Global Chat/ No realm chat bans

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Re: Global Chat/ No realm chat bans

Postby FreedmanWayne » Mon Jul 06, 2020 1:38 pm

Nightdawg wrote:Realms are created and owned by players. There is no "global" chat. Realm owners are free to mute whoever they don't want to see in the chat. There's no need for a reason to mute someone, they can just do it.
In regards to asking questions and learning the game: sadly, this game's filled with lots of toxic people and there is nothing you can really do about it (usually they're the loudest ones too). Best advice I can give you is to use the forums and the wiki if you have questions about this game. I suggest you also join a village that is recruiting newbies, which will greatly accelerate the rate at which you learn this game.

If I haven't made myself clear, the devs have nothing to do with that public chat or the players who own that realm. You only have access to that chat because you're on that realm's territory. Realms also have an inner kingdom chat (not public) which only oathed people can see.

Also stop feeding trolls they're lesser beings and you don't seem to be very smart by feeding them either ¦]

Couple things. You need to Google "mansplaining". Secondly, the god damn devs DESIGNED THE FUCKING CHAT SYSTEM FROM THE ETHER OF JAVA CODE! So to say that they have nothing to do with it is at best, wrong. Now they may choose to neglect it on the day to day, but they built the god damn thing and they can change it. Right? So you're wrong. Then the notion that I want to "do something" about the toxic people in the community, yourself included and I'll get to that, is laughable. I'm not 5 years old. I cant roll the dung that is you people into a perfect ball. DUH! I'm asking you why the system is arranged in a way that allows for this. Not IF it is designed this way, or the best ways to work around it. No. That's not how you solve problems? When your toilet overflows do you just shrug and start shitting outside? If I ask you why you haven't addressed the issue in your toilet, and you try to explain to me that the toilet just sucks and can't be fixed so you shit outside like its a slum in the Philippines and look at me like I'm dumb for asking. Same thing. Then refer to trolls as lesser beings and then posted your own troll face! You don't see the fucking irony in that? Bye.
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Re: Global Chat/ No realm chat bans

Postby FreedmanWayne » Mon Jul 06, 2020 1:52 pm

MagicManICT wrote:Since clearly the children don't know how to behave on the forums, they need a time out. (Note: consider this a warning.) If you can't be reasonable and keep the drama in The Moot, then don't post. It's a valid question, and if you can't provide valid answers or feedback, fuck off. Off topic posts are being Hel'd.

@OP: if you can't handle rude people, this probably isn't the community for you. I hate to run people off from the game, as it's a great game, and really is a great community once you get past the rough parts. It takes a thick skin to run with the pack here.

Also, if you have questions about the game, we have a help section here that is moderated.

Couple things for you. I appreciate you clearing house in here but I need to correct you. I have plenty thick skin. I'm still here arguing despite everything that's gone down. So I'm not fucking soft, and I'm not a fucking smoothbrain or a coward. My issue is that there are people here able to control what is a major feature in ANY multiplayer game. It's about being silenced and excluded forcefully. This isn't being shouted down, this is being denied the fight itself. So if anyone here needs thick skin, I would suggest to you that it is the people blocking me /"Realm chat owner" (which Nighthawk seems to place a lot of stock in). The same chat owner who is causing/allowing this and spammed me "nigger" for an hour straight last night. The type of two person company who neglects their community like this is the exact same type of company who only has 300 customers after 10 years in business, not a terribly successful model I think we can agree when compared to other titles. Even indie titles. And what has been retained is a really dark slice of humanity. The type of person who will inevitably settle into a game that is effectively rule-less and anarchic. So if the devs can't/won't make rules, they need to change features. Which was my original suggestion which you and everyone else here has ignored other than to explain to me that there is no global chat which I already fucking knew or I wouldn't be here. So MagicMan, at the end of your post, I could still just refer you to my original post. Thanks for at least being a human being, but I am fucking exhausted with you mother fuckers saying that it's my fault for being soft and not everyone else's fault for failing at being a human or at being an administrator or at being a game-maker. Victim blamers can fuck off, too.
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Re: Global Chat/ No realm chat bans

Postby FreedmanWayne » Mon Jul 06, 2020 2:01 pm

Amanda44 wrote:You can lower the chat screen so it's not visible or simply put it on 'system' if you are having issues with anyone in the chat or don't want to read a particular conversation, personally I just ignore anyone who is being rude or 'trolling', I honestly don't see the point of trying to communicate with anyone who is deliberately trying to be offensive. :)

As for being able to ban people in the realm chats, I think this is a handy feature if in the right hands, maybe you could try speaking to the realm leader (in this case SnuggleSnail) about any problems you are having with a realm member banning you.

Balder's Bra chat is usually quite lively at the time I regularly play, (around now) I find the majority there are really friendly and will quite happily answer questions and offer help. I have probably spent more time talking in this chat than any other from past worlds due to this.

I never stop being irritated by others continuously saying this games community are 'Toxic' ... it's just not true, this games community are overall actually great! There are ofc some exceptions, which is true of any community of people be it in gaming or in rl, it's your choice, always, whether or not to enter into discussions with them. ;)

I just read the posts that were sent to hell. I'm sensing speaking to the realm leader is not going to be helpful in this case after all .....

