Storage Labeling / Name Tags

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Storage Labeling / Name Tags

Postby Girth » Thu Jan 23, 2025 7:43 pm

I am a bit newer to the game, so if I'm an idiot, please let me know if this already exists.

When I am sorting my items or need to depot a bunch of things after an outing. i find myself running out of short term memory (what goes where?). I think a cool in-game solution to my problem would be chisels or some kind of name tagging tool that lets me add a name to a given chest or cabinet, so that when I inspect it, I get a handy tool tip. This way I won't have to do the "open every box" dance anymore.

thank you again for making this game. it's really great.
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Re: Storage Labeling / Name Tags

Postby caz » Thu Jan 23, 2025 10:52 pm

yeah would be cool, the parchments are annoying and not very specific
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Re: Storage Labeling / Name Tags

Postby Delamore » Fri Jan 24, 2025 10:35 am

caz wrote:yeah would be cool, the parchments are annoying and not very specific

Parchment are so close to being really useful QoL but then introduces enough new problems to almost entirely counterbalance that.

  1. Gets in the way when trying to open the container so you often end up grabbing the parchment
  2. Only visible from specific angles, which is awful for smaller buildings of cupboards (clients often solve this by flattening cupboards and putting parchment ontop fully visible from most angles)
  3. Some item groups having icons not easy to distinguish at a glance, the one that comes to mind is meat types being a pain. Having options for icons other than items could help here

First one doesn't sound bad, but late game you can easily be opening containers 100s of times in a session it's just another bit of annoying friction that never goes away. Changing removing the parchment into an intentional action could solve this.

Second can be solved at least for cupboards by having parchment show both on front and the top of the cupboard, doesn't fix all containers but solves the worst and most common container

Third isn't that big of a problem but being able to choose some icons that aren't items would solve it. Or could be solved for meat alone could be solved by letting you use it on a corpse to get the same icon that's used for that animal on minimap.

All these problems are small individually but there's just so many small points of friction related to storage / containers / stockpiles and item management in general that it's death by a thousand cuts and probably the biggest reason I haven't felt like getting into Haven again just remembering how much of my time was spent managing storage
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Re: Storage Labeling / Name Tags

Postby Delamore » Fri Jan 24, 2025 10:38 am

Stockpiles are a whole other list of friction issues and also a big part of my death by a thousand cuts but the solutions aren't as obvious there so I left them out
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Re: Storage Labeling / Name Tags

Postby MachineLegend » Sat Jan 25, 2025 4:05 pm

So the current solution to this is actually utilizing market stands. You can make a surprisingly robust storage and logistics network using market stands, hands of giving/taking, and large amounts of storage buildings. For example, you could set up market stands for automatically placing mulberry leaves in all of your silkworm cupboards, moving eggs and chicken to your food prep area after tending to your chicken coops, or really whatever you want.
Here is a post that shows such a concept taken to its natural (but not really practical for most players) conclusion.
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Re: Storage Labeling / Name Tags

Postby Delamore » Sat Jan 25, 2025 4:58 pm

MachineLegend wrote:So the current solution to this is actually utilizing market stands. You can make a surprisingly robust storage and logistics network using market stands, hands of giving/taking, and large amounts of storage buildings. For example, you could set up market stands for automatically placing mulberry leaves in all of your silkworm cupboards, moving eggs and chicken to your food prep area after tending to your chicken coops, or really whatever you want.
Here is a post that shows such a concept taken to its natural (but not really practical for most players) conclusion.

What if I don't want bootleg factorio and just want marking what a container is used for to be better?
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Re: Storage Labeling / Name Tags

Postby vatas » Sat Jan 25, 2025 6:09 pm

Delamore wrote:[*]Gets in the way when trying to open the container so you often end up grabbing the parchment

Yeah, you shouldn't have to download a custom client to fix that.
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Re: Storage Labeling / Name Tags

Postby MachineLegend » Sat Jan 25, 2025 9:08 pm

Delamore wrote:What if I don't want bootleg factorio and just want marking what a container is used for to be better?

Great, you're allowed to want whatever you want. I was just making a response for OP since they said they were newer to the game and looking for some storage solutions.
It doesn't have to be bootleg factorio either. I don't use any special custom client, but I've set up simple market stands around my base for a few basic things like selling cheese trays near my cheese racks back to the cupboards or w/e, or the other stuff i mentioned.

Also I agree with Vatas and others mentioning that removing decals should be done differently.
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Re: Storage Labeling / Name Tags

Postby Girth » Sun Jan 26, 2025 1:52 am

MachineLegend wrote:Here is a post that shows such a concept taken to its natural (but not really practical for most players) conclusion.

this is an interesting solution and i will consider it.

seems like while parchment is also a semi-sorta solution, the inconsistency makes for problems too.

I basically just want a simplistic way to manage my storage, currently using short-path logistics to manage where i put things but uh, im spending brain power over here.
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Re: Storage Labeling / Name Tags

Postby SnuggleSnail » Sun Jan 26, 2025 3:44 am

Delamore wrote:
  1. Some item groups having icons not easy to distinguish at a glance, the one that comes to mind is meat types being a pain. Having options for icons other than items could help here

World of Warcraft just puts every icon resource file into a tab with a search function to let you choose the icon for your macros. I /assume/ that'd be pretty easy to implement, and cover pretty much every reasonable use case.

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