Want to suggest two simple QoL improvements. They are quite small, so I decided to post them on the same topic.
1. Make new pouch slots be able to carry buckets, so it would be possible to scythe and collect seeds into a bucket, maybe also carry salt during cooking, collect dust when mining etc. It will probably make glass jugs less relevant, and increase the amount of water you can carry, which is not what I want. Maybe instead of buckets there should be some other container for seeds specifically, so it doesn't break balance or something. Maybe let a glass jug carry seeds? Main idea is to use scythe and have a container for seeds simultaneously.
2.Currently, when you are in the water and want to collect seaspounge and Diver's weight is on your belt, your character swaps what he holds to Diver's weight and you can't switch it back because you are in water. This is counter intuitive, because you can't switch things when swimming, but somehow you do it specifically when diving for seaspounge. What I propose is to let people dive for seaspounges if Diver's weight is on your belt and/or in inventory, and stop changing what you are carrying. This would make collecting seaspounges much easier, so you don't have to always remember to swap back to what you were carrying each time you want to collect this thing.
In my opinion, these two improvements would improve the game process and make everyone's life easier, without breaking the balance. Hope this makes sense.