I don't even know where to start here. More stating the obvious. I don't think you guys get what is happening here. I was rebanned in chat immediately after the 24 hour ban for saying ONLY THIS: "Finally unbanned."
So stop victim blaming here, and acknowledging that its a handy feature is SO wrong when you could give the power to ignore people directly to each individual like fucking every other multiplayer game ever. This is not some arcane fixed truth of the universe here man, its a chunk of code. And no YOU'VE ALSO MISSED THE POINT AGAIN! IT ISN'T MY FUCKING CHOICE TO ENGAGE, I'VE BEEN CHAT BANNED! I have had my choice taken from me. Why is this so hard to understand? It's like you read my post but then changed the meaning of every sentence. I'm baffled. It IS true that this community is toxic, as the mod preceding you had no problem admitting. And your enabling here is why these features don't get changed and these people don't get held to account, so yeah get the kind of feedback seen in this thread and inside the game and experience what I have. Fucking tell me this community isn't toxic, making the assumption about approaching snugglesnail, assuming that I "always" have a choice to communicate or not were all totally incorrect. So you'll forgive me if I kind of forget that this comment was ever posted. Good day.
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Re: Global Chat/ No realm chat bans

Postby FreedmanWayne » Mon Jul 06, 2020 2:03 pm anyone ever going to postulate on WHY....FUCKING WHY...Not whether or not it exists now, or who moderates what, blah blah blah. WHY don't we have a global chat, and WHY can't we switch the feature from realm mute to personal ignore list? This is a critique and ideas forum, people. SUGGESTIONS! Familiar with the term?
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Re: Global Chat/ No realm chat bans

Postby cherryquartz » Mon Jul 06, 2020 2:04 pm

The thing is, realm chat is kinda like a 'guild' chat, the owners of the realm control the chat, that's just how it is, if you don't like it, move to a different realm. I highly doubt they will change a feature of the game, that most people don't have an issue with, just for one person. I don't know why you were banned, but honestly, your posts are making me believe maybe you're not as innocent as you're making out. You've been rude to everyone who has posted here, even when they have been kind to you, it speaks volumes.
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Re: Global Chat/ No realm chat bans

Postby cherryquartz » Mon Jul 06, 2020 2:05 pm

FreedmanWayne anyone ever going to postulate on WHY....FUCKING WHY...Not whether or not it exists now, or who moderates what, blah blah blah. WHY don't we have a global chat, and WHY can't we switch the feature from realm mute to personal ignore list? This is a critique and ideas forum, people. SUGGESTIONS! Familiar with the term?

There are discord channels that people use as a kind of global chat.
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Re: Global Chat/ No realm chat bans

Postby FreedmanWayne » Mon Jul 06, 2020 2:13 pm

cherryquartz wrote:The thing is, realm chat is kinda like a 'guild' chat, the owners of the realm control the chat, that's just how it is, if you don't like it, move to a different realm. I highly doubt they will change a feature of the game, that most people don't have an issue with, just for one person. I don't know why you were banned, but honestly, your posts are making me believe maybe you're not as innocent as you're making out. You've been rude to everyone who has posted here, even when they have been kind to you, it speaks volumes.

Not a single person replying to this has been "kind to me". Not one. Every one of these posts has had some serious problems. Either with allowing people to be shit on or by ignoring the problem or victim blaming. So I'm not being rude, I'm just right and that's hard to hear and makes you feel inferior. I can't help that. I don't entertain arrogance and I don't entertain victim blaming and I don't entertain people insulting my intelligence by stating the fucking obvious. If effectively calling me a pussy and telling me to just quit the game, while simultaneously removing comments which is a mods obligation imo, is "being kind"...we have arrived at a very dark place as a species, indeed.
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Re: Global Chat/ No realm chat bans

Postby FreedmanWayne » Mon Jul 06, 2020 2:20 pm

Also I won't be needing any more feedback here as I have decided to quit. Congratulations on your victory and enjoy wallowing in one another's filth.
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Re: Global Chat/ No realm chat bans

Postby SnuggleSnail » Mon Jul 06, 2020 2:20 pm

Ya'know, this thread has inspired me. I'm going to write a chat moderation bot for my realm.
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Re: Global Chat/ No realm chat bans

Postby cherryquartz » Mon Jul 06, 2020 2:24 pm

FreedmanWayne wrote:
cherryquartz wrote:The thing is, realm chat is kinda like a 'guild' chat, the owners of the realm control the chat, that's just how it is, if you don't like it, move to a different realm. I highly doubt they will change a feature of the game, that most people don't have an issue with, just for one person. I don't know why you were banned, but honestly, your posts are making me believe maybe you're not as innocent as you're making out. You've been rude to everyone who has posted here, even when they have been kind to you, it speaks volumes.

Not a single person replying to this has been "kind to me". Not one. Every one of these posts has had some serious problems. Either with allowing people to be shit on or by ignoring the problem or victim blaming. So I'm not being rude, I'm just right and that's hard to hear and makes you feel inferior. I can't help that. I don't entertain arrogance and I don't entertain victim blaming and I don't entertain people insulting my intelligence by stating the fucking obvious. If effectively calling me a pussy and telling me to just quit the game, while simultaneously removing comments which is a mods obligation imo, is "being kind"...we have arrived at a very dark place as a species, indeed.

Just because you don't like a game feature it doesn't make it wrong, it also doesn't make the people that don't dislike the feature wrong, it just means YOU don't like the feature.
Seriously, you're so aggressive and rude, YOU are being arrogant, YOU are being insulting and YOU are the one with the problem. I'm honestly not suprised you were banned if this is how you act.
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