- Bashing a slime generator mining thing? Switch from weapons to pickaxe
- Butchering animals? switch to a Q10 woodsmans axe
- Bashing a snekkja in PVP, or something I'm blocked by? Switch out of the shield for a combat cooldown and 50% def weight
- Want to mine this high quality node? Switch from Q300 stone axe to Q150 pickaxe, ruin some ore
- 1 million other examples everybody has
I would personally prefer it if you used the fancy new animation tech you added for branding irons/lanterns and stuff to make using tools just an animation. Ideally, inheriting the 'best' attribute from each tool. for example:
- Q300 sword + Q100 butcher's cleave equipped or in belt == butchering softcap is 300, and butchering speed is equal to the cleaver
- Q300 sword equipped, Q150 pickaxe in belt, Q250 stone axe in belt == mining strength of the pickaxe, mining softcap of the stone axe
- Q200 glass blowing rod in belt, nothing in hands == can blow glass as if you're holding the glass blowing rod
- B12 equipped but sledgehammer in belt == destroy does 4 extra damage per tick instead of 1
- Q300 stone axe and Q10 pickaxe in belt == pickaxe mining speed, stone axe mining strength
As well as fixing the undesirable auto-switching , I think this would remove a lot of tedium in other places. Nobody likes mining with a stone axe.