Each year wipe - good or bad?

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Re: Each year wipe - good or bad?

Postby Nightdawg » Sun May 22, 2022 1:01 pm

Clemins wrote:And if you just restart after returning, what was the point of the permanent server?

I have this weird fetish where I like to get spanked in everything I do. Basically I suck at the start, I quit, I come back, I still suck (but now my enemy has 20k stats). It just fills a void in my life, cause I can't afford a dominatrix or whatever the fuck they're called, the women/men that whip you while wearing latex.
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Re: Each year wipe - good or bad?

Postby VDZ » Sun May 22, 2022 4:38 pm

Clemins wrote:what was the point of the permanent server?

Shutting up people who complain about wipes being a thing, and proving definitively that servers with wipes are more fun.
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Re: Each year wipe - good or bad?

Postby Shri » Thu May 26, 2022 6:49 pm

abt79 wrote:
Shri wrote:
I did promice not to talk on forum till I gain more play hours, since many ppl did nag about it, but I gess reply dont count ;)

Tbh, after pillaging 6-7 inactive villages or big claims.. having a mine.. base, not close to water.. making steel.. having gear.. exetra..
I can imagine why ppl are burn after 1 y of gp...
I kinda found my self just left with option of fight or rising stats with food, alcemy and better gear/glidings/lp. So I can feel it, even in my short time play (super fast by looting inactives).


I just don't feel it, like.. world did develop to the fullest, you know..
Of course.. I did not explore full map, tho... But what I did see so far.. there is not many highly developed villages.
Did not see any major 'frendly citys' connected with pavened roads.. or some 'uber q.' mountain forts.. so far.

Players who wait new world and play from day 1, no doubt, got nice base/stats/gear/q. and so on.
But mostly, after few raids/kills, they just got bored again .
Not even truy to make seperate village for newcomers with all full q. workstations/beautefull buildings/superb design of village/trading/lvl9 mine/wars with multiple ppl/scumbags... and so on.

I mean.. AND I leave the option that I'm unexp. player. .. I wanna do all those things... I don't give a fu. who is stronger or more skilled then me. But.. more motivated and crazy in efforts and presistancy.
Maybe, I will... but, for sure!!! .. I wont... if I did miss world reset for like few months. That's the problem.

That's why I even did start this topic on first place. Just to discus such matters.. not to spoil old gamers habits.
So. What with ppl who joined after 5 or 6 month to late..?
Learne the game for next 8-10 months and when you are finaly up to high standards .. expect wipe of your efforts and do it again?

I mean... not all ppl are total fans of this game to suck such fact. Some got family and Rl. Most of em wont even pay for game in any way, since then need to wait for wipe.. why would? They see every game time expendable.. since they grow up.. and spend more time and efforts in RL events.
So.. since game is still alpha and not having any marketing.. is it good for developing/cash, that, they only depend on 50 ppl who likes and follow game?

Beside to all I did say so far.. I think existing player community got to high expectations.. I mean.. I did play Wow and Lol, eve online, archeage, black desert, final fanatasy, LOR, runscape, ultima OL, tibia, repopulation, entropia universe and all the fu. good, possible, open world mmo rpg games, out there. They all get tidius after some time... Its nothing fu. new in games... Stop crying about it.. (not you lol, just saying my feelings in general).
Build something extra.. Use engine and possibilities to the full..
Help new ppl... enjoy meeting and helping newcommers, make great hall for each of em. If you are bored.. and so uber.. Do some epic scale, changes on map.. be a king.. or something..
Just don't repeat all the fu. time egocentric power needs. Save that for RL.

Anyway.. My conclusion so far:

(I know its not realistic atm.) But 2 seperate worlds. One presistant. And one, with time specific reset, with perks for players who play it over and over.

One for practice and one kind of player community who like open wolds as they usualy are and are use to that.
Second one for competition and old uber farts (future, me), with hall of fame and specific small perks (permanent to both servers they start after second server world reset) :D

Congratulations, you've:

  • proven everyone saying you were too new to know what you were talking about correct beyond a shadow of doubt (and, in fairness to you, have also admitted as much)
  • moved on to the same "wipe server and no wipe server running simultaneously" idea hundreds of players in your position have suggested over the past decade after realizing that an eternally wipeless world sucks. Devs have already voiced opinions on this idea Here (4 years ago), Here (~4 years ago as well), Here (suggested 5 and answered 4 years ago, where Jorb even states that the idea is 'suggested lots'), and Here (13 years ago, very close to the game's inception), to varying results. Mainly the response amounts to 'might be neat, but server capabilities aren't there yet' though splitting the already-small playerbase would likely mean one of the two servers would end up dead anyways. Considering the current state of the game, it would of course be the endless server that died for reasons you seem to now have realized.

  • (note that I did not have these responses committed fully to memory or in some ready-to-send archive. It took me about 4 minutes to find all of this just by searching C&I)

It is common practice here (and, in fact, strongly recommended by The Rules) to search existing threads before posting your very unoriginal, ill-informed insights. Perhaps in the future you will see the value in doing so, or short of reaching that conclusion on your own, will take to heart criticism by experienced users instead of whining that they're trying to "silence" you.

This is actualy first forum/community I dislike a lot.
I mean.. you guys (most of you), cheer up for game/developers to succeed.... But on in other hand, you kinda, su ck in forum culture. What if there is 1k + more players here? Will you tell em to all each, read all f. posts in past 13 years? Play for a year then involve in community on forum? extra..

