top ten ideas you should stop posting new threads about

Thoughts on the further development of Haven & Hearth? Feel free to opine!

Re: top ten ideas you should stop posting new threads about

Postby SpacePig » Thu Jun 15, 2023 2:55 pm

hollyfire wrote:so. I think pvp is great, but as a player I want to have some safe place to avoid pvp.
and my idea is simple - state of province.
if a province is at war, PVP is allowed.

this will attract warriors eager for battles and easy loot.
and this will push peaceful peasants to leave this place.
also realm will had more power. it's mean regular army (or king's guards) for resolve that attack. economics functionality will also upgraded by value of players opinion.

so, anyone will get some:
pve players get peaceful place for his farm and mines
pvp players get battle experience and his fun.

as they say - and the wolves are full and the sheep are whole.

anyone who devalues pvp forgets about other people's fun.

another genius - the aggression that griefers show is not directed against your character in the game, but against you, if you introduce save zones when you can’t attack players, this will all apply to griefers too. Now most noob-hooligans who can attack and rob you pay for their first aggression with the life of their character. If you enter safe zones, they will breed there like cockroaches, every second noob who enters the game will surround you with his claims, jump into your boat, pull things out of your hold or cart, kill your horse. And millions of other nasty things, all the golums who are now quietly eating fish in their lairs will come out and dance and show fuck around your village. You have no idea how your life will get worse.
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Re: top ten ideas you should stop posting new threads about

Postby bladeking230 » Thu Oct 12, 2023 4:15 am

Just a question about all this PVP and PVe, Is there an easy way to just run your own server for haven and hearth? I love the game but i have no interest in playing every single day to stay ahead of the grind to then be wiped out by factions or groups while I'm AFK. I'd love my own world where i can play by myself or with a select few. Besides writing my own game/learning code and such. Is there such a thing?? Or is the only way that happens is if Jorb and Loftar release the game for single player/server hosting. Cheers
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Re: top ten ideas you should stop posting new threads about

Postby Audiosmurf » Thu Oct 12, 2023 4:19 am

bladeking230 wrote:Just a question about all this PVP and PVe, Is there an easy way to just run your own server for haven and hearth? I love the game but i have no interest in playing every single day to stay ahead of the grind to then be wiped out by factions or groups while I'm AFK. I'd love my own world where i can play by myself or with a select few. Besides writing my own game/learning code and such. Is there such a thing?? Or is the only way that happens is if Jorb and Loftar release the game for single player/server hosting. Cheers

Top 1 idea you should stop asking about
jorb wrote:Audiosmurf isis a fantastic poster/genius and his meatintellect is huge

banok wrote:i've been playing hnh thru 10 years of involuntary celibacy and I always build my palisade in 5 minutes so if a new player cant figure it out straight away they can get fucked and chug bleach
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Re: top ten ideas you should stop posting new threads about

Postby bladeking230 » Thu Oct 12, 2023 4:26 am

Audiosmurf wrote:
bladeking230 wrote:Just a question about all this PVP and PVe, Is there an easy way to just run your own server for haven and hearth? I love the game but i have no interest in playing every single day to stay ahead of the grind to then be wiped out by factions or groups while I'm AFK. I'd love my own world where i can play by myself or with a select few. Besides writing my own game/learning code and such. Is there such a thing?? Or is the only way that happens is if Jorb and Loftar release the game for single player/server hosting. Cheers

Top 1 idea you should stop asking about

Hahahah yeah fair
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Re: top ten ideas you should stop posting new threads about

Postby Aerysette » Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:03 am

I don't like forced pvp either. rather deal with PVE griefing than trying to contend with people in the 1000's+ of stats, or groups of players that play solely to pick off anyone they can take advantage of regardless of personal gain. Making friends would be easier too. Anytime I see a player icon on the map either I teleport home instantly or they do, regardless of harmless intentions. Whenever a player icon doesn't teleport away there's no hope anyways as that person is A) confident in their abilities, and/or B) on a super fast mount/boat and I couldn't escape even if I tried. Why not entertain the idea of a PVP server and a separate PVE server?

This game has waaaaaay more going on PVEwise than PVPwise. PVP really does seem like it was tacked on unnecessarily. The game would still thrive without it. If it had to stay, it could be optional or area-specific; realm wars for taxes, world bosses, tournaments, dungeons, deep mines, etc. for PVP scenes as a few examples. High risk = high reward.

Combat is janky and rng heavy (combat moves) anyways. It's not good at all. Being forced to fight someone with combat like this is frustrating when you lack the movesets and maybe don't even understand combat because the game tells you nothing.

The lack of global chat is also weird. If I can't rely on a wiki or ask players in-game about something specific then my only options are to use discord or the forums... too much 3rd party reliance, terrible for new player retention.
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Re: top ten ideas you should stop posting new threads about

Postby Aerona » Mon Nov 20, 2023 6:43 am

Villages and realms are the game's answer for players who don't want to play competitively: Find someone else who does and put your hearthling under the protection of theirs. But the only way to fully enjoy the game without "winning" (to the extent that means anything) is to accept that losing is part of it, and have fun with what you're doing rather than with the "progress" you make. Your progress can be erased, your experience can't.

The reason "PvP" is necessary is because there's not a team of gamemasters who can go around banning players who make the game miserable for everyone else. Instead it's up to the playerbase to use the game's tools to even things out. But, more important, I think, is that the harsh consequences for death and loss are what make H&H unique among modern MMORPGs. If that's taken away, and it loses its niche. I'm not a big fan of the game's combat either, it's no more exciting than it is in the EverQuest 2 clones I've played, but avoiding combat is an option. Far more so than in most video games.

I've gone into detail before about what happened in Ultima Online when they tried to separate the game into PvP and PvE sections, it was not good. Players behave better when there's consequences for their actions, and if they're surrounded only by like-minded people those are hard to bring on.
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Re: top ten ideas you should stop posting new threads about

Postby animary » Mon Mar 11, 2024 8:50 pm

"The reason "PvP" is necessary is because there's not a team of gamemasters who can go around banning players who make the game miserable for everyone else."

But it is the PVP players who are making the game miserable for others. They may find it "fun" to run around killing every other player they encounter, but those other players do not find that fun. There are plenty of ways to die in this game without having to worry that any other player you see will kill you simply because you are there.

Personally I wonder about the mindset of someone who deems it "fun" to kill other players.

But people have debated this as long as the game has existed; with no compromise forthcoming. The concept of PVP and non-PVP servers makes sense, even if just as a test - lets see which would attract the most players. Or an "arena" area in each world, anyone in that area is fair game.

As it is there is little social aspect to the game, little cooperation, since you are "better safe than sorry" and hearth home at first sight of anyone else on the map.
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Re: top ten ideas you should stop posting new threads about

Postby DonVelD » Mon Mar 11, 2024 10:49 pm

Nah, it will drown you
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Re: top ten ideas you should stop posting new threads about

Postby avros008 » Wed Apr 17, 2024 8:21 am

we should be able to create our own servers with our own rules.
dafels wrote:the midges are not the problem,
you're the problem
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Re: top ten ideas you should stop posting new threads about

Postby srt66 » Tue Jul 09, 2024 6:15 am

This forum is the most fun place in HNH. Playing games with mouth is much more much more much enjoyable than playing with hands. ¦]
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