cash, that, they only depend on 50 ppl who likes and follow game?

Beside to all I did say so far.. I think existing player community got to high expectations.. I mean.. I did play Wow and Lol, eve online, archeage, black desert, final fanatasy, LOR, runscape, ultima OL, tibia, repopulation, entropia universe and all the fu. good, possible, open world mmo rpg games, out there. They all get tidius after some time... Its nothing fu. new in games... Stop crying about it.. (not you lol, just saying my feelings in general).
Build something extra.. Use engine and possibilities to the full..
Help new ppl... enjoy meeting and helping newcommers, make great hall for each of em. If you are bored.. and so uber.. Do some epic scale, changes on map.. be a king.. or something..
Just don't repeat all the fu. time egocentric power needs. Save that for RL.

Anyway.. My conclusion so far:

(I know its not realistic atm.) But 2 seperate worlds. One presistant. And one, with time specific reset, with perks for players who play it over and over.

One for practice and one kind of player community who like open wolds as they usualy are and are use to that.
Second one for competition and old uber farts (future, me), with hall of fame and specific small perks (permanent to both servers they start after second server world reset) :D
As long as it is constructive. I care.
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Re: Each year wipe - good or bad?

Postby VDZ » Wed May 18, 2022 8:04 pm

Shri wrote:I kinda found my self just left with option of fight or rising stats with food, alcemy and better gear/glidings/lp. So I can feel it, even in my short time play (super fast by looting inactives).

Shri wrote:Players who wait new world and play from day 1, no doubt, got nice base/stats/gear/q. and so on.
But mostly, after few raids/kills, they just got bored again .

That's the point. It doesn't happen at the start of the world, because you can't progress super-fast by looting abandoned claims or proactively mugging/raiding people. Nobody has top-tier stuff yet. You need to gradually work your way towards it; the only feasible way to get good stuff is by naturally acquiring it yourself. You can only skip/boost small parts of your progression via trade or crime. That is what makes the early world so much better than later times.
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Re: Each year wipe - good or bad?

Postby joojoo1975 » Wed May 18, 2022 11:25 pm

I do not agree with a yearly wipe

I do agree with trying to figure out how best to approach the combat situation as well as the new player vs. Hardened Veteran vs. "Army of Alts" syndrome
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