Even tho.. its not realitstic atm to have 2 servers... is it so nuts to talk about it? On 'ideas'?? WTF do I need degree on nuclear phisics before I join and talk with ppl on forum?
Thats why forum exist.. And I CAN BET... most of ppl who did preach to me here .. did not involve to more than 3 forum community before.

So.. let me reply to your comment:

Thx for reminding me on the rules... If you are so presistant in folowing em.. plz do same comment as you did to me, on each topic/post after 13 yo original one. Do some consistent justice to all.
Beside.. I did read 'prime directive' on the 'Inn of Borgar'.. thats why I did not, atleast, post there.

Congratulations, you've:

One of many ppl who basicly responded in same way. Kindnes/emphaty .. 0%.

Maybe server capabilitys are not atm, for such effort.. but it could change? Dose it hurt to just make a goals or atleast discus?

From view of 'elder players' i totaly understand that wipe is good. Even I.. after few months kinda wish for it. But... from view of buisniss .. my opinion is .. that 2 servers will be played, no doubth .. Atleast, I would.. as ptp.
'Normal' players play game.. pay .. have fun with benefits .. and after some time they leave to another game.. Thats RL, dude. Why the F. you wanna make this game everlasting?

The goal is that developers just don't shut off the game.. And even if 10% of newbies don't like wipes and play presistant server..
Who the f. cares... As long as they pay for game.. and keep server running. (Again... in the future.. when game became beta, with proper marketing)

Some will play both servers...

...dont f. lie... you would not?
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Re: Each year wipe - good or bad?

Postby Shri » Thu May 26, 2022 7:36 pm

VDZ wrote:
Shri wrote:I kinda found my self just left with option of fight or rising stats with food, alcemy and better gear/glidings/lp. So I can feel it, even in my short time play (super fast by looting inactives).

Shri wrote:Players who wait new world and play from day 1, no doubt, got nice base/stats/gear/q. and so on.
But mostly, after few raids/kills, they just got bored again .

That's the point. It doesn't happen at the start of the world, because you can't progress super-fast by looting abandoned claims or proactively mugging/raiding people. Nobody has top-tier stuff yet. You need to gradually work your way towards it; the only feasible way to get good stuff is by naturally acquiring it yourself. You can only skip/boost small parts of your progression via trade or crime. That is what makes the early world so much better than later times.

Even if I did plunder old bases.. its hardly around q100. So I know the mechanics, expecialy after lvl2 mine. Thx.
Its just a boost for me after joining server 1yo. But I started from q10 for one month. TBH: Duno why you even telling me that... like... you lack the perception that I'm hard core gamer. Noob here tho.. but still.

Depending on 'elder players' who wanna play wipe worlds is like .. depending on 'social help' money.

I don't fu. care.. Its anyway, close to wipe atm.. and I can wait till reset, since its close... Ill play/pay new world to my hearth content, and leave game, most likely/eventualy.
But what with ppl who joined few month before me and realized .. all efforts will be wiped before fully hearth was fullfiled.
(Plz... don't sell me that trash about practice and learning.)

My tought and opinions, was mostly related to developers benefits. Not for yours!
Not all new players will be hard core fans who wanna support food for ther mouths.. and nag for every single new reset and sh itz.

And for the end... tell me honestly VDZ . . would you play persistent server or not (if double server is in option)?

ps: again.. I did play like 100+ games.. and to be honest.. most of games with wipes, I just did ignore.. not even look at close... cose, its repeling to some % of players, like me.
Not expecting from any game, to eternaly fun, anyway...
Atleast I wish to have my empire, there for some time. Cose I need some time and thinking and experimenting to do it perfectly.. RAIDED OR NOT.. ... not to just be wiped after its done and do it AGAIN and again.
And that's my opinion. Not, an attack on majority opinoin of 'elders'.

Life is short, to some ppl, dude.
There is so much work to be done on our character and body in RL. To be perfectly polite and unselfish. To have a perfect actions and toughts in your life, before you die. And you wanna spend your life time playing some game exesivly?
Its a fuc king product for consumation, like you food.. get over it...
So on the end... you will see that only presistant world will help you pass the game... to RL, game. Sooner the better.

x2 ps: Me after 2x beers :D
Last edited by Shri on Thu May 26, 2022 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Each year wipe - good or bad?

Postby bumfrog » Thu May 26, 2022 8:02 pm

your posts...are. f. aw ful to read... i'm not sure why...it's got...someting...to...do with...the...way...you ty pe

(no hate...towards, language barrier....but...is there language? that usess...so many...ellipsis) pls and thx
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Re: Each year wipe - good or bad?

Postby WowGain » Thu May 26, 2022 11:27 pm

I didn't think it was possible to outdo mvgulik in typing style but you really did it
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Re: Each year wipe - good or bad?

Postby Shri » Fri May 27, 2022 9:38 pm

bumfrog wrote:your posts...are. f. aw ful to read... i'm not sure why...it's got...someting...to...do with...the...way...you ty pe

(no hate...towards, language barrier....but...is there language? that usess...so many...ellipsis) pls and thx

Yeah, I know.
Thx for feedback. I'll try to improve grammatics.
It is totally hard for me to type english..
Since, on my native langue, we type as we spoke. Literally.
There is no double letters in a word or, 'I' spoken as 'E'...
+ I'm 50+ yo. If that counts as an excuse.

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